According to WebdriverIO-Dokumentation I can integrate the output of browser console logging into webdriverio-logging. My call is then browser.getLogs('browser'). However, only log messages issued with console.warn() are retrieved. All console.log() messages are ignored. How can I manage that and include all of console messages into my webriverio report?
If you are using a recent version of Chrome and find that you only get warning and error messages in your logs, but you want INFO as well, add the following into your wdio.conf.js:
exports.config = {
capabilities: [{
"goog:loggingPrefs": { // <-- Add this
browser: "ALL",
Using #golevelup/nestjs-rabbitmq I tried the connection manager to not wait for a connection. According to the readme it can handle reconnections and wait for a connection without crashing the app. However, when I use the connectionInitOptions as stated and set wait to false, I get a connection error. When I don't use it (default behavior setting wait to true) , it connects to the RabbitMQ server. Below are examples importing the RabbitMQModule in a NestJS module.
This works and connects to the RabbitMQ server
RabbitMQModule.forRoot(RabbitMQModule, {
exchanges: [{ type: 'topic', name: 'main' }],
uri: 'amqp://guest:guest#localhost:5672',
This doesn't work and won't connect
RabbitMQModule.forRoot(RabbitMQModule, {
exchanges: [{ type: 'topic', name: 'main' }],
uri: 'amqp://guest:guest#localhost:5672',
connectionInitOptions: {
wait: false,
With the second option I get the following error:
Error: AMQP connection is not available
at AmqpConnection.publish (/home/xxx/node_modules/#golevelup/nestjs-rabbitmq/src/amqp/connection.ts:424:13)
at BootstrapService.onApplicationBootstrap (/home/xxx/src/bootstrap/bootstrap.service.ts:20:25)
at MapIterator.iteratee (/home/xxx/node_modules/#nestjs/core/hooks/on-app-bootstrap.hook.js:22:43)
at (/home/xxx/node_modules/iterare/src/map.ts:9:39)
at (/home/xxx/node_modules/iterare/src/iterate.ts:19:28)
at Function.from (<anonymous>)
at IteratorWithOperators.toArray (/home/xxx/node_modules/iterare/src/iterate.ts:227:22)
at callOperator (/home/xxx/node_modules/#nestjs/core/hooks/on-app-bootstrap.hook.js:23:10)
at callModuleBootstrapHook (/home/xxx/node_modules/#nestjs/core/hooks/on-app-bootstrap.hook.js:43:23)
at NestApplication.callBootstrapHook (/home/xxx/node_modules/#nestjs/core/nest-application-context.js:199:55)
at NestApplication.init (/home/xxx/node_modules/#nestjs/core/nest-application.js:98:9)
at NestApplication.listen (/home/xxx/node_modules/#nestjs/core/nest-application.js:155:33)
at bootstrap (/home/xxx/src/main.ts:12:3)
The last line (main.ts:12:3) is the app.listen(3000) statement.
There are other options you can set with the connectionInitOptions (reject and timeout) and I've tried the combinations but still no connection.
RabbitMQ is running in a docker container on Linux but that should be no problem. I posted the same question on NestJS discord but got no reply, so hopefully someone on SO has an idea.
Any idea what could be the cause?
Found the problem, I was using the connection in a onApplicationBootstrap method and then the connection is apparently not present yet.
you can wait for connection asynchronously 'onApplicationBootstrap':
or on :
async onModuleInit() {
await this.amqpConnection.managedChannel.waitForConnect(async () => {
await this.assertQueueAndBindToExchange(
I am trying to open my url using Nightwatch and I wan't able to close the browser afterwards.
I tried using timeouts, as well as browser.end(), or browser.closeWindow(). None of them seem to be working for my url.
module.exports = {
'Demo test mywrkouts' : function (browser) {
browser.timeouts('script', 10000, function(result) {
console.log("Test result"+result);
It opens the page, but doesn't close the browser. I am using Chrome browser with chromedriver. I am expecting to close the window, but it doesn't work.
Any advice is appreciated.
LE: Like I extensibly described below, you don't need to explicitly close the browser at the end of the test (via browser.end()) as the Nightwatch test-runner does that for you at the end of each feature-file.
