Auto Syncing for Keys in Apache Geode - gemfire

I have an Apache Geode setup, connected with external Postgres datasource. I have a scenario where I define an expiration time for a key. Let's say after T time the key is going to expire. Is there a way so that the keys which are going to expire can make a call to an external datasource and update the value incase the value has been changed? I want a kind of automatic syncing for my keys which are there in Apache Geode. Is there any interface which i can implement and get the desired behavior?

I am not sure I fully understand your question. Are you saying that the values in the cache may possibly be more recent than what is currently stored in the database?
Whether you are using Look-Aside Caching, Inline Caching, or even Near Caching, Apache Geode combined with Spring would take care of ensuring the cache and database are kept in sync, to some extent depending on the caching pattern.
With Look-Aside Caching, if used properly, the database (i.e. primary System of Record (SOR), e.g. Postgres in your case) should always be the most current. (Look-Aside) Caching is secondary.
With Synchronous Inline Caching (using a CacheLoader/CacheWriter combination for Read/Write-Through) and in particular, with emphasis on CacheWriter, during updates (e.g. Region.put(key, value) cache operations), the DB is written to first, before the entry is stored (or overwritten) in the cache. If the DB write fails, then the cache entry is not written or updated. This is true each time a value for a key is updated. If the key has not be updated recently, then the database should reflect the most recent value. Once again, the database should always be the most current.
With Asynchronous Inline Caching (using AEQ + Listener, for Write-Behind), the updates for a cache entry are queued and asynchronously written to the DB. If an entry is updated, then Geode can guarantee that the value is eventually written to the underlying DB regardless of whether the key expires at some time later or not. You can persist and replay the queue in case of system failures, conflate events, and so on. In this case, the cache and DB are eventually consistent and it is assumed that you are aware of this, and this is acceptable for your application use case.
Of course, all of these caching patterns and scenarios I described above assume nothing else is modifying the SOR/database. If another external application or process is also modifying the database, separate from your Geode-based application, then it would be possible for Geode to become out-of-sync with the database and you would need to take steps to identify this situation. This is rather an issue for reads, not writes. Of course, you further need to make sure that stale cache entries does not subsequently overwrite the database on an update. This is easy enough to handle with optimistic locking. You could even trigger a cache entry remove on an DB update failure to have the cache refreshed on read.
Anyway, all of this is to say, if you applied 1 of the caching patterns above correctly, the value in the cache should already be reflected in the DB (or will be in the Async, Write-Behind Caching UC), even if the entry eventually expires.
Make sense?


Making sure (distributed) caches only store the latest value in a distributed system

Let's say I want to use a built-in solution such as Redis or Memcached to cache database rows (as an example), to avoid recurrent costly trips to the database.
For the sake of the argument, let's assume I have a TABLE(id, x, y) and that I want to cache all rows so I never have to read directly from the database.
Consider the following case: NodeA tries to update a given row's field x while NodeB tries to update y, then both simultaneously try to update the cache line. If they try to "manually" update the field they just changed to the row in the cache, if we follow the typical last-write-wins, one of the fields is going to be discarded, which is catastrophic. This makes me think I need to always fill the cache's rows with a full row read from the database.
But this by itself won't necessarily help me. If NodeA writes to x and loads the entire row in memory and then NodeB writes to y and reads the entire row in memory, if NodeB writes to the cache before NodeA then NodeB's changes will be overwritten! This makes me believe I need to always somehow version the rows both in the DB and in the cache. Is this the case? Memcached seems to have a compare and set primitive, but I see no such thing in Redis.
Even if 1. and 2. are not an issue, I still need to guarantee that my write / read has read-after-write consistency, otherwise it may happen that what I'm reading and intending to put in the cache is not necessarily the most up-to-date version. If that's the case, how can I make sure of this? By requiring w + r > n?
This seems to be a very common use-case, I'd guess it's pretty much a solved problem. What can I try to resolve this?
Key value stores as redis support advance data structures, such as HASHs.
If you're doing partial updates to cached entities (only a set of fields is updated as part of the super set), and given your goal is to avoid time-consuming database reads, simply save the table entry as a HASH K/V pairs (using HSET) and the use HGETALL for reading.
Redis OPS are atomic by nature, so that should solve your problems, if I got them right.
On a side note, if you're caching an entire entity yet doing partial updates, you should consider a simpler caching approach, such as read-through (making cache validity a reader-only concern).
As opposed to Database accesses. Redis cache access from different location unless somehow serialized, will always have the potential of being out of order when it comes to distributed systems, as there's always the execution environment (network, threading) to introduce possible delays.
Doing read-through caching will ensure data is always updated after the most recent write without the need to synchronize anything else.
This is how Facebook solved the issue with Memcached:
The idea is to use the concept of a lease: when a request for a cached value is received and there is no data for such key, a lease token (64 bits id) is returned.
When the webserver fetches the data from the database it can then store the data in the cache with that token. Every time an invalidation request is invoked on a key, a new lease token is created, and as such, if a put is attempted for an old token, the put ends up rejected.
As far as I understand, it's not really possible to (easily) replicate this behavior with Redis without resorting to LUA scripts.

