Difference between flux.parallel.runOn().flatMap( blockingcall //Mono.fromCallable) vs flux.flatMap(blockingcall.subscribeOn() //Mono.fromCallable) - spring-webflux

What is the difference between below implementation of spawning parallel computation of elements emitted by flux.
.flatMap(items -> Mono.fromCallable(() -> blocking database call).subscribeOn(Schedulers.boundedElastic()))
.map(dbResponse -> dbResponse.stream().map(singleObj-> createAdifferentObject(dbResponse)).collect(Collectors.toList())
.flatMap(items -> Mono.fromCallable(() -> blocking database call).subscribeOn(Schedulers.boundedElastic()))
.map(dbResponse -> dbResponse.stream().map(singleObj-> createAdifferentObject(dbResponse)).collect(Collectors.toList())
For the first piece of code i referred this block
return Flux.fromIterable(urls)
.flatMap(url ->
//wrap the blocking call in a Mono
Mono.fromCallable(() -> blockingWebClient.get(url))
//ensure that Mono is subscribed in an boundedElastic Worker
); //each individual URL fetch runs in its own thread!
from this blog https://spring.io/blog/2019/12/13/flight-of-the-flux-3-hopping-threads-and-schedulers
For the second piece of code, in general in our team or org, everyone uses it. This documentation says, Schedulers.(without new word) creates a shared instance from this link https://projectreactor.io/docs/core/release/api/reactor/core/scheduler/Schedulers.html, but in terms of flow, shouldn't that be outside the flatMap? If not how does it work?


Reactor framework confusion with Assembly time and subscription time (when to call subscribe)

I'm actually confused on assembly time and subscription time. I know mono's are lazy and does not get executed until its subscribed. Below is a method.
public Mono<UserbaseEntityResponse> getUserbaseDetailsForEntityId(String id) {
GroupRequest request = ImmutableGroupRequest
Mono<List<GroupResponse>> response = ussClient.getGroups(request);
List<UserbaseEntityResponse.GroupPrincipal> groups = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>();
response.flatMapIterable(elem -> elem)
groupResponse -> {
resource -> {
log.debug("Response Object - " + groups.toString());
ImmutableUserbaseEntityResponse res = ImmutableUserbaseEntityResponse
Flux<UserbaseEntityResponse.GroupPrincipal> f = Flux.fromIterable(res.getGroups())
.doOnNext(groupPrincipal -> getResourcesForGroup((ImmutableGroupPrincipal)groupPrincipal, res.getUserbaseId()))
return Mono.just(res);
This gets executed Mono<List<GroupResponse>> response = ussClient.getGroups(request); without calling subscribe, however below will not get executed unless I call subscribe on that.
Flux<UserbaseEntityResponse.GroupPrincipal> f = Flux.fromIterable(res.getGroups())
.doOnNext(groupPrincipal -> getResourcesForGroup((ImmutableGroupPrincipal)groupPrincipal, res.getUserbaseId()))
Can I get some more input on assembly time vs subscription?
"Nothing happens until you subscribe" isn't quite true in all cases. There's three scenarios in which a publisher (Mono or Flux) will be executed:
You subscribe;
You block;
The publisher is "hot".
Note that the above scenarios all apply to an entire reactive chain - i.e. if I subscribe to a publisher, everything upstream (dependent on that publisher) also executes. That's why frameworks can, and should call subscribe when they need to, causing the reactive chain defined in a controller to execute.
In your case it's actually the second of these - you're blocking, which is essentially a "subscribe and wait for the result(s)". Usually the methods that block are clearly labelled, but again that's not always the case - in your case it's the toIterable() method on Flux doing the blocking:
Transform this Flux into a lazy Iterable blocking on Iterator.next() calls.
But ah, you say, I'm not calling Iterator.next() - what gives?!
Well, implicitly you are by calling forEachRemaining():
The default implementation behaves as if:
while (hasNext())
...and as per the above rule, since ussClient.getGroups(request) is upstream of this blocking call, it gets executed.