But, if you need to do some teardown operations and then explicitly close the session, do it in an after (or afterEach) hook. Try the following snippet:
module.exports = {
before(browser) {
'My Wrkouts Test': (browser) => {
// Check if the website logo is visible:
// Check the articles heading text:
browser.expect.element('')'Foundational Education Series');
after(browser, done) {
browser.end(() => {'*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*');'*-- Clossing session... Good bye! --*');'*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*');
Anyways, I feel you are confusing the way NightwatchJS/WebdriverIO/Protractor (or any other Webdriver-based test solution) is handling a browser session.
First off, you need not worry about closing the active session. Nightwatch does it for you at the end of each test feature-file. Thus, running a suit of let's say three test suites (login.js, register.js, forgot_password.js) will sequentially spawn & close three different browser sessions.
Also, browser.closeWindow() is only used for closing a window instance (taking into account that you have multiple windows associated with the same browser session). It won't close your main window, unless you have switched to another window instance (which was previously opened during your test run).
If you use browser.end() in the middle of your test, then you basically kill the active session, nullifying the following logic from your feature-file:
INFO Request: DELETE /wd/hub/session/4a4bb4cb1b38409ee466b0fc8af78101
- data:
- headers: {"Content-Length":0,"Authorization":"Basic Z29wcm86YmM3MDk2MGYtZGE0Yy00OGUyLTk5MGMtMzA5MmNmZGJhZTMz"}
INFO Response 200 DELETE /wd/hub/session/4a4bb4cb1b38409ee466b0fc8af78101 (56ms) { sessionId: '4a4bb4cb1b38409ee466b0fc8af78101',
status: 0,
value: null }
LOG → Completed command end (57 ms)
Everything after will look like this:
INFO Response 404 POST /wd/hub/session/null/elements (11ms) { sessionId: 'null',
{ error: 'invalid session id',
message: 'No active session with ID null',
stacktrace: '' },
status: 6 }
!Note: There is no support for doing what you are trying to do, nor is it a common use-case, thus the lack of support for it across
all of these testing solutions.
They say a picture is worth 1000 words, so let's me simply put it this way... what you are trying to do is synonymous with the following:
I have built a Java Restful API and I want to access it from Angular 5. For development i have angular server running on port 4200 while my backend runs on 8080. I am trying to setup proxy in angular in order to communicate with backend.
So i have created the following proxy.conf.json file:
"/**": {
"target": "http://localhost:8080",
"changeOrigin": true,
"secure": false,
"logLevel": "debug"
Then i run in terminal
ng serve --proxy-conf proxy.conf.json
and i get the message
Proxy created: /** -> http://localhost:8080
[HPM] Subscribed to http-proxy events: [ 'error', 'close' ]
So till now everything is fine.
When i type in browser url for example
everything works fine and i get the response
[{"id":55,"protocolNo":121212222,"date":1525122000000,"isPayed":true,"yliko":"fdasdfasfsaf","makro":"fdsa","anoso":"fdsa","mikro":"fdsafds","symperasma":"dfsdfsadf","klinikesPlirofories":"fsdafds","histo":"dfsadffga","simpliromatikiEkthesi":"fdsadfsdfa","patient":{"id":1,"firstName":"Μιχαήλ","lastName":"Τουτουδάκης","birthday":"1975-08-19","fatherName":"Δημήτριος","telephone":"6948571893","email":"","sex":true,"city":{"id":1,"name":"Χανιά"}},"doctor":{"id":1,"firstName":"όνομα","lastName":"επίθετο","telephone":"2821074737","email":"","fatherName":"πατέρας","specialty":{"id":1,"name":"Αγγειοχειρουργική"},"city":{"id":1,"name":"Χανιά"}},"clinic":{"id":1,"name":"Κλινική Τσεπέτη","telephone":"123456789","address":"Παπαναστασίου","email":""},"signingDoctor":{"id":1,"lastName":"Δασκαλάκη","firstName":"Άννα"},"mikroskopikaSymperasma":null,"anosoEkthesi":null,"cancer":true},{"id":56,"protocolNo":11111,"date":1525640400000,"isPayed":false,"yliko":"dfsadfs","makro":"dfsfsdfdsdfsadfsa","anoso":"dfsdfsfdssfafasd","mikro":"dsfdfsadfsadfssdf","symperasma":"σδγσδγσαδγσγσασδγ","klinikesPlirofories":"δδφφγφγαφαγ","histo":"fdsasdfd","simpliromatikiEkthesi":"γαγσαδσγσδγσδαγ","patient":{"id":5,"firstName":"Στέφανος","lastName":"Μαριόλος","birthday":"2018-03-26","fatherName":"","telephone":"4838583845","email":"","sex":true,"city":{"id":2,"name":"Ρέθυμνο"}},"doctor":{"id":3,"firstName":"Χαράλαμπος","lastName":"Πρωτοπαπαδάκης","telephone":"4343454345","email":"","fatherName":"","specialty":{"id":29,"name":"Πνευμονολογία - Φυματιολογία"},"city":{"id":1,"name":"Χανιά"}},"clinic":{"id":1,"name":"Κλινική Τσεπέτη","telephone":"123456789","address":"Παπαναστασίου","email":""},"signingDoctor":{"id":1,"lastName":"Δασκαλάκη","firstName":"Άννα"},"mikroskopikaSymperasma":"γσαγδσασαδγδασγαγσγσ","anosoEkthesi":"φδαφγφγφδσγ","cancer":true}]
However visiting backend end point from angular i get nothing.
