Problema: conflicting requests when installing odoo in Fedora 32 - odoo

I'm trying to install odoo 11 in fedora 32 but I get these errors:
Problema: conflicting requests
nothing provides pychart needed by odoo-11.0.post20191021-1.noarch
nothing provides pyparsing needed by odoo-11.0.post20191021-1.noarch
nothing provides libxslt-python needed by odoo-11.0.post20191021-1.noarch
The steps I've followed are:
Install postgresql & intiate the service
$ sudo yum localinstall
It seems there are python dependencies that can't be installed but I don't know how can I install them.
Do you have any idea how can I fix this problem? Many thanks!

If the installation packages is not working for you, you can always run Odoo server from the source.
Create a virtual environment for your Odoo app, let's call it venv11.
Get Odoo source code:
git clone --depth 1 -b 11.0
Activate virtual environment. Install Python3 packages using pip.
pip install -r odoo/requirements.txt
Make sure you have installed the dev libraries needed for some of the pip packages that needs to be compiled, you will face xxxx.h not found error, you have search for that library and install using your distro package manager.
After your pip package installation is complete you can generate config file for your Odoo server using following command
python odoo/odoo-bin -c odoo.conf --save --stop-after-init
Edit the config file to add some important configuration, for example, db_user, db_password, http_port.
Now that you have added DB connection details, your Odoo application can now connect with your Postgresql Database and you can start using Odoo application by creating new database. If you don't have Postgresql information, you can just switch to postgres user and create new user with super user access.
sudo su - postgres
create user `username` with superuser;
alter user `username` with encrypted password 'password';
and add those information to the config file. Now you can run Odoo server using
python odoo/odoo-bin -c odoo.conf
Head back to browser, browse 8069 is the default port but you can change it from the config file. The database creation web interface will appear and you can start using Odoo application.
** Note: run python commands in virtual environment activated as that will isolate pip packages.


Centos 8, yum update command not working. given following error. can't find php-common-7.2

I've tried to remove php-common-7.2 but couldn't find where it located.
Problem: package php-pecl-igbinary-3.2.2-1.el8.remi.7.2.x86_64 requires php(api) = 20170718-64, but none of the providers can be installed
- package php-pecl-igbinary-3.2.2-1.el8.remi.7.2.x86_64 requires php(zend-abi) = 20170718-64, but none of the providers can be installed
- cannot install both php-common-7.2.34-3.el8.remi.x86_64 and php-common-7.4.16-1.el8.remi.x86_64
- cannot install both php-common-7.2.34-4.el8.remi.x86_64 and php-common-7.4.16-1.el8.remi.x86_64
- cannot install the best update candidate for package php-pecl-igbinary-3.2.1-1.el8.remi.7.4.x86_64
- problem with installed package php-common-7.4.16-1.el8.remi.x86_64
- package php-common-7.2.24-1.module_el8.2.0+313+b04d0a66.x86_64 is filtered out by modular filtering
(try to add '--allowerasing' to command line to replace conflicting packages or '--skip-broken' to skip uninstallable packages or '--nobest' to use not only best candidate packages)
My server configuration is
NAME="CentOS Linux"
ID_LIKE="rhel fedora"
PRETTY_NAME="CentOS Linux 8"
Apache Web Server
using Webmin & virtaulmin`
You are trying to install igbinary extension for PHP 7.2 with PHP 7.4. This cannot work.
For a proper configuration, please follow the Wizard instructions
And not enough information for more help:
rpm -qa php\*
dnf repolist
dnf module list PHP

Yum install graphviz on RHEL 7 fails with 'No package graphviz available.'

I am trying to install graphviz on my RHEL VM. when I run
$sudo yum install graphviz
I get this:
This system is not registered with an entitlement server. You can use subscription-manager to register.
No package graphviz available.
Error: Nothing to do
I later found out that I get this same problem with all packages.
I have tried several solutions I have found online such as:
saving the .repo file found here (this link will download the file)
then running
#from dir containing graphviz-rhel.repo
$sudo yum-config-manager --add-repo graphviz-rhel.repo
the output was
This system is not registered with an entitlement server. You can use subscription-manager to register.
adding repo from: graphviz-rhel.repo
grabbing file graphviz-rhel.repo to /etc/yum.repos.d/graphviz-rhel.repo
repo saved to /etc/yum.repos.d/graphviz-rhel.repo
Then I ran
$sudo yum-config-manager --enable graphviz-rhel
This gives no output and $yum-config-manager list all does not list anything related to graphviz as a repo (enabled or disabled)
I tried the solution here: failed to install 'graphviz*' packages with yum command on my RHEL server
except I found the rpm file here
When I ran the rpm command I got an error because I was missing a couple dozen dependencies so I dont think following this solution for all of them is a reasonable solution.
If someone can either inform me why one of these didn't work or let me know how to accomplish my goal of getting yum install <package> to work I would greatly appreciate it.
As posted in the comments, in order to utilize yum on a RHEL system you need an active subscription

