Number of solutions for a particular subset sum - dynamic

Let's say we have a set : {1, 2, ..., n}.
How many subsets of order R exist S = {a_i1, a_i2, ...a_iR} that sum up to a certain number S?. What is the recursion for this problem?

Just define method to solve original problem. Parameters it receives are:
max number to use (n),
subset size (R),
subset sum (S),
and returns number of combinations.
To implement this method, first we have to check is it possible to make this request. It is not possible to fulfill task if:
subset size is larger than number of possible elements (R > n)
maximal possible sum is smaller than S. n + (n-1) + ... + (n-R+1) < S => R*((n-R) + (R+1)/2) < S
After that it is enough to try all possibilities for larger element that will go in subset. In python style it should be implemented like:
def combinations(n, R, S):
if R > n or R*((n-R) + (R+1)/2) < S:
return 0
c = 0
for i in xrange(R, n+1): # try i as maximal element in subset. It can go from R to n
# recursion n is i-1, since i is already used
# recursion R is R-1, since we put i in a set
# recursion S is S-i, since i is added to a set and we are looking for sum without it
c += combinations(i-1, R-1, S-i)
return c


Is it possible to explicitly and minimally index all integer solutions to x + y + z = 2n?

For example, the analogous two dimensional question, x + y = 2n is easy to solve: one can simply consider pairs (i,2n-i) for i=1,2,...,n and thus index every solution, exactly once. We note that we have n such pairs solving x + y = 2n, for every fixed value of positive integer n, and so the cardinality of such a set is equal to n as expected.
However, trying to repeat the same problem for x + y + z = 2n, it is not clear to me how (or if it is possible) to write down a minimal set {(2n-i-j,i,j)} such that varying i and j over particular intervals precisely produces every such triplet, exactly once. It can be shown that the number of elements in such a minimal set would be equal to the nearest integer to n^2/3.
It is not hard to see how one can obtain such an indexing with repetitions, or how one can algorithmically remove repetitions, but what I would like to know is whether there is a clean, general construction, as for the x + y = 2n case. Is this possible, or will one always have to artificially restrict certain values of the parameters on the intervals for which they are defined?

