at the moment we have a few odoo databases for one instance of odoo running with one of them as a test database. Since it can be problematic to upload a newer version of a module to test on the test database while it's already installed on another database it seems that we have to use at least another instance of odoo for our test databases. Is there maybe another solution? We are working with odoo community 14. What's your approach for testing?
1st solution : how about installing another instance of odoo community ?
2nd solution : you could install Enterprise, so that you get multiple Git-"Branches" running with several database copies.
3rd solution : You could install several virtual environnment on your local computer (see : Odoo Cookboook).
step 1 : install python 3.8 + and virtualenv , postgresql and pgAdmin
step 2 : download odoo source file :
step 3 : create 2 virtualenv using this command to use it for odoo
virtualenv -p python3.8 Odoo13-virtualenv
virtualenv -p python3.8 Odoo13bis-virtualenv
which create a python3.8 virtualenv for your odoo installation.
Let's install all odoo requirements in your virtualenv. Open the virtualenv folder from your terminal and activate you virtualenv :
source bin/activate
step 4 : create a src folder for odoo :
mkdir src
then unzip the odoo file you downloaded from odoo website , in the src folder , then install all the requirements for odoo from the requirements.txt file :
cd src
git clone -b 14.0 --depth=1
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Run the file to install your odoo virtualenv:
cd src/odoo
python install
sudo pip3 install --user -U psycopg2==2.8
step 5 :install pgAdmin, connect it, and create a new database : db14
step 6 : Start your odoo virtualenv:
odoo --addons-path=addons --database=db14 --db_host= -u base
I'm trying to install odoo 11 in fedora 32 but I get these errors:
Problema: conflicting requests
nothing provides pychart needed by odoo-11.0.post20191021-1.noarch
nothing provides pyparsing needed by odoo-11.0.post20191021-1.noarch
nothing provides libxslt-python needed by odoo-11.0.post20191021-1.noarch
The steps I've followed are:
Install postgresql & intiate the service
$ sudo yum localinstall
It seems there are python dependencies that can't be installed but I don't know how can I install them.
Do you have any idea how can I fix this problem? Many thanks!
If the installation packages is not working for you, you can always run Odoo server from the source.
Create a virtual environment for your Odoo app, let's call it venv11.
Get Odoo source code:
git clone --depth 1 -b 11.0
Activate virtual environment. Install Python3 packages using pip.
pip install -r odoo/requirements.txt
Make sure you have installed the dev libraries needed for some of the pip packages that needs to be compiled, you will face xxxx.h not found error, you have search for that library and install using your distro package manager.
After your pip package installation is complete you can generate config file for your Odoo server using following command
python odoo/odoo-bin -c odoo.conf --save --stop-after-init
Edit the config file to add some important configuration, for example, db_user, db_password, http_port.
Now that you have added DB connection details, your Odoo application can now connect with your Postgresql Database and you can start using Odoo application by creating new database. If you don't have Postgresql information, you can just switch to postgres user and create new user with super user access.
sudo su - postgres
create user `username` with superuser;
alter user `username` with encrypted password 'password';
and add those information to the config file. Now you can run Odoo server using
python odoo/odoo-bin -c odoo.conf
Head back to browser, browse 8069 is the default port but you can change it from the config file. The database creation web interface will appear and you can start using Odoo application.
** Note: run python commands in virtual environment activated as that will isolate pip packages.
In My Company I have been asked to configure and make the Robot framework scripts to Run remote windows server which has only intranet but no internet.
I need Information regarding setting the configuration and installing all required libraries and tools, SSH and DB configurations to run my robot framework test cases .
It would be very helpful If i can get some information regarding this as i could not find any helpful reference regarding the same.
Disclaimer - haven't actually done it, so it might fail (or - might work :)
On a machine having internet access, install the same version of python and pip you are going to use on the target machine.
Create a virtual environment, & activate it:
c:\python3\python.exe -m venv robot-venv
Install all packages you are going to need - I don't know what you're using, but robotframework and robotframework-seleniumlibrary are safe bets:
pip install robotframework
pip install robotframework-seleniumlibrary
# etc, the rest you'll be using
Create a requirements file of what you have installed - this is the crucial step, generating the list of all libraries you'll be using:
pip freeze > requirements.txt
The file will have the packages you've just installed, with their versions; for example:
# and the others you installed
So now you need to download these, for transferring to the "offline" machine; the command is:
pip download -r requirements.txt
And now you have the packages as tar.gz files; take them, plus the requirements.txt, and transfer to the target machine (the one with only intranet access).
Create & activate a virtual environment there (the same commands as before). Once done, install the packages from the local copies:
pip install --no-index --find-links C:/the_dir_with_the_files/ -r requirements.txt
It is crucial the python and pip on the two machines to be the same version.
The simplest way is to DOWNLOAD SOURCE files from the internet first, then copy these files into your intranet network. I'm also running ROBOT Framework in my intranet network in my VM.
