Kotlin - conditional assign value in one line - kotlin

Is it possible to conditional assign a value in one line in kotlin?
var foo: String
if (x != 0) {
foo = x
// nothing is set if condition is false
foo = if (x != 0) x
Not wanted
// null is set if condition is false
foo = takeIf{ x != 0 }.let{ x }

foo = if (x != 0) x else foo
you want?
(Besides, you declared var foo: String, and the x != 0 may indicate a x: Int, then you are not able to foo = x. Maybe a typo here.)

Sure thing
if (x != 0) foo = x

The usual way of doing this would be the following:
if (x != 0) foo = x
This is not always possible, because smart casting cannot be performed if there is a chance that another thread modifies the value between the null check in the assignment. This happens for instance if your x is a nullable var property on the class.
In that case, you have this option:
x?.let { foo = it }


How to do multiple variable assignments in one line in Kotlin like C,C++?

I had to swap 2 numbers in one line expression using no other variable except x and y.
So I wrote the following .c program to swapp two numbers with the given conditions and it works like charm.
int main() {
int x =5, y =2;
x = y-x+(y=x);
printf("X=%d, y=%d", x, y);
return 0;
But when i try to do the same in kotlin it gives me an error that
Assignments are not expressions, and only expressions are allowed in
this context,
I can resolve this issue by introducing a third variable just like this. But I'm not allowed to have any other variable except x and y which are already given. So is there any other way I can do this in one line using any kotlin property?
Below is the kotlin program
fun main() {
var x = 5
var y = 10
x = y-x+(y=x)
println("X = $x, Y = $y")
While I have two suggestions below, I want to start with a recommendation against either of them, at least in this simple example.
It's usually a lot more clear to optimise code for developers to read in the following ways:
create an extra variable with a descriptive name
prefer val over var to avoid accidental mutations
and try to make the code 'linear', so the operations can be read from top-to-bottom without jumping between functions
avoid code that needs an IDE to see what the type-hints are
And I'll trust that the compiler will make make the code performant.
fun main() {
val x = 5
val y = 10
val newX = y
val newY = x
println("X = $newX, Y = $newY")
Local function
You could use a local function to perform the swap, as the function will still be able to access the original values.
fun main() {
var x = 5
var y = 10
fun swap(originalX: Int, originalY: Int) {
y = originalX
x = originalY
swap(x, y)
println("X = $x, Y = $y")
Scope function
This could be code-golfed into one line
use to to create a Pair<Int, Int>,
and a scope function to use the result.
fun main() {
var x = 5
var y = 10
(x to y).apply { x = second; y = first }
println("X = $x, Y = $y")
One line? Yes. More difficult to read? I think so.

Kotlin android if statement

Kotlin, Android studio, v. 4.0.1
I have a progress bar in my app that ranges from 0 to 10.
When it is at 0, the following code gives an error (which is logic):
val rand = Random().nextInt(seekBar.progress) + 1
resultsTextView.text = rand.toString()
So I want to add an if statement before to filter out the 0. If the progress bar is at 0, the 'rand' should be at 0 too.
I have the following but it does not work:
rollButton.setOnClickListener {
val ggg = seekBar.progress
if (ggg = 0) {
val rand = 0
} else {
val rand = Random().nextInt(seekBar.progress) + 1
resultsTextView.text = rand.toString()
Any idea?
rand is defined in the scope of if and else, you cannot use it outside that scope and instead of comparing ggg with 0 (==) you are setting its value to 0 (=). And if you want to reassign rand, it cannot be a val which can only be assigned once, make it a var instead.
Do it like this:
rollButton.setOnClickListener {
val ggg = seekBar.progress
var rand = 0;
if (ggg != 0) {
rand = Random().nextInt(seekBar.progress) + 1
resultsTextView.text = rand.toString()
Replace if (ggg = 0) { with if (ggg == 0) {.
A more Kotlin approach might be along the lines of:
rollButton.setOnClickListener {
val rand = seekBar.progress.let {
if (it == 0)
Random().nextInt(it) + 1
resultsTextView.text = rand.toString()
This uses an if() expression (not a statement) to avoid any mutable variables.  And by getting the value of seekBar.progress only once, it also avoids any issues if the bar gets moved while that's running.
However, I have to check if that's actually what you want:
Bar position | Possible values
0 | 0
1 | 1
2 | 1–2
3 | 1–3
… | …
That looks wrong to me…  Do you really want to exclude zero in all but the first case?  If not, then you could just move the addition inside the call — Random().nextInt(seekBar.progress + 1) — and avoid the special case entirely.

how do i correctly use >= and <= in code?