Can i have redis master in one microservice domain and redis slave used by a different microservice as a way of sharing data?

I have three microservice that needs to communicate between each other. Microservice-1 is incharge of the data and the database(he writes and read to it). I will add a redis cache store for Microservice-1 to cache data there. I want to put a redis-slave for the other 2 microservices to reduce communication with the actual microservice, if the data is already in the cache store. Since all updates to the data, has to go thru the Microservice-1 and he will always update the cache, redis replication will make sure the other two microservices will get it too. Ofcourse, if the data is not in cache, it will call the Microservice-1 for the data, which will update the cache.
Am i missing something, with this approach ?
This will definitely work in the "sunny day" case.
But sometimes there are storms, and in storms there's a chance of losing cache coherency (i.e. the DB and Redis disagree on the data).
For example, lets say that you have Microservice-1 update the DB and then update Redis. What happens if there's a crash between updating the DB and updating Redis?
On the other hand, what if you reverse the ordering (update Redis and then the DB)? Now Redis could be updated and not the DB.
Neither of these in insurmountable, but absent a means of having a transaction which ensures that 0 or 2 of Redis and the DB are updated, there will always be a time window where the change is in one but not the other. In that situation, it's probably worth embracing eventual consistency (e.g. periodically scan the DB and update redis with recently updated records).
As an elaboration on that, a Command Query Responsibility Segregation with Event Sourcing (CQRS/ES) approach may prove useful: Microservice-1 gets split into two services, one which takes commands (requests to update) and another which handles queries. Instead of updating a row in a DB, the command service now appends (in a typical DB, an INSERT) an event which describes what changed. The query service can subscribe to those events and update Redis. Other microservices can also subscribe to the stream of events and update their own views (which can be remixed in any way they want) of Microservice-1's state.