Follow these links:
By the way, you need to install python first & set the python path in your environment variables. The stable python version for ROBOT Framework is Python 2.7, as for ROBOT Framework just use the latest version.
1) First Ensure you have same version of Python installed on both PC's with env variables.
2) Check that you have a newer version of pip installed if you are using Python 2. Python 3 seams to have everything already. Personally I use:
python -m pip install --upgrade pip-19.1.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl
3) Open a cmd prompt
NB If your company is anything like mine you will need to set your proxy each time you open a command prompt as per step 4 and 5. NOTE CMD prompt does not use the proxy already set in your browser.
4) set http_proxy= -- t number is your username and whatever your current windows password it.
5) set https_proxy=https:// UserName:Password
6) cd C:\Python27\compiledLibraries ----This can be any folder you want…..
7) run lib_download.bat to download and update all the libraries and any internal dependancies they have from
8) Copy the whole downloadedLibrariesWithDependencies folder with new/updated libraries to Offline PC.
9) Open a cmd prompt on the Offline pc.
10) cd C:\Python27\compiledLibraries ----This can be any folder you want…..
11) run lib_install.bat file
Then all the libraries you keep adding to lib_ files get updated.
Contents of the .bat files should be something like:
REM This File contains list of all Libraries that are required for Exec Robot Tests
REM Please Update your library with pip install command
mkdir downloadedLibrariesWithDependencies
cd downloadedLibrariesWithDependencies
mkdir robotframework
pip download robotframework -d "robotframework"
mkdir python-dateutil
pip download python-dateutil -d "python-dateutil"
mkdir wheel
pip download wheel -d "wheel"
mkdir pylint
pip download pylint -d "pylint"
mkdir pytest
pip download pylint -d "pytest"
mkdir pywin32
pip download pywin32 -d "pywin32"
mkdir autopep8
pip download autopep8 -d "autopep8"
REM This File contains list of all Libraries that are required for Exec Robot Tests
REM Please Update your library with pip install command
cd downloadedLibrariesWithDependencies
cd ..\robotframework
pip install --upgrade robotframework -f ./ --no-index
cd ..\python-dateutil
pip install --upgrade python-dateutil -f ./ --no-index
cd ..\wheel
pip install --upgrade wheel -f ./ --no-index
cd ..\pylint
pip install --upgrade pylint -f ./ --no-index
cd ..\pytest
pip install --upgrade pytest -f ./ --no-index
cd ..\pywin32
pip install --upgrade pywin32 -f ./ --no-index
cd ..\autopep8
pip install --upgrade autopep8 -f ./ --no-index
I'm on Ubuntu 16.04 trying to use sqlcmd launched programmatically from a script to do a SQL query in the VM's cloud.
vm-dev:~$ sudo sqlcmd -S -d my-db
I keep getting this error:
Sqlcmd: Error: Microsoft ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server : Can't open
lib '/opt/microsoft/msodbcsql17/lib64/' : file
not found.
But the file is clearly there:
vm-dev:~$ ls /opt/microsoft/msodbcsql17/lib64/
Just for those who are experiencing the same issue on Ubuntu 18.04 and came here but didn't have the issue solved by the accepted answer, since it's targeted to Ubuntu 16.04, sharing another possible solution, tested with an Ubuntu 18.04 docker container for a Python 3.6 application which relies on Microsoft's odbc driver.
Step 1: Check Library Dependencies
Check if all library dependencies are satisfied using the command ldd. On my environment, the missing libraries were libssl1.0.0 and libgssapi-krb5-2. Below, an example of the command and its output with a missing dependency, grep the output for not found if you will.
$ ldd /opt/microsoft/msodbcsql17/lib64/ => /path/to/lib/foo/ => /path/to/lib/bar/ => not found
Step 2: Check Who Provides the Missing Dependency
Check which package provides the missing dependency using dpkg search.
$ dpkg -S
libbaz:amd64: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/,
Step 3: Install Missing Dependency
$ sudo apt install libbaz
I have same problem, this solution worked for me:
you have to downgrade the msodbcsql version,
apt-get remove msodbcsql
apt-cache madison msodbcsql
apt-get install msodbcsql=
apt-cache madison mssql-tools
ACCEPT_EULA=Y apt-get install mssql-tools=
apt-mark hold mssql-tools
apt-mark hold msodbcsql
I got this solution from this link:
I leave this scripts that worked for me.
My problem was pretty similar yours and I tested all the options such as changing the driver location, making a symbolic link, modify /etc/*.ini files, etc... nothing worked.
My problem, running python 3.6, pyodbc package in a docker container from alpine was the library libssl1.0.0
Here you will find my installation script for pyodbc Debian 8 (alpine) docker image using the driver v13
DRIVER={ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server}
The command I run for database connection was:
import pyodbc
connection_string = 'DRIVER={ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server};'
connection_string += 'SERVER={0};DATABASE={1};UID={2};PWD={3};'.format(host,dbname,user,pwd)
connection = pyodbc.connect(connection_string)
I received the following error when trying to install GraphLab Create on Windows.
