How to execute the BDD file without using a JUnit runner class file? [closed] - testing

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Closed 1 year ago.
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It is possible to run BDD feature file without using runner class? If yes, How?

I don’t think it is possible to use without runner class, unless you modify the way cucumber is called.
I created NoCodeBDD precisely for this reason. You don’t need any project set up or coding to automate BDDs. You can download a free version from I would like to get some feedback from you and from the stackoverflow community


Can we automate APIs usiing testCafe? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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Caw we automate APIs using testCafe? I have a requirement to automate both Web & APIs together, I mean after doing some actions on the UI, I need to test relevant APIs.
I'm not sure if I understand well your needs but if you want to check the result of an api request I guess you'll need the RequestLogger : a hook you can add to your test on some specific api's urls and then in your test you will be able to check what the request contains.
Documentation here:

How to start writing test framework for the web application using the selenium web driver and testNG? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Please provide some guidelines to start wiring the framework and provide suggestion about the architecture of the framework.
I am building my own framework so need help on the folder structure and the class structure guidelines
Use Page object Model if you are building an automation framework. It's make your script maintainable and flexible
Refer it:-
Hope it will help you :)

Should I include the source for a testing framework in my application's repository? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Is it normal to include the source for a testing framework in the tested application's repository.
For example, a C++ application tested with googletest. Does googletest code go in my repo? If so how do I handle building. Do I have my makefile call googletest's makefile?
Alternatively, should I ask the end user to provide an environment variable pointing to googletest if they want to run the tests?
Typically all your tests will be in a separate repository, I know for us we have all of our integration tests in a different repository but keep unit tests local.
Do you really want your clients to see all your test cases? Do the tests really need to be run on client machines? These are questions you have to ask yourself. Then you will have your answer

how to post the code to some host [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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how to post my web application and also the source code to a host..i want every one can see my project..i'm just know how to post an to do that?
You can share your project using click here where you can put all your code so that other peoples can also see your project.There is another option also that is GitHub you can also use that but it is having limited space.One thing which very important that is before committing your source code prepare proper documentation for your project because if documentations are not proper then it is of no use for other even if you written best quality code.

Any way to export recorded testsuite (Not testcase) from HTML to C# in Selenium [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Currently Selenium IDE not supporting for Export Test suite as C# from HTML. Its time consuming by converting the test cases one by one manually. any body has any idea to handle this?
At the moment there isn't a mechanism to export test suites from IDE. No one has written one. I think that you will have to do each test and then create a Suite