Safely setting keys with StackExchange.Redis while allowing deletes

I am trying to use Redis as a cache that sits in front of an SQL database. At a high level I want to implement these operations:
Read value from Redis, if it's not there then generate the value via querying SQL, and push it in to Redis so we don't have to compute that again.
Write value to Redis, because we just made some change to our SQL database and we know that we might have already cached it and it's now invalid.
Delete value, because we know the value in Redis is now stale, we suspect nobody will want it, but it's too much work to recompute now. We're OK letting the next client who does operation #1 compute it again.
My challenge is understanding how to implement #1 and #3, if I attempt to do it with StackExchange.Redis. If I naively implement #1 with a simple read of the key and push, it's entirely possible that between me computing the value from SQL and pushing it in that any number of other SQL operations may have happened and also tried to push their values into Redis via #2 or #3. For example, consider this ordering:
Client #1 wants to do operation #1 [Read] from above. It tries to read the key, sees it's not there.
Client #1 calls to SQL database to generate the value.
Client #2 does something to SQL and then does operation #2 [Write] above. It pushes some newly computed value into Redis.
Client #3 comes a long, does some other operation in SQL, and wants to do operation #3 [Delete] to Redis knowing that if there's something cached there, it's no longer valid.
Client #1 pushes its (now stale) value to Redis.
So how do I implement my operation #1? Redis offers a WATCH primitive that makes this fairly easy to do against the bare metal where I would be able to observe other things happened on the key from Client #1, but it's not supported by StackExchange.Redis because of how it multiplexes commands. It's conditional operations aren't quite sufficient here, since if I try saying "push only if key doesn't exist", that doesn't prevent the race as I explained above. Is there a pattern/best practice that is used here? This seems like a fairly common pattern that people would want to implement.
One idea I do have is I can use a separate key that gets incremented each time I do some operation on the main key and then can use StackExchange.Redis' conditional operations that way, but that seems kludgy.
It looks like question about right cache invalidation strategy rather then question about Redis. Why i think so - Redis WATCH/MULTI is kind of optimistic locking strategy and this kind of
locking not suitable for most of cases with cache where db read query can be a problem which solves with cache. In your operation #3 description you write:
It's too much work to recompute now. We're OK letting the next client who does operation #1 compute it again.
So we can continue with read update case as update strategy. Here is some more questions, before we continue:
That happens when 2 clients starts to perform operation #1? Both of them can do not find value in Redis and perform SQL query and next both of then write it to Redis. So we should have garanties that just one client would update cache?
How we can be shure in the right sequence of writes (operation 3)?
Why not optimistic locking
Optimistic concurrency control assumes that multiple transactions can frequently complete without interfering with each other. While running, transactions use data resources without acquiring locks on those resources. Before committing, each transaction verifies that no other transaction has modified the data it has read. If the check reveals conflicting modifications, the committing transaction rolls back and can be restarted.
You can read about OCC transactions phases in wikipedia but in few words:
If there is no conflict - you update your data. If there is a conflict, resolve it, typically by aborting the transaction and restart it if still need to update data.
Redis WATCH/MULTY is kind of optimistic locking so they can't help you - you do not know about your cache key was modified before try to work with them.
What works?
Each time your listen somebody told about locking - after some words you are listen about compromises, performance and consistency vs availability. The last pair is most important.
In most of high loaded system availability is winner. Thats this means for caching? Usualy such case:
Each cache key hold some metadata about value - state, version and life time. The last one is not Redis TTL - usually if your key should be in cache for X time, life time
in metadata has X + Y time, there Y is some time to garantie process update.
You never delete key directly - you need just update state or life time.
Each time your application read data from cache if should make decision - if data has state "valid" - use it. If data has state "invalid" try to update or use absolete data.
How to update on read(the quite important is this "hand made" mix of optimistic and pessisitic locking):
Try set pessimistic locking (in Redis with SETEX - read more here).
If failed - return absolete data (rememeber we still need availability).
If success perform SQL query and write in to cache.
Read version from Redis again and compare with version readed previously.
If version same - mark as state as "valid".
Release lock.
How to invalidate (your operations #2, #3):
Increment cache version and set state "invalid".
Update life time/ttl if need it.
Why so difficult
We always can get and return value from cache and rarely have situatiuon with cache miss. So we do not have cache invalidation cascade hell then many process try to update
one key.
We still have ordered key updates.
Just one process per time can update key.
I have queue!
Sorry, you have not said before - I would not write it all. If have queue all becomes more simple:
Each modification operation should push job to queue.
Only async worker should execute SQL and update key.
You still need use "state" (valid/invalid) for cache key to separete application logic with cache.
Is this is answer?
Actualy yes and no in same time. This one of possible solutions. Cache invalidation is much complex problem with many possible solutions - one of them
may be simple, other - complex. In most of cases depends on real bussines requirements of concrete applicaton.

How to maintain strong consistency in distributed computing?