There was a problem creating the "gl-env" conda environment. Restart GraphLab Create Launcher.
Any advice on how to fix this?
In order to solve the problem I had to slightly modify the
procedure with the following changes:
Step 1: Download Anaconda2 v4.0.0
Step 2: Install Anaconda
Run Anaconda2 v4.0.0 installer.
Double-click the .exe file to install Anaconda and follow the instructions on the screen.
Step 3: Create conda environment
Create a new conda environment with Python 2.7.x
CD anaconda2/scripts/
conda install -n root _license
conda update pip
conda create -n gl-env python=2.7 anaconda=4.0.0
Activate the conda environment
activate gl-env
Step 4: Ensure pip version >= 7
Ensure pip is updated to the latest version
miniconda users may need to install pip first, using conda install pip
CD anaconda2/envs/gl-env/
conda install pip or conda update pip
Install your licensed copy of GraphLab Create
pip install --upgrade --no-cache-dir your registered email address here/your product key here/GraphLab-Create-License.tar.gz
Step 6: Ensure installation of IPython and IPython Notebook
Install or update IPython and IPython Notebook
conda install ipython-notebook
Step 7: Start IPhyton Notebook
Start IPhyton from gl-env
ipython notebook
Use following command:
conda create -n gl-env python=2.7 anaconda
instead of:
conda create -n gl-env python=2.7 anaconda=4.0.0
Note: gl-env can be replaced by any name eg. gbl-env. It does not need to be gl-env only.
Later you can follow the steps from or the following reference:
It seems that the work around for this issue right now is to use the command line instructions to install GraphLab Create. Note that these instructions are only for people who have previously tried to install using the GraphLab Create Launcher. If you have not installed any GraphLab products, then you can start at Step 1 of the command line instructions:
Go to Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features.
In this panel, uninstall all instances of "GraphLab Create Launcher".
Reinstall GraphLab Create using the command line method starting at "Option 1: Step 2: Ensure pip version >= 7":
GraphLab Installation Steps on Windows:
Go to → Hover over Coursera Students → Click on Academic Licenses → Register → Check your email
Download Anaconda2 v4.0.0
Install it
Open Anaconda Navigator
Create a GraphLab environment using create button at the bottom of the interface, select python version 2.7, name it "gl-env"
Environments tab → Create → Python version = 2.7 → gl-env
Sample Image
N.B: It may take some time
Then select gl-env and clik play button, some options will pop up, select terminal
gl-env → Play button → Terminal
Execute the following command
python -m pip install pip==9.0.1
8.Execute the following command replacingYour email and license that has been sent to your email:
pip install --upgrade --no-cache-dir email/license/GraphLab-Create-License.tar.gz
Execute the following command
conda install ipython-notebook
Click on Open with python notebook on your gl-env play button from anaconda navigator
Now execute the following command on Jupyter notebook
Then execute
import graphlab
Hopefully you are all set
I need to install new modules in Odoo 8
so I fetched the openerp-server.conf which is located in odoo/debian/openerp-server.conf.
Here's its content:
; This is the password that allows database operations:
; admin_passwd = admin
db_host = False
db_port = False
db_user = odoo
db_password = False
addons_path = /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/openerp/addons
I went to addons_path through my terminal, and found out that there is no such file or directory /openerp/addons inside dist-packages.
Is my insallation of Odoo is corrupted?.. Should I reinstall it?
If so, how do I clean uninstall Odoo 8 from my Ubuntu 15.04
Nightly repositories
To benefit from the best experience of our nightlies, you should use our repositories. They are available for Debian (and similar distributions like Ubuntu) and RedHat distributions (esp. Centos and Fedora). Using an Odoo nightly repository, you will be able to install and upgrade Odoo with the help of your traditional package manager (apt or yum).
If you plan to run the PostgreSQL cluster on the same host than the Odoo one, install PostgreSQL before. This way, Odoo will be able to create and configure its user.
If you want to use a nightly repository for the 7.0 version, the name of the package is openerp.
Setup of the Debian nightly repository details
wget -O - | apt-key add -
echo "deb ./" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
apt-get update && apt-get install odoo
Setup of the RedHat nightly repository details
yum-config-manager --add-repo=
yum update && yum install odoo
if Do that why to install odoo then default path of the odoo is
addons_path = /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/openerp/addons
and you clone into the github so run your like that
openerp: addons paths: [u'/home/xyz/odoo/master-test/openerp/addons', u'/home/xyz/odoo/master-test/addons']
so no need to uninstall odoo and keep run the ODOO.
Thank you may be this is help full you.
Your addons path in ubuntu is /opt/odoo/addons u have to change it in configuration file.Here is a link on how to install odoo in ubuntu