Always finish Mono.usingWhen on cancel signal

we write a reactive WebFlux application that basically gets a resource, does amount of work in closure and at the end unlocks the resource with either initial version or updated one from closure.
Mono<ProductLock> lock = service.lock()
(ProductLock state) -> service.doLongOperationAsync(state),
(ProductLock state) -> service.unlock(state))
ProductLock is a definition of locked product meaning that we can do operations via HTTP API including multiple microservices.
service.doLongOperationAsync() - calls a few HTTP APIs which ARE EXPECTED to ALWAYS be finished once started (failure - is normal, but if operation started - it needs to be finished, because HTTP call cannot be rolled back)
service.unlock() - operation MUST be called only after successful or failed execution of doLongOperationAsync.
In happy scenarios everything works as expected: on success product unlocked, on failure also unlocked.
The problems come when client, who calls our service (SOAP UI, POSTMAN, any real client), drops connection or times out - the cancel signal is generated and getting up till the above code.
At this point, anything within service.doLongOperationAsync is stopped and service.unlock is called on cancel asynchronously.
Question: how can we prevent this from happening.
The requirements are:
once doLongOperationAsync started - it must finish
service.unlock(state) - must be called ONLY after doLongOperationAsync, even on cancel.
Spring Boot repro
public RouterFunction<ServerResponse> route() {
return RouterFunctions.route().GET("/work", request -> processRequest()
.flatMap(res -> ServerResponse.ok().bodyValue(res))).build();
private Mono<String> processRequest() {
//Need unlock to execute exactly after doWorkAsync in any case
return Mono.usingWhen(lock(), this::doWorkAsync, this::unlock)
.doOnNext((id) -> System.out.println("Request processed:" + id))
.doOnCancel(() -> System.out.println("Request cancelled"));
private Mono<UUID> lock() {
return Mono.defer(() -> Mono.just(UUID.randomUUID())
.doOnNext(id -> System.out.println("Locked:" + id)));
//Need this to finish no matter what
private Mono<String> doWorkAsync(UUID lockID) {
return Mono.just(lockID).map(UUID::toString)
.doOnNext(id -> System.out.println("Start working on:" + lockID))
.doOnNext(id -> System.out.println("Finished work on:" + id))
// Should never be called
.doOnCancel(() -> System.out.println("Processing cancelled:" + lockID));
private Mono<Void> unlock(UUID lockID) {
return Mono.fromRunnable(() -> System.out.println("Unlocking:" + lockID));
Apparently what does work for the usecase is using Mono/Flux create with sink. This way it's initiated when subscribed, but still not cancelled even when Cancellation requested:
Mono.create(sink -> {
doWorkAsync().subscribe(sink::next, sink::error, null, sink.currentContext())
In case of using, whole usingWhen should be placed inside create

Flux collectList() on list of WebClient exchanges always empty

I'm trying to execute a list requests using WebClient, then filter them finding the first one that succeed (if any) and return that. Or fall back to a default response if non succeeded.
The problem I'm facing is that when I call .collectList() on a Flux<ServerResponse>, the list is always empty. I would have expected the list to contain N number of ServerResponse based on the number of requests I issued earlier.
public Mono<ServerResponse> retry(ServerRequest request) {
return Flux.fromIterable(request.headers().header(SEQUENCE_HEADER_NAME))
// Build a "list" of responses
.flatMap(uri -> webClientBuilder.baseUrl(uri.toString()).build()
.headers(headers -> request.headers().asHttpHeaders().forEach((key, values) -> {
if (!SEQUENCE_HEADER_NAME.equals(key)) {
headers.addAll(key, values);
.flatMap(clientResponse -> ServerResponse.status(clientResponse.statusCode())
.headers(headers -> headers.addAll(clientResponse.headers().asHttpHeaders()))
// "Wait" for all of them to complete so we can filter
.flatMap(clientResponses -> {
List<ServerResponse> filteredResponses = clientResponses.stream()
.filter(response -> response.statusCode().is2xxSuccessful())
if (filteredResponses.isEmpty()) {
log.error("No request succeeded; defaulting to {}", HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST.toString());
return ServerResponse.badRequest().build();
if (filteredResponses.size() > 1) {
log.error("Multiple requests succeeded; defaulting to {}", HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST.toString());
return ServerResponse.badRequest().build();
return Mono.just(filteredResponses.get(0));
Any ideas why .collectList() always returns an empty list?
Well, it seems to me you have a confused requirement in that you want the First Mono that responds but you are trying to put that functionality into a Flux which is meant to process all items in the flow efficiently. Mono in Webflux is meant to create a flow that will perform a series of transformations on the item in the flow efficiently. Nothing in your requirement of testing a bunch of URIs for the first one that succeeds is what WebFlux is good for so I have to question why try to force that into the framework.
You might argue that a Flux is giving you better asynchronous processing but I don't think that's the case when it is a bunch of WebClient calls. WebClient is still HTTP under the hood and so each item in the flow stops and starts around WebClient. If you want to do HTTP asynchronously you should use a ThreadPool and Callable.

