Getting OpenVR tracking quality without SteamVR - tracking

Is it possible to get real-time data about the HMD tracking quality via OpenVR? In SteamVR you can see a warning when your headset if not being tracked correctly. Is it possible to get that info via OpenVR API only?

OpenVR is the public part of SteamVR, you cant have one without the other, especially if you're an application


Why is cloud save recommended for instant games?

On the Instant Play Games site google recommends the following:
Integrate sign-in using Google Play Games Services and a cloud save
solution to preserve progress in the game.
However in this other document the following is stated:
If the player is using a device that runs Android 8.0 (API level 26)
or higher, and if your game specifies a targetSandboxVersion of 2,
then the player's progress is transferred automatically to the full
version of your game. Otherwise, you must transfer the data related to
player progress manually. To do so, use one of the following APIs...
So it seems that cloud saves are not needed, there exists a simple API for transferring progress to the main app. So why is cloud save recommended? Am I missing some aspect or restriction of instant apps?
I found at least one reason for this, which seems critical enough:
The instant app data does not persist over for example restarting the device. More info here.

Do we really need ID_CAP_NETWORKING for ShellTile in WP apps?

The documentation for the Microsoft.Phone.Shell.ShellTile class states that we need to specify the ID_CAP_NETWORKING capability in the app manifest. Do we really need it? It's strange that we need to enable networking capabilities for the tile functionality... And my tests on the emulator and real devices confirm that we do not need this.
If your data for tile is coming from any API, for that accessing network ID_CAP_NETWORKING Capabilities is needed to Project otherwise its not needed to be added. For Displaying Static data from App There is no need of it. Without it, Static Text or data would be displayed properly.

Android, Getting inconsistency in User Current Location.?

I am new in android and wanna get user current location using GPS_PROVIDER, but every time getting different-different location how can I use Google Play Services. and what is the best way to get accurate location in android.
Thanks you.
In general there are two different types of locations available through the Android API.
One is the GPS-Location which only works outdoors and which has an accuaracy between 5m and 50m.
The other kind of location is the so called Network-Location which is a loaction measure based on Wifi Networks in you surrounding and GSM-Base-Stations which have a accuracy between 100m and 1500m. This localization technique also works indoors, because it only requires you smartphone to have network access. The accuaracy gets better in urban areas where a lot of Wifi and GSM-Base-Stations are located. The more GSM-Base-Station / Wifi hotspos are available the better is the accurarcy of the loation measurement. It can also get down to 5m.
When requesting such an location Google does internally some magic to compute the position. This request requires a internet connection (you don't need to explicitly give the permission). Interanally Android sends a request to a Google server which contains fingerprints of the surrounding GSM-Base-Stations and afterwards computes your location (if you are curious you can find the code here).
With GPS-bases location the location accurarcy is the same all over the world without any internet connection, but works only outdoors.
With my applications I implemented a logic which detects if GPS is present or not and if not I switched to network localization, this works fine.

Google Analytics iOS SDK - Multiple accounts

I am trying to make my view controllers be tracked by two different accounts on my iPhone app. I am currently using the version 1.5.1 of the SDK, which doesn't support this functionality. On the documentation of the version 2, it says that it supports multiple trackers, but I couldn't figure out a way to make both track the same view. Does anyone know how can I do that?
here is the detailed explaination for the same
As of version 2 of the SDK, you can use multiple trackers in a single implementation, one per unique tracking ID. All trackers share the same global state held by your GAI singleton,including settings like periodic dispatch interval, app-level opt out, and debug mode.
Keep in mind that automatic screen tracking and uncaught exception tracking will only use one tracker to make tracking calls. If you are using these features and want to send similar data to other trackers, you will need to do so manually.
For reference, automatic screen tracking uses the tracker specified in the tracker property of a given GAITrackedViewController. Uncaught exception tracking uses the default tracker specified in your GAI instance.
Here the detailed code & documenation about the same,you should view this
I am sure this'll help you...!!!

How to get notifications when I reach internet enabled area (wifi circle)?

Presently I'm working on a Windows Phone application that will work in both online and offline mode. So that if the net is available means I need to sync my offline data to the respective server. My requirement is if my app is working and when I reach a wifi-enabled circle (area) I need to get a notification. Otherwise need to race an event.
How can I achieve this? Is there any notification channel present in WP7 to inform about this? If yes please demonstrate some code to achieve the goal.
You can determine if you are connected to a network, you can get the connection type and the phone informs you when it goes on/offline:
NetworkInterface.GetIsNetworkAvailable() checks if you are online or offline
DeviceNetworkInformation tells you more about the network type (Wifi, ...)
NetworkChange.NetworkAddressChanged += new NetworkAddressChangedEventHandler(OnNetworkChangeHandler); registers a listener to listen for changes
Click here for an example on how to listen for changes. Also very good is this tutorial from MSDN, demonstrating all the goodies mentioned above!
I also recommend reading this blog post as it contains much valuable information about the different APIs.
PS: It is not possible to get a list of all available WLANs around the phone. You can only see the WLAN you are connected to (if). That is a limitation of the Windows Phone API.
The platform does not include support for the "GeoFencing" scenario you describe.
The best solution currently available is to periodically (using a Background Task) check to see if a connection is available and to begin the sync then.