For incidents for example i have the following service:
getIncidents(): Observable<Incident[]> {
console.log('getting incidents');
const incidentsUrl = '/incidents/all';
return this.http.get<Incident[]>(incidentsUrl)
Which generates the following error in javascript console:
core.js:1440 ERROR Error: Uncaught (in promise): TypeError: Cannot read property 'push' of undefined
TypeError: Cannot read property 'push' of undefined
At the following line:
this.subscriptions.push(this.incidentsService.getIncidents().subscribe((results) => {
Which means that this.incidentsService.getIncidents() retturns nothing??
Any Ideas??
I removed the this.subscriptions.push(...) action and everything works fine. Why is this happening when using subscriptions. I need them because onDestroy i call subscription.unsubsribe() to avoid memory leaks.
Note that this happens when using proxy. If i don't use proxy and deploy the project to tomcat everything works ok. I don't get null inside push().
Any Ideas???
The problem was at the declaration of subscriptions. In the beginning it was:
subscriptions: Subscription[];
I changed it to
subscriptions: Subscription[] = [];
and everything worked fine.
wasn't initialized.
My application is built on Polymer v2 and uses the Firebase Auth service for authentication. Actually, I use the login-fire element. For a better experience on mobile devices, I choose to sign-in with redirect.
In the "network" tab of the DevTool (in Chrome) I see that a request containing the /__/auth/handler? pattern is sent for requesting Google authentication (for example, if the provider used is Google).
With the service workers enabled, this request is caught and the response is the login page of my application. No login attempted, the response comes from the service worker and I get a Network Error from Firebase API because of a timeout.
When I deploy the app without service workers the authentication process is working and I can reach the app.
I tried many ways to config the service workers to ignore all requests to a URL with the /auth/ pattern but I failed.
See the last version of my config file bellow.
module.exports = {
globPatterns: ['**\/*.{html,js,css,ico}'],
staticFileGlobs: [
clientsClaim: true,
skipWaiting: true,
navigateFallback: 'index.html',
runtimeCaching: [
urlPattern: /\/auth\//,
handler: 'networkOnly',
urlPattern: /\/bower_components\/webcomponentsjs\/.*.js/,
handler: 'fastest',
options: {
cache: {
name: 'webcomponentsjs-polyfills-cache',
urlPattern: /\/images\//,
handler: 'cacheFirst',
options: {
cacheableResponse: {
statuses: [0, 200],
Do you have a better solution? Do you notice what I missed?
Thank you for your help.
You can add this to your sw-precache-config.js file
navigateFallbackWhitelist: [/^(?!\/auth\/)/],
You should only whitelist the paths of your application. This should be known to you.
So everything you do not whitelist, will not be served from the serviceworker.
navigateFallbackWhitelist: [/^\/news\//,/^\/msg\//, /^\/settings\//],
With this example, only news/*, msg/*,settings/* will be delivered.
/auth/*,/api/*,... will not be caught.
When the request to the worklight server from the Mobile device times-out, I get the following Error and it looks like it is being pushed from the Worklight framework
Make sure the host address is available to the app (especially relevant for android and iphone apps
Now It's not ideal to reveal the server address to the end user. And I'm not able to figure out as to where this can be customized. Need suggestion on how to modify this error Message
AFSIK Try Change the log level from your wlInitOptions to error and check the logs to disable the timeout error messages
`var wlInitOptions = {
connectOnStartup : true,
timeout : 60000,
logger : {enabled: true, level: 'error', stringify: true, pretty: false,
tag: {level: false, pkg: true}, whitelist: [], blacklist: []},
analytics : {
enabled: false