Wait for Multiple Spring WebClient Mono Responses

I am trying to call external service in a micro-service application to get all responses in parallel and combine them before starting the other computation. I know i can use block() call on each Mono object but that will defeat the purpose of using reactive api. is it possible to fire up all requests in parallel and combine them at one point.
Sample code is as below. In this case "Done" prints before actual response comes up. I also know that subscribe call is non blocking.
I want "Done" to be printed after all responses has been collected, so need some kind of blocking. however do not want to block each and every request
final List<Mono<String>> responseOne = new ArrayList<>();
IntStream.range(0, 10).forEach(i -> {
Mono<String> responseMono =
System.out.println("create mono response lazy initialization");
Flux.merge(responseOne).collectList().subscribe( res -> {
Based on the suggestion, I came up with this which seems to work for me.
StopWatch watch = new StopWatch();
final List<Mono<String>> responseOne = new ArrayList<>();
IntStream.range(0, 10).forEach(i -> {
Mono<String> responseMono =
System.out.println("create mono response lazy initialization");
CompletableFuture<List<String>> futureCount = new CompletableFuture<>();
List<String> res = new ArrayList<>();
Mono.zip(responseOne, Arrays::asList)
.flatMapIterable(objects -> objects) // make flux of objects
.doOnComplete(() -> {
}) // will be printed on completion of the flux created above
.subscribe(responseString -> {
res.add((String) responseString);
List<String> response = futureCount.get();
// do rest of the computation
If you want your calls to be parallel it is a good idea to use Mono.zip
Now, you want Done to be printed after the collection of all the responses
So, you can modify your code as below
final List<Mono<String>> responseMonos = IntStream.range(0, 10).mapToObj(
index -> WebClient.create("https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts").post().retrieve()
.bodyToMono(String.class)).collect(Collectors.toList()); // create iterable of mono of network calls
Mono.zip(responseMonos, Arrays::asList) // make parallel network calls and collect it to a list
.flatMapIterable(objects -> objects) // make flux of objects
.doOnComplete(() -> System.out.println("Done")) // will be printed on completion of the flux created above
.subscribe(responseString -> System.out.println("responseString = " + responseString)); // subscribe and start emitting values from flux
It's also not a good idea to call subscribe or block explicitly in your reactive code.
is it possible to fire up all requests in parallel and combine them at one point.
That's exactly what your code is doing already. If you don't believe me, stick .delayElement(Duration.ofSeconds(2)) after your bodyToMono() call. You'll see that your list prints out after just over 2 seconds, rather than 20 (which is what it would be if executing sequentially 10 times.)
The combining part is happening in your Flux.merge().collectList() call.
In this case "Done" prints before actual response comes up.
That's to be expected, as your last System.out.println() call is executing outside of the reactive callback chain. If you want "Done" to print after your list is printed (which you've confusingly given the variable name s in the consumer passed to your subscribe() call) then you'll need to put it inside that consumer, not outside it.
If you're interfacing with an imperative API, and you therefore need to block on the list, you can just do:
List<String> list = Flux.merge(responseOne).collectList().block();
...which will still execute the calls in parallel (so still gain you some advantage), but then block until all of them are complete and combined into a list. (If you're just using reactor for this type of usage however, it's debatable if it's worthwhile.)

Cache the result of a Mono from a WebClient call in a Spring WebFlux web application

I am looking to cache a Mono (only if it is successful) which is the result of a WebClient call.
From reading the project reactor addons docs I don't feel that CacheMono is a good fit as it caches the errors as well which I do not want.
So instead of using CacheMono I am doing the below:
Cache<MyRequestObject, Mono<MyResponseObject>> myCaffeineCache =
MyRequestObject myRequestObject = ...;
Mono<MyResponseObject> myResponseObject = myCaffeineCache.get(myRequestObject,
requestAsKey -> WebClient.create()
.doOnError(t -> myCaffeineCache.invalidate(requestAsKey)));
Here I am calling cache on the Mono and then adding it to the caffeine cache.
Any errors will enter doOnError to invalidate the cache.
Is this a valid approach to caching a Mono WebClient response?
This is one of the very few use cases where you'd be actually allowed to call non-reactive libraries and wrap them with reactive types, and have processing done in side-effects operators like doOnXYZ, because:
Caffeine is an in-memory cache, so as far as I know there's no I/O involved
Caches often don't offer strong guarantees about caching values (it's very much "fire and forget)
You can then in this case query the cache to see if a cached version is there (wrap it and return right away), and cache a successful real response in a doOn operator, like this:
public class MyService {
private WebClient client;
private Cache<MyRequestObject, MyResponseObject> myCaffeineCache;
public MyService() {
this.client = WebClient.create();
this.myCaffeineCache = Caffeine.newBuilder().maximumSize(100)
public Mono<MyResponseObject> fetchResponse(MyRequestObject request) {
MyResponseObject cachedVersion = this.myCaffeineCache.get(myRequestObject);
if (cachedVersion != null) {
return Mono.just(cachedVersion);
} else {
return this.client.post()
.doOnNext(response -> this.myCaffeineCache.put(request.getKey(), response));
Note that I wouldn't cache reactive types here, since there's no I/O involved nor backpressure once the value is returned by the cache. On the contrary, it's making things more difficult with subscription and other reactive streams constraints.
Also you're right about the cache operator since it isn't about caching the value per se, but more about replaying what happened to other subscribers. I believe that cache and replay operators are actually synonyms for Flux.
Actually, you don't have to save errors with CacheMono.
private Cache<MyRequestObject, MyResponseObject> myCaffeineCache;
Mono<MyResponseObject> myResponseObject =
CacheMono.lookup(key -> Mono.justOrEmpty(myCaffeineCache.getIfPresent(key))
.map(Signal::next), myRequestObject)
.onCacheMissResume(() -> /* Your web client or other Mono here */)
.andWriteWith((key, signal) -> Mono.fromRunnable(() ->
.ifPresent(value -> myCaffeineCache.put(key, value))));
When you switch to external cache, this may be usefull. Don't forget using reactive clients for external caches.