Less, multiple imports - less

I thought within Less you could do imports at the rule level?
e.g. given two Less files with identical variable names but different values
#import (reference) 'file1.less'
#import (reference) 'file2.less'
// use varA from file2
// use varA from file1
Is this not allowed, it doesn't seem to be in the latest Less version
Failing that can you do this
#import (reference) 'file2.less'
// use varA from file2
#import (reference) 'file1.less'
// use varA from file1
#import (reference) 'file2.less'
// use varA from file2 again
What am I trying to accomplish here? Kendo UI has multiple themes with colours for grids, headers, etc. Within my less file I want to make something like this
#import one of the black themes
background-color: #tooltipBackgroundColor;
// whole bunch of other stuff
#import one of the not black themes
background-color: #tooltipBackgroundColor;
// whole bunch of other stuff
And then within my code the body gets the NonBlackBasedThemes or NonBlackBasedThemes class. I can just add a MyDiv, etc class to a div and get the theme appropriate colour.

I thought within Less you could do imports at the rule level?
e.g. given two Less files with identical variable names but different values
When using lessc 2.4.0 (Less Compiler) [JavaScript] i can do:
#tooltipBackgroundColor: black;
#tooltipBackgroundColor: white;
Then the following code:
#import "black";
background-color: #tooltipBackgroundColor;
// whole bunch of other stuff
#import "white";
background-color: #tooltipBackgroundColor;
// whole bunch of other stuff
compiles into:
.BlackBasedThemes .MyDiv {
background-color: black;
.NonBlackBasedThemes .MyDiv {
background-color: white;
Indeed you do not need the reference keyword (but it should also work when using it). It is not easy to see what your problem is.
Notice that you can also import one of the files into the global scope:
#import "black"; // sets `#tooltipBackgroundColor` for the global scope
background-color: #tooltipBackgroundColor; // uses `#tooltipBackgroundColor` from the global scope
// whole bunch of other stuff
#import "white";// sets `#tooltipBackgroundColor` for only the local scope
background-color: #tooltipBackgroundColor;// uses `#tooltipBackgroundColor` from the local scope
// whole bunch of other stuff


Overriding mixins in LESS

when defining a mixin multiple times in LESS, and later calling that mixin as follows
.background-color() {
background: red;
.background-color() {
background: yellow;
body {
the result will be a combined output from all the defined mixins
body {
background: red; // << output from mixin #1
background: yellow; // << output from mixin #2
while when you apply the same scenario in both Sass & Stylus ( using their own syntax of course ), when you call a mixin that is defined multiple times across your stylesheets, Only the last defined one will be executed ( it will override all previously defined mixins ) as follows.
result Sass and Stylus
body {
background: yellow; // << output from mixin #2
how can I override a mixin in LESS so that the output will be from the last defined mixin ?
You can not override them, alternatively use a variable to define the 'background-color'. For Less variables the last declared win.
Also read Pattern-matching
In Less all matching mixins are compiled in the source. You can use namespace to prevent name collisions, for instance:
#ns1 {
.background-color() {
background: red;
#ns2 {
.background-color() {
background: yellow;
than you can use:
body {
#ns2 > .background-color;
Double properties are also not removed to make some browser hacks possible, example:
#myElement {
width: 300px;
width: 500px\9;
To find a solution for your use case you should reformulate your question and explain why you have these same named mixins in the first place.

Variables undefined when compiling bootstrap 2.3.2 using dotless

I'm using dotless to compile an older version of Boostrap (2.3.2)
my main.less file looks like this
#import "less/variables.less";
.bootstrap {
#import url("less/bootstrap.less");
#import url("less/responsive.less");
When compiling it i get the error
.box-sizing is undefined on line 158 in file 'mixins.less': [157]:
min-height: #inputHeight; // Make inputs at least the height of their
button counterpart (base line-height + padding + border) [158]:
.box-sizing(border-box); // Makes inputs behave like true block-level
--^ [159]: } [Done - Failed]
But if I do this it works,
#import "less/variables.less";
.bootstrap {
background-color: #white
Any ideas of whats wrong?
== EDIT ==
It seems to be the enclosing of .boostrap that is the issue, when simply having
#import url("bootstrap.less");
#import url("responsive.less");
in my main.less everything works fine
mixin() {
#color: red;
p {
color: #color;
NameError: variable #color is undefined
.mixin() {
#color: red;
p {
color: #color;
p {
color: red;
the .mixin call leaks #color inside the scope of p, see also: http://lesscss.org/features/#mixins-as-functions-feature
Solved this using winless (http://winless.org/) instead of dotless, didn't need to change anything in my less definition.

In LESS, how to use a variable inside another?

Variable #screen-xs-max is a Bootstrap 3 variable. In my mixin, I'd like to use #class variable to get the Bootstrap variable, dynamically.
Here is a not working solution:
.make-btn-block (#class) {
#media (max-width: #screen-#{class}-min) {
// Code
Another not working solution:
See referencing variables by name. E.g.:
.make-btn-block(#device) {
#max: "screen-#{device}-max";
#media (max-width: ##max) {
color: red;

Is there any (good) way to extend a class within a mixin, and then use that mixin within a media query, using Less?

