#import some attribute not work in #layer tailwindcss - layer

Destructing the file and all import to the tailwindcss.css file. It failed when i import from other file instead write it in tailwind.css.
Use layer to apply custom font family and text-3xl (working in this way)
// tailwind.css
#tailwind base;
#layer base {
h1 {
#apply font-heading text-3xl;
#import from outside css file, it cannot work as usual. The font-heading is work, but font-size(text-3xl) is not working.
#tailwind base;
#layer base {
#import "./fonts/index.css";
// fonts/index.css
h1 {
#apply font-heading text-3xl
What i guess:
it load #import css first before load #tailwind base, default base will overwrite my h1 font-size to tailwindcss default.
Do any workaorund could avoid this behavior in tailwindcss? it look messy if all style in tailwindcss file.

Also posted there ^^^
I found something that seems to work for me.
Basically postcss-import has its own layer system that we can use instead of tailwinds layer system.
#import 'tailwindcss/base' layer(Base);
#import './base/typography.css' layer(Base);
#import 'tailwindcss/components' layer(Components);
#import 'tailwindcss/utilities' layer(Utilities);
#layer Base {
#root {
#apply some-styles;
In postcss-import#usage it describes using layer() with #import
#import 'baz.css' layer(baz-layer);
I used uppercase layer names to avoid conflicting with tailwinds layers.
Install postcss-import as described in tailwinds article.
Then add layer() to your imports like #import 'tailwindcss/base' layer(Base).
Also rename your #layers calls to something different than tailwinds layers.
For examples you can look any of the test fixtures with layer in the filename.
The root cause of this is using Create React App.
Because it doesn't allow you to configure postcss.config.js.
So another solution would be to migrate to something else instead.
we highly recommend using Vite, Next.js, Remix, or Parcel instead of Create React App


Multiple instances of same file import causes file NOT to be imported at all

I have a conditional statement which imports a file based on which type of menu has been set.
In this example, "nav-main-type" has been set to "dual," so the second "__type" should run and import "menu-main-mobile.less" inside a "not desktop" media query.
It does seem to import fine, but the file doesn't compile to CSS. When I comment out the import from the first "__type", everything works fine, so the problem seems to be having two imports of the same file...
It shouldn't be a problem because only one "__type" can ever run, so I'm not sure what the issue is.
Anyone have an idea?
#Menu-Main: on;
.Menu-Main (#Menu-Main: on) when (#Menu-Main = on) {
#import 'menu-main.less';
#type: #nav-main-type;
.__type () when (#type = mobile) {
#import 'parts/menu-main-mobile.less';
.__type () when (#type = dual) {
#media #q-dt {#import 'menu-main-desktop.less';}
#media #q-ntdt {#import 'parts/menu-main-mobile.less';}

less #import directive in mixin guard

I have one main.less file that imports all the other less files of my project.
I would like to choose which less files should be requested by the browser according to a variable:
#direction: rtl;
.imports(#direction) when (#direction = rtl) {
#import "components/grid.import.less";
#import "components/grid-rtl.import.less";
.imports(#direction) {
#import "components/grid.import.less";
This works when #direction at the beginning of the file is set to rtl but when it is set to ltr no imported file are requested by the browser.
Let me know how can I achieve importing less files using if/else statement.

Less, multiple imports

I thought within Less you could do imports at the rule level?
e.g. given two Less files with identical variable names but different values
#import (reference) 'file1.less'
#import (reference) 'file2.less'
// use varA from file2
// use varA from file1
Is this not allowed, it doesn't seem to be in the latest Less version
Failing that can you do this
#import (reference) 'file2.less'
// use varA from file2
#import (reference) 'file1.less'
// use varA from file1
#import (reference) 'file2.less'
// use varA from file2 again
What am I trying to accomplish here? Kendo UI has multiple themes with colours for grids, headers, etc. Within my less file I want to make something like this
#import one of the black themes
background-color: #tooltipBackgroundColor;
// whole bunch of other stuff
#import one of the not black themes
background-color: #tooltipBackgroundColor;
// whole bunch of other stuff
And then within my code the body gets the NonBlackBasedThemes or NonBlackBasedThemes class. I can just add a MyDiv, etc class to a div and get the theme appropriate colour.
I thought within Less you could do imports at the rule level?
e.g. given two Less files with identical variable names but different values
When using lessc 2.4.0 (Less Compiler) [JavaScript] i can do:
#tooltipBackgroundColor: black;
#tooltipBackgroundColor: white;
Then the following code:
#import "black";
background-color: #tooltipBackgroundColor;
// whole bunch of other stuff
#import "white";
background-color: #tooltipBackgroundColor;
// whole bunch of other stuff
compiles into:
.BlackBasedThemes .MyDiv {
background-color: black;
.NonBlackBasedThemes .MyDiv {
background-color: white;
Indeed you do not need the reference keyword (but it should also work when using it). It is not easy to see what your problem is.
Notice that you can also import one of the files into the global scope:
#import "black"; // sets `#tooltipBackgroundColor` for the global scope
background-color: #tooltipBackgroundColor; // uses `#tooltipBackgroundColor` from the global scope
// whole bunch of other stuff
#import "white";// sets `#tooltipBackgroundColor` for only the local scope
background-color: #tooltipBackgroundColor;// uses `#tooltipBackgroundColor` from the local scope
// whole bunch of other stuff

To apply semantic principles using Font-awesome and LESS?

I'm trying to use Font-awesome in the same way I do with Bootstrap, in accordance with the semantic principles of web design (not putting billions of non-semantic classes in my HTML tags), using LESS.
It seems that it is impossible : the icon definitions are like that :
.#{fa-css-prefix}-home:before { content: #fa-var-home; }
This isn't a mixin definition but a classical CSS rule build with LESS variables.
So, i'm unable to do this kind of declaration :
.meaning-class-name {
Lessc complain that .fa-home is undefined.
Is it a way to avoid to rot my HTML code ? Is there a way to attribute a class to an other class with less ?
Thanks !
I found that the better solution were to modify font-awesome/less/icons.less and rewrite the declarations according this pattern :
.#{fa-css-prefix}-home { &:before { content: #fa-var-home; } }
It is similar to the glyphicons.less used by Bootstrap.
PS : In Eclipse, this can be done quickly with the find/replace tool :
Find :
\.#\{fa-css-prefix\}-([-0-9a-zA-Z]+):before \{ content: #([-0-9a-zA-Z]+); \}
Replace :
.#{fa-css-prefix}-$1 { &:before { content: #$2; } }
Find :
Replace :

How to import LESS file, but not render it?

I have a .less file where I keep all my global variables. For example:
#primary-color: red;
On one of my pages I have a page-specific CSS file. For example:
#import "lib.less";
I preprocess LESS using dotless. This renders "Homepage.less" to the client as:
I don't want .primary-font to be rendered as I'm only using this as a style collection for importing into other classes. The output I really want is:
Is there any way of importing styles from another .less file for use in other classes, without them being rendered to the client?
This has nothing to do with MVC, this is something you have to do in the LESS itself. See: http://lesscss.org/features/#mixins-feature-not-outputting-the-mixin
Essentially, if you don't want the mixin output as a class, you just need to suffix it with parenthesis:
.primary-font() {
font-family: Arial;