How can I insert circled numbers with text in button label/text, -

I am trying to insert circled numbers with (a-z) text on button labels/text in a desktop application. Wingdings 2 font has what I need for the circled numbers but has no regular (a-z) text and the button font property does not allow two different fonts in the same button label/text.
In scouring the internet, I can find nothing, but I am sure I am not the first to need this feature.
The goal is to have a circled number at the beginning of each button label/text, so that the user can click the buttons in the right sequence.

You should be be to paste them in as Unicode in most fonts. Here are some Sans Serif ones, just try to copy and paste them with the rest of your button text:
🄋 ➀ ➁ ➂ ➃ ➄ ➅ ➆ ➇ ➈ ➉
If this does not work for you, You may want to try a button image instead. Maybe use something like Paint.Net to make the text you want into an image, and then set that as the button image. I'm not sure if you can do that in a sizable way with SVG or PNG or if you would have to make several images for different sizes and use code to switch them.
FYI, I got these characters from this site, if you want more options:


Delete all instances of red text in adobe acrobat

A client has provided a several pdf documents, each over 300+ pages.
They marked up the document by adding text boxes to each page. We can identify what they added easily because their additions are in red font. We would like to identify any text boxes that have red font in order to delete them from the document, thereby leaving a document that does not include their additions.
I have been able to click on the text and delete it manually but that only allows us to do one at a time. I have checked the ActionWizard menu, the redaction functionality, the search function and the sanitize function but these do not appear to address this issue as needed. Is there any way to delete all instances of red (or any specific color) text?
I would also like to clarify that in some instances they included CIRCLES from the drawing tool menu, again these would be in red. We would also like to remove those from the document.
We are using Adobe Acrobat Pro XI but are open to any solutions.

PDFBox retrieve text from overlapping boxes

I've had some success using the PDFTextStripperByArea class to retrieve text contained within a specified rectangle. However, some of the PDFs I an scraping have text that is in slightly different places from page to page. I'm looking for help in how to deal with this.
In the example below, I can open the PDF in Acrobat Edit mode and see multiple text boxes (outlines with thin grey lines). I have indicated two regions (purple and red) that I would like to extract text from. However, instead of just getting the text physically inside the rectangle, I'd like all the text from the overlapping text boxes.
Is there a way to do this?

save textbox as picture in powerpoint_transparancy difficulties

In powerpoint 2010 I want to save an inserted textbox as a picture, which is simply done by right-clicking on the text box and save it. The saved image will however include a large amount of transparancy around the text. I am wondering whether this abundance of transparency around the text can be reduced, whithout using photo-editing programs.
I understand that powerpoint is not the right tool to use the beautifuly created texts for other purposes aside from office itself, however this would make things ten times easier for some coworkers of mine.
I hope someone can help me with this, also if it means using VBA or other (complex) codes/languages.
Thnx for your time.
Once you have typed your text in the textbox,
Copy the text box, right-click and paste as image
Now you have the image of the text box as you will get while saving that textbox as image - - using the save_as_image option
Select this image and click on format tab
You have an option to crop your image
Crop the image and save it as a picture

How do you create PDF Form Fields that will expand to contain their content?

I have a field on a PDF form that could be too small for the contents it needs to hold. Since it is already nearly the size of the page, I need a way to tell adobe to let that field grow to cover more than a page.
I haven't found any way to do this. LiveCycle seems to act like you can do it, but everything tried so far, does not do anything more than add a scroll bar in the online view, and the fails to print all the content. Acrobat doesn't even act like it is possible.
Any ideas?
If you select the field, go to the Layout Palette (Palettes Menu -> Layout (Shift + F9) ) and select the "Expand to Fit" box next to the width and/or height it will expand when more text is entered.

How to get the selected text from webview?

If I holds the finger on a word displayed in web view,
highlight the word with corner anchors to allow
me to stretch the selection across a span of
words. Once a block of text is
highlighted, it gives me the option to copy text.
Can i get that highlighted text without coping it?
Thanks in advance
This one worked for me: Cocobuilder archive
In short, you need:
[[myWebView selectedDOMRange] toString];