I want to compare different types of RNN tflite-micro models, built using tensorflow, on a microcontroller based on their accuracy, model size and inference time. I have also created my own custom RNN cell that I want to compare with the LSTM cell, GRU cell, and SimpleRNN cell. I create the tensorflow model using tf.keras.layers.RNN(Cell(...)).
I have successfully deployed a keras LSTM-RNN using tf.keras.layers.LSTM(...) but when I create the same model using tf.keras.layers.RNN(tf.keras.layers.LSTMCell(...)) and deploy it to the microcontroller, then it does not work. I trained both networks on a batch size of 64, but then I copy the weights and biases to a model where the batch_size is fixed to 1 as tflite-micro does not support dynamic batch sizes.
When the keras LSTM layer is converted to a tflite model it creates a fused operator called UnidirectionalSequenceLSTM but the network created with an RNN layer using the LSTMCell does not have that UnidirectionalSequenceLSTM operator, instead it has a reshape and while operator. The first network has only 1 subgraph but the second has 3 subgraphs.
When I run that second model on the microcontroller, two things go wrong:
the interpreter returns the same result for different inputs
the interpreter fails on some inputs reporting an error with the while loop saying that int32 is not supported (which is in the while operator, and can't be quantized to int8)
LSTM tflite-model vizualized with Netron
RNN(LSTMCell) tflite-model vizualized with Netron
Bad solution (10x model size)
I figured out that by unrolling the second network I can successfully deploy it and get correct results on the microcontroller. However, that increases the model size 10x which is really bad as we are trying to deploy the model on a resource constrained device.
Better solution?
I have explained the problem using the example of the LSTM layer (works) and LSTM cell in an RNN layer (does not work), but I want to be able to deploy a model using the GRU cell, SimpleRNN cell, and of course the custom cell that I have created. And all those have the same problem as the network created with the LSTM cell.
What can I do?
Do I have to create a special fused operator? Maybe even one for each cell I want to compare? How would I do that?
Can I use the interface into the conversion infrastructure for user-defined RNN implementations mentioned here: https://www.tensorflow.org/lite/models/convert/rnn. How I understand the documentation, is that this would only work for user-defined LSTM implementations, not user-defined RNN implemenations like the title suggests.
Based on the link:
In the example, it is shown that the "initial state" is defined in the first example and not in the second example. Could anyone please explain what is the purpose of the initial state? What's the difference if I don't set it vs if i set it? Is it only required in a single RNN cell and not in a stacked cell like in the example provided in the link?
I'm currently debugging my RNN model, as it seemed to classify different questions in the same category, which is strange. I suspect that it might have to do with me not setting the initial state of the cell.
Could anyone please explain what is the purpose of initial state?
As we know that the state matrix is the weights between the hidden neurons in timestep 1 and timestep 2. They join the hidden neurons of both the time steps. Hence they hold temporal data from the layers in previous time steps.
Providing an initially trained state matrix by the initial_state= argument gives the RNN cell a trained memory of its previous activations.
What's the difference if I don't set it vs if I set it?
If we set the initial weights which have been trained on some other model or the previous model, it means that we are restoring the memory of the RNN cell so that it does not have to start from scratch.
In the TF docs, they have initialized the initial_state as zero_state matrix.
If you don't set the initial_state, it will be trained from scratch as other weight matrices do.
Is it only required in a single RNN cell and not in a stacked cell like in the example provided in the link?
I exactly don't know that why haven't they set the initial_state in the Stacked RNN example, but initial_state is required in every type of RNN as it holds the preserves the temporal features across time steps.
Maybe, Stacked RNN was the point of interest in the docs and not the settings of initial_state.
In most cases, you will not need to set the initial_state for an RNN. TensorFlow can handle this efficiently for us. In the case of seq2seq RNN, this property may be used.
Your RNN maybe facing some other issue. Your RNN build ups its own memory and doesn't require powerup.
I am building a chat-bot with a sequence to sequence encoder decoder model as in NMT. From the data given I can understand that when training they feed the decoder outputs into the decoder inputs along with the encoder cell states. I cannot figure out that when i am actually deploying a chatbot in real time, how what should I input into the decoder since that time is the output that i have to predict. Can someone help me out with this please?
The exact answer depends on which building blocks you take from Neural Machine Translation model (NMT) and which ones you would replace with your own. I assume the graph structure exactly as in NMT.
If so, at inference time, you can feed just a vector of zeros to the decoder.
Internal details: NMT uses the entity called Helper to determine the next input in the decoder (see tf.contrib.seq2seq.Helper documentation).
In particular, tf.contrib.seq2seq.BasicDecoder relies solely on helper when it performs a step: the next_inputs that the are fed in to the subsequent cell is exactly the return value of Helper.next_inputs().
There are different implementations of Helper interface, e.g.,
tf.contrib.seq2seq.TrainingHelper is returning the next decoder input (which is usually ground truth). This helper is used in training as indicated in the tutorial.
tf.contrib.seq2seq.GreedyEmbeddingHelper discards the inputs, and returns the argmax sampled token from the previous output. NMT uses this helper in inference when sampling_temperature hyper-parameter is 0.
tf.contrib.seq2seq.SampleEmbeddingHelper does the same, but samples the token according to categorical (a.k.a. generalized Bernoulli) distribution. NMT uses this helper in inference when sampling_temperature > 0.
The code is in BaseModel._build_decoder method.
Note that both GreedyEmbeddingHelper and SampleEmbeddingHelper don't care what the decoder input is. So in fact you can feed anything, but the zero tensor is the standard choice.
How specifically does tensorflow apply dropout when calling tf.nn.rnn_cell.DropoutWrapper() ?
Everything I read about applying dropout to rnn's references this paper by Zaremba et. al which says don't apply dropout between recurrent connections. Neurons should be dropped out randomly before or after LSTM layers, but not inter-LSTM layers. Ok.
The question I have is how are the neurons turned off with respect to time?
In the paper that everyone cites, it seems that a random 'dropout mask' is applied at each timestep, rather than generating one random 'dropout mask' and reusing it, applying it to all the timesteps in a given layer being dropped out. Then generating a new 'dropout mask' on the next batch.
Further, and probably what matters more at the moment, how does tensorflow do it? I've checked the tensorflow api and tried searching around for a detailed explanation but have yet to find one.
Is there a way to dig into the actual tensorflow source code?
You can check the implementation here.
It uses the dropout op on the input into the RNNCell, then on the output, with the keep probabilities you specify.
It seems like each sequence you feed in gets a new mask for input, then for output. No changes inside of the sequence.
I'm using bidirectional_rnn with GRUCell but this is a general question regarding the RNN in Tensorflow.
I couldn't find how to initialize the weight matrices (input to hidden, hidden to hidden). Are they initialized randomly? to zeros? are they initialized differently for each LSTM I create?
EDIT: Another motivation for this question is in pre-training some LSTMs and using their weights in a subsequent model. I don't currently know how to do that currently without saving all the states and restoring the entire model.
How to initialize weight matrices for RNN?
I believe people are using random normal initialization for weight matrices for RNN. Check out the example in TensorFlow GitHub Repo. As the notebook is a bit long, they have a simple LSTM model where they use tf.truncated_normal to initialize weights and tf.zeros to initialize biases (although I have tried using tf.ones to initialize biases before, seem to also work). I believe that the standard deviation is a hyperparameter you could tune yourself. Sometimes weights initialization is important to the gradient flow. Although as far as I know, LSTM itself is designed to handle gradient vanishing problem (and gradient clipping is for helping gradient exploding problem), so perhaps you don't need to be super careful with the setup of std_dev in LSTM? I've read papers recommending Xavier initialization (TF API doc for Xavier initializer) in Convolution Neural Network context. I don't know if people use that in RNN, but I imagine you can even try those in RNN if you want to see if it helps.
