Slice input vue js - vue.js

I just started programming in vue. js.
I want to program a clock that outputs as text a time after typing it in hh:mm format.
To do this, I have to divide the input into minutes and hours and save the values in a variable. How do you do that? Can I use split?

You may use VueJS Computed & Javascript Split function to achieve what you need.
data: () => ({
userInput: '' // 08:33
computed: {
hours: function() {
return this.userInput.split(":")[0] // return 08
minutes: function() {
return this.userInput.split(":")[1] // return 33
Computed method will listen to the change of userInput in this case. Meaning if the user key in 08:33, then decided to change to 08:44, the minutes will react and change to 44.


vuejs datepicker selected event is no working properly

I'am vuejs-datepicker . I'm trying to print the selected date which is stored in a variable in data. Initially the value of the variable is empty. vuejs-datepicker supports the selected event. so when the event is triggering, I mean if date is selected the selected event get triggered. but does not print ta current selected date rather it print empty string. if I again select another date the it prints the previous date. It is printing the the previous stored date. code is given below
<date-picker :bootstrap-styling="true" class="datepicker form-control"
placeholder="Select Date" v-model="appointment.appointmet_date"
dateSelected method
dateSelected () {
data property
data () {
return {
appointment: {
appointmet_date: '',
When I entered first date it printed null. when I entered date second time it printed the time entered first time
dateSelected () {
// console.log(this.appointment.appointmet_date)
var self = this
this.$nextTick(() => console.log(self.appointment.appointmet_date))
this.$ + 'api/getAvailableDate', {avlDate: self.appointment.appointmet_date})
.then(response => {
when i entered first date it printed null. when i entered date second time it printed the time entered first time
Yes because the selected event is fired before the Vue nextTick function which updates the v-model.
Please below code and working codesandbox demo.
dateSelected (e) {
this.$nextTick(() => console.log(this.appointment.appointmet_date))
For future visitors - simply make the post request within the Vue nextTick() like so:
dateSelected () {
this.$nextTick(() => {/* post call here */})

Input field not reacting to data changes after being written to by a user

While creating a Vue.js application I have become stuck at a weird problem. I want to be able to manipulate an input field (think increment and decrement buttons and erasing a zero value on focus, so the user doesn't have to) and up until a user writes to the input field, everything is fine. After that, however, further changes in the data are no longer represented in the input field.
As I was sure I could not be the only one with this particular problem, I searched extensively, but had no luck. What baffles me the most is that everything works until the field is written to, since I can not really imagine why this would remove the data binding.
The following code should show the same behavior. It is an input field component, which is initialized with a zero value. On focus the zero gets removed. This works, until a user manually writes to the field after which zero values will no longer be removed, even though the focus method fires, the if-condition is met and the data in the amount-variable is changed.
Vue.component('item', {
data: function () {
return {
amount: 0
render: function (createElement) {
var self = this;
return createElement('input', {
attrs: {
//bind data to field
value: self.amount,
type: 'number'
on: {
//update data on input
input: function (event) {
self.amount =;
//remove a zero value on focus for user convenience
focus: function (event) {
if (self.amount == 0 || self.amount == "0") {
self.amount = '';
I think you need to use domProps instead of attrs to make it reactive. But I would suggest you use vue's template syntax or if you insist on using the render function I would also suggest you to use JSX.

How to use currency on type=Number when value is using computed data?

Okay, so I have an input field with below code and wanting use decimals to look like 10,000 for 100000.
Payment for v-model is coming from computed data using mixin and updates new value using methods.
get () { return this.NameOfMixin.payment },
set (value) {this.updateStore('payment', value)}
methods: {
updateStore(field, value) {
All the code above are working fine except now I want to display decimals and use a plain number for updating the store.
I have tried using creating methods to convert the value to decimals and v-money but nothing worked as I wished.

Vue.js how to sort filtered results by date

We are launching an events application where users can search upcoming music festivals. We also want the filtered search results to display in chronological order by "startDate".
Our event cards:
<v-card flat class="pa-2 mb-3 eventcard" v-for="event in filteredEvents" :key=""></v-card>
Then our computed property:
filteredEvents: function(){
return this.$store.getters.loadedEvents.filter((event) => {
return event.title.toLowerCase().match(
And finally, an example of an event start date:
Per the docs, I've tried adding "_.orderBy(this.event, 'startDate')" but I just get the error is not a function
Any ideas? Thanks!
use .sort
export default {
filteredEvents: function() {
return this.$store.getters.loadedEvents
.filter(event => {
return event.title.toLowerCase().match(;
.sort(function(a, b) {
// Turn your strings into dates, and then subtract them
// to get a value that is either negative, positive, or zero.
return new Date(b.startDate) - new Date(a.startDate);
method from

Rerender list in vue.js 2

I use moment.js to display how many time has passed from some event.
I have a list (rendered using vue.js)
event 3, 5 seconds ago
event 2, 1 minute ago
event 1, 5 minutes ago
The problem is: list is not updated frequently (new items are added, for example, every 2 minutes).
I want to update n (seconds|minutes) ago strings.
Should I do simple loop using setInterval?
for(let i = 0; i < this.list.length; i++) {
let item = this.list[i];
item.created_at_diff = moment(item.created_at).fromNow();
this.$set(this.list, i, item);
or there is a better approach?
Here is how I would do such a thing, tell me if I am wrong:
First, I would create a component that will make the timer:
let Timer = Vue.extend({
template: '#timer',
props: ['timestamp'],
data () {
return {
formatted: ''
methods: {
format () {
let self = this
this.formatted = moment().to(moment(this.timestamp,'X'))
// Uncomment this line to see that reactivity works
// this.formatted = moment().format('X')
setTimeout(() => {
created () {
The timer takes one property, a UNIX timestamp in seconds. The component contains one method called format() that will update the only data formatted of the component. The method is recursive and calls itself every 500ms (with the setTimeout()), you can make this number bigger if you want.
Here is a jsFiddle I made if you want to test it: