Indexing variables in sets in Xpress Mosel - indexing

I'm trying to solve a linear relaxation of a problem I've already solved with a Python library in order to see if it behaves in the same way in Xpress Mosel.
One of the index sets I'm using is not the typical c=1..n but a set of sets, meaning I've taken the 1..n set and have created all the combinations of subsets possible (for example the set 1..3 creates the set of sets {{1},{2},{3},{1,2},{2,3},{1,2,3}}).
In one of my constraints, one of the indexes must run inside each one of those subsets.
The respective code in Python is as follows (using the Gurobi library):
for L in range(1,len(cluster)+1):
for subset in itertools.combinations(cluster, L):
for i in range(len(nodes)):
for j in range(len(nodes)):
if i<j and A[i][j]==1:
for l in range(len(clusters1)):
for h in clusters1[l]:
(In case the code above is confusing, which I suspect it to be)The constraint I'm trying to write is:
z(i,j)>= sum_{h in C1}(x(i,h)-x(j,h)) forall C1 in C
in which the C1 is each of those subsets.
Is there a way to do this in Mosel?

You could use some Mosel code along these lines (however, independently of the language that you are using, please be aware that the calculated 'set of all subsets' very quickly grows in size with an increasing number of elements in the original set C, so this constraint formulation will not scale up well):
C: set of integer
CS: set of set of integer
z,x: array(I:range,J:range) of mpvar
CS:=union(i in C) {{i}}
forall(j in 1..C.size-1)
forall(s in CS | s.size=j, i in C | i > max(k in s) k ) CS+={s+{i}}
forall(s in CS,i in I, j in J) z(i,j) >= sum(h in s) (x(i,h)-x(j,h))
Giving this some more thought, the following version working with lists in place of sets is more efficient (that is, faster):
uses "mmsystem"
C: set of integer
L: list of integer
CS: list of list of integer
z,x: array(I:range,J:range) of mpvar
qsort(SYS_UP, L) ! Making sure L is ordered
CS:=union(i in L) [[i]]
forall(j in 1..L.size-1)
forall(s in CS | s.size=j, i in L | i > s.last ) CS+=[s+[i]]
forall(s in CS,i in I, j in J) z(i,j) >= sum(h in s) (x(i,h)-x(j,h))


Problem determining the bit length of a key from the modulus in the RSA algorithm

Here are two 64-bit (signed) integers
p = 13776308150928489016
q = 16488138731131959619
and their product
n = 112488352363349635896748360565917156710
The bit-length of the product is floor ((log2 n) + 1) or 127.
Now here are another two 64-bit integers
p = 13275629912622491628
q = 16290498985329101221
and their product
n = 179030914337714357408535416678431567970
but this time the bit length is floor ((log2 n) + 1) or 128.
The reason is that there's a leading zero in the first integer, which makes the space needed to represent the integer in memory one bit smaller.
The problem this causes is that I can't determine the bit length of the keys accurately. For example, here are is a very short RSA key pair:
Public key : 7, 8371846783263706079
Private key : 2989945277626202443, 8371846783263706079
The modulus (8371846783263706079) is 63 bits, which the number I'm after is 64. The overcome this issue I have considered the following solutions:
Round up to the nearest 2^n
Store the key size in bits along with the key
Add some kind of padding to ensure all integers take up the same space (not sure how this would work in practice)
Which one is the correct solution?
As #r3mainer notes, the math needed here -- inequalities -- is not exotic. As to what tutorials say, well, they're just tutorials, they're trying to simplify as much as possible so they leave out some details.
What you are observing is the following:
you want two primes, p and q, to have the same bit length k and their product N to have a bit length of 2k.
By the definition of what it means to have a bit length of k, we have the following inequality:
1) 2(k-1) <= p, q < 2k.
However, when we multiply p and q we discover a problem:
2) 2(2k - 2) <= N < 22k
This means that N=p*q may end up having bit length of 2k-1 or 2k, but we don't want 2k-1.
In your example k=64.
To fix it, we need to tighten up the lower bound on p and q to the following:
3) sqrt(2(2k-1)) <= p, q < 2k.
Bearing in mind that all results are integers, we apply the ceiling function and get finally
4) ceiling(sqrt(2(2k-1))) <= p, q < 2k.
For k=64 this works out to:
13043817825332782213 <= p, q < 264
An even simpler formulation is make the bounds dynamic, as in the following:
first find p, of any size. Then we want
2(2k - 1) <= p*q < 22k, so
5) (2(2k - 1))/ p <= q < (22k)/p will do the trick.
For RSA, we actually do want both primes to be sufficiently large and entropic, and yet not be too close to each other. We can do that by choosing p to have length k-1 or k-2 and applying 5).

Restrain variable to a bounded region (interval) formulation in Mixed Integer Linear Programming

I have 4 non negative real variable that are A, B, C and X. Based on the current problem that I have, I notice that the variable X must belong to the interval of [B,C] and the relation will be a bunch of if-else conditions like this:
If A < B:
x = B
elseif A > C:
x = C
elseif B<=A<=C:
x = A
As you can see, it quite difficult to reformulate as a Mixed Integer Programming problem with corresponding decision variable (d1, d2 and d3). I have try reading some instructions regarding if-then formulation using big M method at this site: but it seem that this problem is more challenging than their tutorial.
Could you kindly provide me with a formulation for this situation ?
Thank you very much !

AMPL: Modeling vehicles to departure "every n hours"

I want to model that departures from a node can only take place in a "every n hours" manner. I've started to model this using two variables - starttime[i,j,k] shows when vehicle k departured i with j as destination, x[i,j,k] is a binary variable having value 1 if vehicle k drove from i to j, and 0 otherwise. The model is:
maximize maxdrive: sum{i in V, j in V, k in K} traveltime[i,j]*x[i,j,k];
subject to TimeConstraint {k in K}:
sum{i in V, j in V} (traveltime[i,j]+servicetime[i])*x [i,j,k] <= 1440;
subject to StartTime{i in V,j in V, k in K}:
starttime[i,j,k] + traveltime[i,j] - 9000 * (1 - x[i,j,k]) <= starttime[j,i,k];
subject to yvar{i in V, j in V}:
sum{k in K} x[i,j,k] <= maxVisits[i,j];
subject to Constraint1{i in V, j in V, k in K, g in V, h in K}:
starttime[i,j,k] + TimeInterval[i]*x[i,j,k] <= starttime[i,g,h];
The constraint in question is "Constraint1" where i is the origin node, j the destination node, and k is the vehicle. The index g is used to show that the later departure can be to any destination node. TimeInterval corresponds to the interval intended, i.e. if TimeInterval at i is 2 hours, the starttime of the next vehicle to departure from i must not be less than 2 hours from previous departure. The origins corresponds to specific products (only available from said origin node) whereas I want the vehicles to not be bounded to a specific origin node - they should be able to jump between nodes to utilize backhauling etc. In other words, I want to conduct this constraint without having restraints on the vehicles themselves but rather the origin nodes.
The objective function to "maximize the traveltime" may seem strange, but the objective function is rather obsolete really. If the constraints are met, the solution is adequate. To maximize traveltime is merely an attempt to "force" the x variables to become 1.
The question is: how can I do this? With this formulation, all x[i,j,k] variables dissappears from the answer (without this constraint, some of the binary variables x becomes 1 and the other 0. The solution meets the maxVisits requirement. With the constraint all x variables becomes 0 and all starttimes becomes 0 as well. MINTO (The solver) doesn't state that the problem is infeasible either.
Also, how to separate the vehicles so the program recognizes that it is a comparison between all departures? I would rather to not include time dimensions, at it would give so much more variables.
EDIT: After trying a new model using a non-linear solver I've seen some strange results. Specifically, I'm using the limit 1440 (minutes) as an upper bound as to for how long a vehicle can operate each day. Using this model below the solution is 0 for every variable, but the starttime for all combinations of i,j,k is 720 (half of 1440). Does anyone have any clue in regards of what causing this solution? How did this constraint remove the link between starttime being higher than 0 requiring that x must be 1.
subject to StartTimeSelf{i in V, j in V, k in K, g in K, h in V}:
starttime[i,j,k]*x[i,j,k] + TimeInterval[i]*x[i,j,k] + y[i,k] <= starttime[i,h,g]*x[i,j,k];

AMPL: Model terminals within a destination city

I've encountered a problem which I have not found any solution to reading the AMPL documentation of sets.
What I want to model is that a city, say Kir, must have for instance 9 deliveries from another city, for instance Sto. However, these deliveries must arrive in Kir at some specific terminals, each terminal being open only for a small amount of time (approx 2 minutes) each day. The same must be true for the origin node. The route from Sto must be specified from a specific terminal (so the path can be "followed" in the results).
I've started to model using the "set V within K" operation for sets, but that requires that V must be the same set, or a subset of K where K is the set representing the "nodes" - Kir, Sto and so on and V is the set of names of the terminals "Terminal1", "Terminal2" etc.
I've started to check for instance "set K dimension 4" defined as for instance:
set K dimension 4;
set K:=
Sto Kir Terminal1 Terminal2
Bod Kir Terminal3 Terminal2;
Where set K represents from which city (for example Sto) a delivery should be driven (to for example Kir), where the departing terminal in Sto is Terminal1 and the delivering terminal in Kir is Terminal2. This has the downside of having to specifiy a large number of combinations (there are approximately 22 terminals in Kir alone etc) manually. I don't know how to model the constraints then either. For instance the "one dimension" set I've previously had:
subject to yvar{i in V, j in V}:
sum{k in H} x[i,j,k] <= maxVisits[i,j];
where V is the set of cities alone, and H is the set of vehicles, maxVisits represents the maximum amount of deliviries from city i to city j and x is 1 if a delivery is made from i to j using vehicle k. I don't understand how this could be modeled, using the four dimensional set K.
One way to model this is to index x over K and H and change the summation to include terminals:
var x{K, H} binary;
subject to yvar{i in V, j in V}:
sum{(i,j,t,u) in K, k in H} x[i,j,t,u,k] <= maxVisits[i,j];
The indexing (i,j,t,u) in K in the summation will iterate over pairs of terminals that are endpoints of routes from city i to city j. Note that i and j are fixed here because they are defined in the constraint indexing {i in V, j in V}.

Number of solutions for a particular subset sum

Let's say we have a set : {1, 2, ..., n}.
How many subsets of order R exist S = {a_i1, a_i2, ...a_iR} that sum up to a certain number S?. What is the recursion for this problem?
Just define method to solve original problem. Parameters it receives are:
max number to use (n),
subset size (R),
subset sum (S),
and returns number of combinations.
To implement this method, first we have to check is it possible to make this request. It is not possible to fulfill task if:
subset size is larger than number of possible elements (R > n)
maximal possible sum is smaller than S. n + (n-1) + ... + (n-R+1) < S => R*((n-R) + (R+1)/2) < S
After that it is enough to try all possibilities for larger element that will go in subset. In python style it should be implemented like:
def combinations(n, R, S):
if R > n or R*((n-R) + (R+1)/2) < S:
return 0
c = 0
for i in xrange(R, n+1): # try i as maximal element in subset. It can go from R to n
# recursion n is i-1, since i is already used
# recursion R is R-1, since we put i in a set
# recursion S is S-i, since i is added to a set and we are looking for sum without it
c += combinations(i-1, R-1, S-i)
return c