I've been working on building out some Less files to help speed up my CSS workflow, and also to help produce more efficient, cleaner CSS.
The way I see it:
Mixins are a great way to help speed up the workflow, but they have the drawback of potentially making the outputted CSS longer than necessary.
Extending classes is the ideal solution for ensuring the amount of duplicate style declarations is minimized, helping clean that up...
So, to help balance things out I wrote out a set of standard, commonly used styles, using dummy classes (they are stored in a file which is imported by reference, so the styles are only output if they get extended).
I set all of my Mixins to extend these classes wherever possible, which worked great for the most part.
However, I realized my pitfall once I got to my media queries... I can't extend those classes within the media query, which would be fine normally, I would just remember not to do so.. But since the Mixins also now use my extends, I can now no longer use them inside media queries either.
I'm not willing to avoid using the Mixins inside of the media queries because of this, but I'd really love to be able to find a way to keep extending classes within them to keep my output as clean as possible.
The only idea I've thought of so far is to add an extra parameter to every Mixin to specify wether it should extend or not, but that's less than ideal.
My hope is that someone can come up with a much more clever solution, that would allow me to maintain the benefit of Mixins which extend base style classes, but also maintain easy usability, without over complicating things. Might be a tall order, but here's hoping.
In case my explanation was hard to follow, this is what I would have hoped to be able to do, but is not currently possible:
Ideal Input
// extensions.less
.block {
display: block;
// mixins.less
#import (reference) "extensions";
.mixin {
margin: auto;
// styles.less
#import "mixins";
.element1 {
.element2 {
#media only screen and (max-width: 768px) {
.element3 {
.element4 {
Ideal Output
// styles.css
.element1, .element2 {
display: block;
.element1 {
margin: auto;
.element2 {
margin: auto;
#media only screen and (max-width: 768px) {
.element3, .element4 {
display: block;
.element3 {
margin: auto;
.element4 {
margin: auto;
In short, yes, currently it is somewhat possible but requires some additional wrapping for a top level classes:
// extensions.less
.block {
display: block;
// mixins.less
#import (reference) "extensions";
.mixin() {
margin: auto;
// styles.less
#media all { // !
#import "mixins";
.element1 {
.element2 {
#media only screen and (max-width: 768px) {
#import (multiple) "mixins";
.element3 {
.element4 {
.element1 and .element2 (and any other class to extend .block) have to be put into #media all because currently:
Top level extend matches everything including selectors inside nested media
So if .element1 and .element2 stay in the global scope they leak into every other #media .block declaration.
(Hmm, actually for me this "top level extend matches everything" thing looks questionable and contradicts another "extend inside a media declaration should match only selectors inside the same media declaration" rule (obviously because global scope = #media all thus they should work identically)).

LESS condition based on CSS class to set a LESS variable

I need to set a Less variable to match the website's active theme, ie, each theme has a different color.
I'd like to set #themeColor to the right color, based on the HTML's body CSS class that defines the theme.
For example:
body.themeBlue { #themeColor: blue; }
body.themeRed { #themeColor: red; }
This way I'd only need to use the #themeColor variable inside the other Less files.
Can anyone help?
According to this (http://www.lesscss.org/#-scope) it is possible to do something like that, but I can't make it work. what is going on here?
The LESS file cannot read the actual class applied to the html body element at run time (you would probably need to implement a javascript solution to do something like that).
If you just want to have all themed css ready for use based on the body class, the best way to implement this to have all the necessary theme based css in a mixin, then apply it under the theme classes. This reduces code duplication. For example:
//mixin with all css that depends on your color
.mainThemeDependentCss() {
#contrast: lighten(#themeColor, 20%);
h1 {color: #themeColor;}
p {background-color: #contrast;}
//use the mixin in the themes
body.themeBlue {
#themeColor: blue;
body.themeRed {
#themeColor: red;
CSS Output
body.themeBlue h1 {
color: #0000ff;
body.themeBlue p {
background-color: #6666ff;
body.themeRed h1 {
color: #ff0000;
body.themeRed p {
background-color: #ff6666;
For some other answers that deal with aspects or ways of theming, see:
LESS CSS - Change variable value for theme colors depending on body class
LESS.css variable depending on class
LESS CSS: abusing the & Operator when nesting?
Variables in Less are actually constants and will only be defined once.
Scope works within its code braces, so you would need to nest your CSS within each theme you want (which means duplication).
This is not ideal as you would need to do this:
body.themeBlue {
#color: blue;
/* your css here */
body.themeRed {
#color: red;
/* your css here AGAIN :( */
You could, however, try to use variables like this:
#color: black;
#colorRed: red;
#colorBlue: blue;
h1 {
color: #color; // black
body.themeRed & {
color: #colorRed; // red
body.themeBlue & {
color: #colorBlue; // blue
You would only need to declare the colours once, but you would need to constantly do the "body.themeRed" etc. prefixes where the colour varies depending on the theme.
You could actually use #import to load your theme! So common.less would contain all your default styles and #themeColor will be applied to it.
.mainThemeDependentCss() {
//file with all themed styles
#import 'common.less';
//use the mixin in the themes
body.themeBlue {
#themeColor: blue;
body.themeRed {
#themeColor: red;
BTW you should avoid using body selector in your common.less, because it wouldn't work.