Does WebDriver Manager also working for Appium? - selenium

Is there any Appium manager like the webdriver manager for using? since the appium is implements the Webdriver it there?
Or maybe there is option to use it for Appium drivers too? (Android driver - IOS driver)
Thank you

you don't need to download a "driver" for appium. The drivers comes with the appium package for hybrid and native app testing.
so once you initialize the driver capabilities , appium will automatically install the reuired driver on the device and allows appium server to communicate with the device through xcuitest or uiautomator apis


Start appium inspector, when appium server started programmatically

I have started appium server programmatically (using appium service builder)
now I need appium inspector to inspect elements.
Is there any way to start inspector programmatically or I need to remove my code and use the appium desktop application for server session and inspect elements.
Thanks in advance
If the device is attached to the same host as that of appium server, use uiautomatorviewer under Android SDK to inspect the elements in Android.
For iOS, it is recommended to use Appium Desktop version itself.
Appium inspector is separated from appium server build. You will get separate installation file for appium inspector. You can start it independent of the appium server. Try with the latest version.

Selenium webdriver in web_view with Android Studio

I have produced myself java exit with selenium ide extension. Normally i have done a lot things appium with real device with java-eclipse. But now, I'am using a android project and i have a web_view on my app. I don't wanna start chrome app except of my app. My purpose, "driver" should be able to work. That's why, i need to trigger this web_view in android std.
(Note: I added selenium-java-3.141.59 libraries and Jar files libraries)
As give an example:
WebDriver driver = new AndroidDriver(new URL(""), capabilities);

Mobile browser automation

can we automate mobile browsers without using any emulators or real devices and directly using a web browser?
I know we can use appium to test mobile browsers but for that, we need to have either emulator or real device
I have a web test framework and I want to use the same for mobile browser testing
Yes, you can do it with web browser, using selenium, only you should do to set the dimension size of your mobile:
for example: driver.manage().window().setSize(new Dimension(800, 600));
Potentially yes. However, with a lot of limitations and extra efforts.
You may use the Chrome Dev Tools Mobile Emulation for that:
See this article for details
Selenium allows for remote automation and is supported by both chrome and firefox browsers. Steps for chrome automation in android are:
Enable usb debugging in phone and connect it to pc or laptop
Install python and selenium and android sdk in pc or laptop
adb start-server
adb shell su -c chmod 777 /data/local
Above commands will display a port number. Just note it down as it will be required further.
Then start automation. Below is small example:
from selenium import webdriver
options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
options.add_experimental_option('androidPackage', '')
driver = webdriver.Chrome('./chromedriver', options=options)
from selenium import webdriver
capabilities = {
'chromeOptions': {
'androidPackage': '',
driver = webdriver.Remote('http://localhost:9515', capabilities) # Specify your port number value
Both google chrome stable and beta apps available from play store are supported.
Same can be done with firefox and gecko driver. Just change Chrome in above code worh Firefox and chromedriver with geckodriver.
Hope it helped you.

Automate Opera Mini Tests via Appium/Selenium

I have researched how to test mobile web apps via Appium (to use the mobile sdk)
The achieve automation of opera browser tests, one can use selenium / appium with the opera chrome or presto drivers (imported libraries)
However there is no documentation with regards to running automation on opera mini applications.
Does anyone know if this is possible? Has anyone successfully used Apium to test Opera Mini?
Though it is not supported out of the box by Appium (CHROME, CHROMIUM, SAFARI are listed), you can use operachromiumdriver:
desired_caps['chromedriverExecutable'] = '/absolute/path/to/operadriver'
desired_caps['app'] = os.path.abspath('opera-browser.apk')
desired_caps['appPackage'] = 'com.opera.browser'
desired_caps['androidDeviceSocket'] = desired_caps['appPackage'] + '.devtools'
So I was able to use the opera driver to automate tests on the opera browser on android, however, it was unable to provide the functionality needed to automate testing on the opera mini browser on android.

Taking screenshot on mobile device using Selenium Webdriver + Java

If I connect my desktop as a hub and a mobile device (ios or android) as a node, will I be able to take a screenshot of a web page on my mobile from the desktop? Can I do it with Selenium Grid + Appium or is any other feature required.
Please advice
Yes, you can do it with Appium or Selenium Grid + Appium. The below code will capture the screenshot and save it as screenshot.jpg
WebDriver driver1 = new Augmenter().augment(driver);
File file = ((TakesScreenshot)driver1).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE);
FileUtils.copyFile(file, new File("Screenshot.jpg"));