I have tried many thing involving this, >=, >==, =>, ==>.i can not find one that works. hey all return either primary expression needed or expected initializer before '>'. I am creating a IR receiver latch switch and thus have to create parameters for the code because the receiver is not constant in all conditions. Full code below. Any suggestions to fix the code please reply and don't DM me. Thank you.
int LEDState = 0;
int LEDPin = 8;
int dt = 100;
int recieverOld ==> 500 and recieverOld ==< 2000;
int recieverNew;
int recieverPin = 12;
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
pinMode(LEDPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(recieverPin, INPUT);
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
recieverNew = digitalRead(recieverPin);
if((recieverOld >== 0 && recieverOld <== 10) && (recieverNew >== 500 && recieverNew <== 2000) {
if(LEDState == 0) {
digitalWrite(LEDPin, HIGH);
LEDState = 1;
recieverOld = recieverNew;
expected initializer before '==' token
if one = used line 4 and related, return error expected primary-expression before '>' token
if > before = line 4 and related, return error expected initializer before '>=' token
Any solutions or suggestions welcome.
Operators that do no exist, and that you should NOT use:
==>, ==<, >==, <==
Operators that works and you can use them:
>= - MORE THAN OR EQUAL, compare operator, for example X >= 5
<= - LESS THAN OR EQUAL, compare operator, for example X <= 5
> - MORE THAN, compare operator, for example X > 5
< - LESS THAN, compare operator, for example X < 5
== - compare operator, when you want to compare values of the variables if they have the same value, for example X == 5, Y == X, 10 == 7
=== - equality operator, similar to compare operator ==, but aditionally checks the type of a variable. for example X === Y, '10' === 10
= - assign operator, when you want to assign something to the variable, for example X = 5
<> OR != - NOT EQUAL, compare operator, for example X != 5, Y <> 10
!== - similar to != or <>, but also checks the type of a value. For example 10 !== '10', and will return opposite result of the equality operator ===

Why does `variable++` increment the variable but `variable + 1` does not?

Here's the problem in which I encountered this issue:
The function should compare the value at each index position and score a point if the value for that position is higher. No point if they are the same. Given a = [1, 1, 1] b = [1, 0, 0] output should be [2, 0]
fun compareArrays(a: Array<Int>, b: Array<Int>): Array<Int> {
var aRetVal:Int = 0
var bRetVal:Int = 0
for(i in 0..2){
when {
a[i] > b[i] -> aRetVal + 1 // This does not add 1 to the variable
b[i] > a[i] -> bRetVal++ // This does...
return arrayOf(aRetVal, bRetVal)
The IDE even says that aRetVal is unmodified and should be declared as a val
What others said is true, but in Kotlin there's more. ++ is just syntactic sugar and under the hood it will call inc() on that variable. The same applies to --, which causes dec() to be invoked (see documentation). In other words a++ is equivalent to a.inc() (for Int or other primitive types that gets optimised by the compiler and increment happens without any method call) followed by a reassignment of a to the incremented value.
As a bonus, consider the following code:
fun main() {
var i = 0
val x = when {
i < 5 -> i++
else -> -1
println(x) // prints 0
println(i) // prints 1
val y = when {
i < 5 -> ++i
else -> -1
println(y) // prints 2
println(i) // prints 2
The explanation for that comes from the documentation I linked above:
The compiler performs the following steps for resolution of an operator in the postfix form, e.g. a++:
Store the initial value of a to a temporary storage a0;
Assign the result of a.inc() to a;
Return a0 as a result of the expression.
For the prefix forms ++a and --a resolution works the same way, and the effect is:
Assign the result of a.inc() to a;
Return the new value of a as a result of the expression.
variable++ is shortcut for variable = variable + 1 (i.e. with assignment)
variable + 1 is "shortcut" for variable + 1 (i.e. without assignment, and actually not a shortcut at all).
That is because what notation a++ does is actually a=a+1, not just a+1. As you can see, a+1 will return a value that is bigger by one than a, but not overwrite a itself.
Hope this helps. Cheers!
The equivalent to a++ is a = a + 1, you have to do a reassignment which the inc operator does as well.
This is not related to Kotlin but a thing you'll find in pretty much any other language

Kotlin null safety?

Let's have a function foo and a class Bar:
fun foo(key: String): String? {
// returns string or null
class Bar(x: String, y: String) {
// ...
Now, let's have the code:
val x = foo("x")
val y = foo("y")
if (x.isNotEmpty() && y.isNotEmpty())
return Bar(x, y)
The problem is that this code will not compile. Since it needs the Bar(x!!, y!!).
However when I replace the function with its content, !! are not needed.
val x = foo("x")
val y = foo("y")
if ((x != null && x.length() > 0) && (y != null && y.length() > 0))
return Bar(x, y)
Why it is not possible to resolve the null check from the function .isNotEmpty()?
This is possible in theory, but it would mean that either
1. The declaration of isNotEmpty() must convey to the compiler the fact that x is guaranteed to be non-null if the result is true
2. A change to a body of any function may cause its call sites to fail to compile.
Option 2 is definitely unacceptable. Option 1 requires a rather expressive mechanism in the type system, which we decided not to add at the moment, because it is likely to complicate things for the user.
We are planning to support something like this with inline functions, but it's still under consideration.