How to start writing test framework for the web application using the selenium web driver and testNG? [closed] - selenium

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Please provide some guidelines to start wiring the framework and provide suggestion about the architecture of the framework.
I am building my own framework so need help on the folder structure and the class structure guidelines

Use Page object Model if you are building an automation framework. It's make your script maintainable and flexible
Refer it:-
Hope it will help you :)


How to execute the BDD file without using a JUnit runner class file? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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It is possible to run BDD feature file without using runner class? If yes, How?
I don’t think it is possible to use without runner class, unless you modify the way cucumber is called.
I created NoCodeBDD precisely for this reason. You don’t need any project set up or coding to automate BDDs. You can download a free version from I would like to get some feedback from you and from the stackoverflow community

BDD and API testing [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Hi I know that BDD with selenium can be used to test user interfaces.
I also know that APIs could be tested using Gherkin.
My question is, should APIs be tested using Gherkin? Is it the right tool for the job?
BDD aims to create a shared understanding of how an application should behave by discovering new features based on concrete examples. Key examples are then formalized with natural language following a Given/When/Then structure
For that you use Gherkin. On which layer you then automate is another decision.
This can be the UI layer, or some API service layer below.
So yes, Gherkin is the right tool for the job.

How can we integrate saucelabs with using QAF automation framework? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am using QAF automation framework for my automation project. I want to execute my test cases on saucelabs. can anyone help me out here?
You need use remote driver and to set following properties to point your execution on sauce labs.
Provide appropriate driver capabilities. Refer [setting driver capabilities] documentation1.
Note: Make sure you are providing remote driver in driver name. for example

what should i learn to start creating a module in OpenERP? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to create a Module in OpenERP but I don't know what should I know ?
I'm a .net developer with 2 years experience.
my question is :
besides Python what should I learn ?
and how can I start being productive ASAP ?
thank you for your response :)
You just need to know basic python, To learn Python you can use byte of python book
Training is best option I suppose but if you want yo learn by your self then you can
download OpenERP technical Memento. which will help you get kick start.

Using Yowsup or WhatsAPI to send messages to Whatsapp groups [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm trying to send a message to a group from my application/ server. I want to use Yowsup or WhatsAPI. Which is better? How should I go about it?
This is what I've found for Yowsup: and
This is what I've found for WhatsAPI:
Also, I'm building a web application, not a native one. Is this a problem?
It will depend on the language of programming you are Good at What API uses PHP. use the update library here
The best way to start is by downloading the examples and reading the wiki before getting started the examples are fully functional.
Yowsup is python based library and I have not had a look at it :( on any-day I would go for What API, and YES you can integrate it with your php web scripts.
Hope this helped