For example I have Master(M) and Slave1(S1) and Slave2(S2). If I do synchronous replication as below,
Update Master, and lock the write
replicate Slave1 and Slave2
unlock the write of Master.
But the above is not strong consistency.
Scenario 1, when both replicates for S1 and S2 are successful,
The users reading Slave1 or Slave2 can get different values at certain moment.
Scenario 2, replicate S1 successful, but replicate to S2 fails.
In this case, Master should cancel the write to S1. But users may already read it.
So it's hard to maintain strong consistency. Therefore, what algorithms do companies use to maintain strong consistency if it's necessary?
How to make the eventual write value be visible to clients at the exact same time?
Putting things in the simplest form;
There are two ways to provide consistency
First is to take the lock before writing anything to the database or
caching system. This ensures read and write lock. This includes
master server as well.
To further enhance the locking mechanism, the distribution of keys is
maintained as such so the reads are always re-directed towards the
consistent server(s) (if new servers are also being added at that time).
At this time of lock, operations can also be buffered (with timeouts)
so when the new value is applied. that is returned.
Secondly, if replication fails then there is the added complex layer
of rollovers. This ensures that data is consistent if not then it is
not applied.

Acquiring Locks when updating a Redis key/value

I'm using AcquireLock method from ServiceStack Redis when updating and getting the key/value like this:
public virtual void Set(string key, T entity)
using (var client = ClientManager.GetClient())
using (client.AcquireLock(key + ":locked", DefaultLockingTimeout, DefaultLockExpire))
client.Set(key, entity);
I've extended AcqurieLock method to accept extra parameter for expiration of the lock key. So I'm wondering that if I need AcquireLock at all or not? My class uses AcquireLock in every operation like Get<>, GetAll<>, ExpireAt, SetAll<>, etc..
But this approach doesn't work everytime. For example, if the operating in the lock throws an exception, then the key remains locked. For this situation I've added DefaultLockExpire parameter to AcquireLock method to expire the "locked" key.
Is there any better solution, or when do we need acquiring locks like "lock" blocks in multi-thread programming.
As The Real Bill answer has said, you don't need locks for Redis itself. What the ServiceStack client offers in terms of locking is not for Redis, but for your application. In a C# application, you can lock things locally with lock(obj) so that something cannot happen concurrently (only one thread can access the locked section at a time), but that only works if you have one webserver. If you want to prevent something happening concurrently, you need a locking mechanism living outside of the webserver. Redis is a good fit for this.
We have a case where it is checked if a customer has a shopping cart already and if not, create it. Between checking and creating it, there's a time where another request could have also found out that cart doesn't exist and might also proceed to create one. That's a classical case for locking but a simple lock wouldn't work here as the request may have arrived from an entirely different web-server. So for this, we use the ServiceStack Redis client (with some abstraction) to lock using Redis and only allow one request at a time to enter the "create a cart" section.
So to answer your actual question: no, you don't need a lock for getting/setting values to Redis.
I wouldn't use locks for get/set operations. Redis will do those actions atomically, so there is no chance of it getting "changed underneath you" when setting or getting. I've built systems where hundreds of clients are updating/operating on values concurrently and never needed a lock to do those operations (especially an expire).
I don't know how Service Stack redis implements the locking it has so I can't say why it is failing. However, I'm not sure I'd trust it given there is no true locking needed on the Redis side for data operations. Redis is single-threaded so locking there doesn't make sense.
If you are doing complex operations where you get a value, operate on things based on it, then update it after a while and can't have the value change in the meantime I'd recommend reading and groking to see if what you want is what Redis is good for, whether your code needs refactored to eliminate the problem, or at the least find a better way to do it.
For example, SETNX may be the route you need to get what you want, but without details I can't say it will work.
As #JulianR says, the locking in ServiceStack.Redis is only for application-level distributed locks (i.e. to replace using a DB or an empty .lock file on a distributed file system) and it only works against other ServiceStack.Redis clients in other process using the same key/API to acquire the lock.
You would never need to do this for normal Redis operations since they're all atomic. If you want to ensure a combination of redis operations happen atomically than you would combine them within a Redis Transaction or alternatively you can execute them within a server-side Lua script - both allow atomic execution of batch operations.