Now to follow up with #Allen's answer and your follow up question left in the comments.
How to control initialization with variable scope?
Using the simple LSTM model in the TensorFlow GitHub python notebook that I linked to as an example.
Specifically, if I want to re-factorize the LSTM part of the code in above picture using variable scope control, I may code something as following...
import tensorflow as tf
def initialize_LSTMcell(vocabulary_size, num_nodes, initializer):
'''initialize LSTMcell weights and biases, set variables to reuse mode'''
gates = ['input_gate', 'forget_gate', 'memory_cell', 'output_gate']
with tf.variable_scope('LSTMcell') as scope:
for gate in gates:
with tf.variable_scope(gate) as gate_scope:
wx = tf.get_variable("wx", [vocabulary_size, num_nodes], initializer)
wt = tf.get_variable("wt", [num_nodes, num_nodes], initializer)
bi = tf.get_variable("bi", [1, num_nodes, tf.constant_initializer(0.0)])
gate_scope.reuse_variables() #this line can probably be omitted, b.z. by setting 'LSTMcell' scope variables to 'reuse' as the next line, it'll turn on the reuse mode for all its child scope variables
def get_scope_variables(scope_name, variable_names):
'''a helper function to fetch variable based on scope_name and variable_name'''
vars = {}
with tf.variable_scope(scope_name, reuse=True):
for var_name in variable_names
var = tf.get_variable(var_name)
vars[var_name] = var
return vars
def LSTMcell(i, o, state):
'''a function for performing LSTMcell computation'''
gates = ['input_gate', 'forget_gate', 'memory_cell', 'output_gate']
var_names = ['wx', 'wt', 'bi']
gate_comp = {}
with tf.variable_scope('LSTMcell', reuse=True):
for gate in gates:
vars = get_scope_variables(gate, var_names)
gate_comp[gate] = tf.matmul(i, vars['wx']) + tf.matmul(o, vars['wt']) + vars['bi']
state = tf.sigmoid(gate_comp['forget_gate']) * state + tf.sigmoid(gate_comp['input_gate']) * tf.tanh(gate_comp['memory_cell'])
output = tf.sigmoid(gate_comp['output_gate']) * tf.tanh(state)
return output, state
The usage of the re-factorized code would be something like following...
initialize_LSTMcell(volcabulary_size, num_nodes, tf.truncated_normal_initializer(mean=-0.1, stddev=.01))
#...Doing some computation...
LSTMcell(input_tensor, output_tensor, state)
Even though the refactorized code may look less straightforward, but using scope variable control ensures scope encapsulation and allows flexible variable controls (in my opinion at least).
In pre-training some LSTMs and using their weights in a subsequent model. How to do that without saving all the states and restoring the entire model.
Assuming you have a pre-trained model froze and loaded in, if you wanna use their frozen 'wx', 'wt' and 'bi', you can simply find their parent scope names and variable names, then fetch the variables using similar structure in get_scope_variables func.
with tf.variable_scope(scope_name, reuse=True):
var = tf.get_variable(var_name)
Here is a link to understanding variable scope and sharing variables. I hope this is helpful.
The RNN models will create their variables with get_variable, and you can control the initialization by wrapping the code which creates those variables with a variable_scope and passing a default initializer to it. Unless the RNN specifies one explicitly (looking at the code, it doesn't), uniform_unit_scaling_initializer is used.
You should also be able to share model weights by declaring the second model and passing reuse=True to its variable_scope. As long as the namespaces match up, the new model will get the same variables as the first model.
A simple way to initialize all kernel weights with certain initializer is to leave the initializer in tf.variable_scope(). For example:
with tf.variable_scope('rnn', initializer=tf.variance_scaling_initializer()):
basic_cell= tf.contrib.rnn.BasicRNNCell(num_units=n_neurons)
outputs, state= tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(basic_cell, X, dtype=tf.float32)