Error in Easyapache 4 provision with php-cli

I migrated from EasyApache 3 to EasyApache 4 using the migration tool in my shell. Right now, in the WHM, I'm setting the provision but I got an error with php-cli that says
Error: Transaction Check Error:
file /usr/bin/php from install of ea-php-cli-0.2.0-1.1.1.cpanel.x86_64 conflicts with file from package php70w-cli-7.0.15-1.w6.x86_64
How can I solve this? I'm searching a lot of pages but couldn't find an answer
You could try to remove that package php70w-cli-7.0.15-1.w6.x86_64 since that's not an EA4 package (yum erase php70w-cli-7.0.15-1.w6.x86_64)
Do a rpm -qa | grep php and see what php packages are actually installed on the server.
Are you sure that the migration completed succesfully? Did you use the migration script from a ssh console?
This should be run first, then you can access EasyApache4 from WHM

Addons path in my openerp-server.conf isn't exist

I need to install new modules in Odoo 8
so I fetched the openerp-server.conf which is located in odoo/debian/openerp-server.conf.
Here's its content:
; This is the password that allows database operations:
; admin_passwd = admin
db_host = False
db_port = False
db_user = odoo
db_password = False
addons_path = /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/openerp/addons
I went to addons_path through my terminal, and found out that there is no such file or directory /openerp/addons inside dist-packages.
Is my insallation of Odoo is corrupted?.. Should I reinstall it?
If so, how do I clean uninstall Odoo 8 from my Ubuntu 15.04
Nightly repositories
To benefit from the best experience of our nightlies, you should use our repositories. They are available for Debian (and similar distributions like Ubuntu) and RedHat distributions (esp. Centos and Fedora). Using an Odoo nightly repository, you will be able to install and upgrade Odoo with the help of your traditional package manager (apt or yum).
If you plan to run the PostgreSQL cluster on the same host than the Odoo one, install PostgreSQL before. This way, Odoo will be able to create and configure its user.
If you want to use a nightly repository for the 7.0 version, the name of the package is openerp.
Setup of the Debian nightly repository details
wget -O - | apt-key add -
echo "deb ./" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
apt-get update && apt-get install odoo
Setup of the RedHat nightly repository details
yum-config-manager --add-repo=
yum update && yum install odoo
if Do that why to install odoo then default path of the odoo is
addons_path = /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/openerp/addons
and you clone into the github so run your like that
openerp: addons paths: [u'/home/xyz/odoo/master-test/openerp/addons', u'/home/xyz/odoo/master-test/addons']
so no need to uninstall odoo and keep run the ODOO.
Thank you may be this is help full you.
Your addons path in ubuntu is /opt/odoo/addons u have to change it in configuration file.Here is a link on how to install odoo in ubuntu

Fedora 21 packages repo in cobbler not found

I am attempting to install Fedora 21 with additional packages (dhcp, tftp-server, tftp, subversion, vim) using cobbler as my provisioning system over pxeboot.
The problem is that the installation will show an error about packages/groups not existing when it tries to install packages for Fedora, specifically it will pop up an error for all of the packages I try to install in the list below. It seems that the repo information is not right because not a single one of my packages is being installed even though when I check the repo on the web they are present.Here are the relevant sections from my kickstart file.
url --url=
repo --name="Fedora_21_i386_Server" --baseurl=
auth --useshadow --passalgo=md5
firstboot --disable
keyboard us
lang en_US
timezone America/Los_Angeles
selinux --disabled
logging --level=info
bootloader --location=mbr
clearpart --all --initlabel
part swap --fstype="swap" --size=1000
part / --fstype="ext3" --grow --size=1
I have also tried setting --baseurl as a Fedora mirror (--baseurl= but that does not work either. I have the above repo added as a cobbler repo and I have linked my Fedora 21 profile to it. One caveat is that I chose "No" for the local mirror option because right now my VM does not have enough space for the Fedora repo.
One solution is to install the packages in a post-install section using standard yum commands. For example,
yum -y install minicom
yum -y install vsftpd
I've used this workaround with F20 installs.