Selenium webdriver in web_view with Android Studio - selenium

I have produced myself java exit with selenium ide extension. Normally i have done a lot things appium with real device with java-eclipse. But now, I'am using a android project and i have a web_view on my app. I don't wanna start chrome app except of my app. My purpose, "driver" should be able to work. That's why, i need to trigger this web_view in android std.
(Note: I added selenium-java-3.141.59 libraries and Jar files libraries)
As give an example:
WebDriver driver = new AndroidDriver(new URL(""), capabilities);


Unable to test against Safari using v1.18.0

I just updated to TestCafe v1.18.0 and I followed the upgrade guide. I am able to run tests against Chrome and Firefox, as the system correctly prompted me if I wanted to let TestCafe control these, but this is not happening for Safari, so I am unable to test against it. I don't see any way to manually add an entry in the Automation tab either.
Automation Tab entry for TestCafe Browser Tools
Edit: I managed to add it using the remote option for TestCafe and pasting the URL into Safari, but even after that, npx testcafe safari is unable to launch Safari. I'm using an M1 Mac and macOS Monterey 12.0.1
TestCafe 1.18.0 does have the Safari-related issue. It has already been fixed. Please update TestCafe to v1.18.1.

Does WebDriver Manager also working for Appium?

Is there any Appium manager like the webdriver manager for using? since the appium is implements the Webdriver it there?
Or maybe there is option to use it for Appium drivers too? (Android driver - IOS driver)
Thank you
you don't need to download a "driver" for appium. The drivers comes with the appium package for hybrid and native app testing.
so once you initialize the driver capabilities , appium will automatically install the reuired driver on the device and allows appium server to communicate with the device through xcuitest or uiautomator apis

How to view .net application in chrome or firefox browser

I wrote project using with devexpress forms , my question is there way to view my applicatin in browser like java applet or oracle forms.
I don't think it is possible to run an executable file built for windows could run in a browser independently. JAVA is platform independent that's why we are able to run JAVA apps in browser, even we cannot run android apps directly into browser, we have to have complete android emulator device to run android apps. In the same way, we cannot run executable files directly into browser, because they are generated with respect to underline hardware platform

Hybrid Application Testing for Appium

I worked on Appium using Hybrid Application in java, Mean while the versions are Appium 1.4.0 and Eclipse Mars, Selenium 2.47.0. Dependencies jar files are download from Selenium, Appium.
Here Apk file is used for Hybrid Testing.
Please help me for the Script level.
We had similar issues in viewing html elements in our hybrid app.
We used the following code snippet in our setup() method while setting up capabilities.
Set contextNames = driver.getContextHandles();
System.out.println(contextNames); //prints out something like NATIVE_APP \n WEBVIEW_1
driver.context((String) contextNames.toArray()[1]);

Taking screenshot on mobile device using Selenium Webdriver + Java

If I connect my desktop as a hub and a mobile device (ios or android) as a node, will I be able to take a screenshot of a web page on my mobile from the desktop? Can I do it with Selenium Grid + Appium or is any other feature required.
Please advice
Yes, you can do it with Appium or Selenium Grid + Appium. The below code will capture the screenshot and save it as screenshot.jpg
WebDriver driver1 = new Augmenter().augment(driver);
File file = ((TakesScreenshot)driver1).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE);
FileUtils.copyFile(file, new File("Screenshot.jpg"));