How to Understand Time Complexity of Happy Number Problem Solution from Leetcode

I have some difficulties in understanding the time complexity analysis for one solution for the Happy Number Question from Leet code, for my doubts on complexity analysis, I marked them in bold and really appreciate your advice
Here is the question:
Write an algorithm to determine if a number is "happy".
A happy number is a number defined by the following process: Starting with any positive integer, replace the number by the sum of the squares of its digits, and repeat the process until the number equals 1 (where it will stay), or it loops endlessly in a cycle which does not include 1. Those numbers for which this process ends in 1 are happy numbers.
Input: 19
Output: true
1^2(square of 1) + 9^2 = 82
8^2 + 2^2 = 68
6^2 + 8^2 = 100
1^2 + 0^2 + 0^2 = 1
Here is the code:
class Solution(object):
def isHappy(self, n):
#getnext function will compute the sum of square of each digit of n
def getnext(n):
totalsum = 0
while n>0:
n,v = divmod(n,10)
return totalsum
#we declare seen as a set to track the number we already visited
seen = set()
#we stop checking if: either the number reaches one or the number was visited #already(ex.a cycle)
while n!=1 and (n not in seen):
n = getnext(n)
return n==1
Note: feel free to let me know if I need to explain how the code works
Time Complexity Analysis:
Time complexity : O(243 * 3 + logN + loglogN + log loglog N)...=O(logN).
Finding the next value for a given number has a cost of O(log n)because we are processing each digit in the number, and the number of digits in a number is given by logN.
My doubt: why the number of digits in a number is given by logN? what is N here? the value of a specific number or something else?
To work out the total time complexity, we'll need to think carefully about how many numbers are in the chain, and how big they are.
We determined above that once a number is below 243, it is impossible for it to go back up above 243.Therefore, based on our very shallow analysis we know for sure that once a number is below 243, it is impossible for it to take more than another 243 steps to terminate.
Each of these numbers has at most 3 digits. With a little more analysis, we could replace the 243 with the length of the longest number chain below 243, however because the constant doesn't matter anyway, we won't worry about it.
My doubt: I think the above paragraph is related to the time complexity component of 243*3, but I cannot understand why we multiply 243 by 3
For an n above 243, we need to consider the cost of each number in the chain that is above 243. With a little math, we can show that in the worst case, these costs will be O(log n) + O(log log n) + O(log log log N)... Luckily for us, the O(logN) is the dominating part, and the others are all tiny in comparison (collectively, they add up to less than logN), so we can ignore them. My doubt: what is the reasoning behind O(log log n) O(log log log N) for an n above 243?
Well, my guess for the first doubt is that the number of digits of a base 10 number is given by it's value (N) taken to the logarithm at base 10, rounded down. So for example, 1023 would have floor(log10(1023)) digits, which is 3. So yes, the N is the value of the number. the log in time complexity indicates a logarithm, not specifically that of base 2 or base e.
As for the second doubt, it probably has to do with the work required to reduce a number to below 243, but I am not sure. I'll edit this answer once I work that bit out.
Let's say N has M digits. Than getnext(N) <= 81*M. The equality happens when N only has 9's.
When N < 1000, i.e. at most 3 digits, getnext(N) <= 3*81 = 243. Now, you will have to call getnext(.) at most O(243) times to figure out if N is indeed happy.
If M > 3, number of digits of getnext(N) must be less than M. Try getnext(9999), getnext(99999), and so on [1].
[1] Adding a digit to N can make it at most 10*N + 9, i.e. adding a 9 at the end. But the number of digits increases to M+1 only. It's a logarithmic relationship between N and M. Hence, the same relationship holds between N and 81*M.
Using the Leetcode solution
class Solution {
private int getNext(int n) {
int totalSum = 0;
while (n > 0) {
int d = n % 10;
n = n / 10;
totalSum += d * d;
return totalSum;
public boolean isHappy(int n) {
Set<Integer> seen = new HashSet<>();
while (n != 1 && !seen.contains(n)) {
n = getNext(n);
return n == 1;
O(243*3) for n < 243
3 is the max number of digits in n
e.g. For n = 243
getNext() will take a maximum of 3 iterations because there are 3 digits for us to loop over.
isHappy() can take a maximum of 243 iterations to find a cycle or terminate, because we can store a max of 243 numbers in our hash set.
O(log n) + O(log log n) + O(log log log N)... for n > 243
1st iteration + 2nd iteration + 3rd iteration ...
getNext() will be called a maximum of O(log n) times. Because log10 n is the number of digits.
isHappy() will be called a maximum of 9^2 per digit. This is the max we can store in the hash set before we find a cycle or terminate.
First Iteration
9^2 * number of digits
O(81*(log n)) drop the constant
O(log n)
Second Iteration
O(log (81*(log n))) drop the constant
O(log log n)
Third Iteration
O(log log log N)
ect ...

Solving and producing and equation with variables indexed by a given set (Haskell)

I want to solve the following problem in Haskell:
Let n be a natural number and let A = [d_1 , ..., d_r] be a set of positive numbers.
I want to find all the positive solutions of the following equation:
n = Sum d_i^2 x_i.
For example if n= 12 and the set A= [1,2,3]. I would like to solve the following equation over the natural numbers:
It's enough to use the following code:
[(x,y,z) | x<-[0..12], y<-[0..12], z<-[0..12], x+4*y+9*z==12]
My problem is if n is not fixed and also the set A are not fixed. I don't know how to "produce" a certain amount of variables indexed by the set A.
Instead of a list-comprehension you can use a recursive call with do-notation for the list-monad.
It's a bit more tricky as you have to handle the edge-cases correctly and I allowed myself to optimize a bit:
solve :: Integer -> [Integer] -> [[Integer]]
solve 0 ds = [replicate (length ds) 0]
solve _ [] = []
solve n (d:ds) = do
let maxN = floor $ fromIntegral n / fromIntegral (d^2)
x <- [0..maxN]
xs <- solve (n - x * d^2) ds
return (x:xs)
it works like this:
It's keeping track of the remaining sum in the first argument
when there this sum is 0 where are obviously done and only have to return 0's (first case) - it will return a list of 0s with the same length as the ds
if the remaining sum is not 0 but there are no d's left we are in trouble as there are no solutions (second case) - note that no solutions is just the empty list
in every other case we have a non-zero n (remaining sum) and some ds left (third case):
now look for the maximum number that you can pick for x (maxN) remember that x * d^2 should be <= n so the upper limit is n / d^2 but we are only interested in integers (so it's floor)
try all from x from 0 to maxN
look for all solutions of the remaining sum when using this x with the remaining ds and pick one of those xs
combine x with xs to give a solution to the current subproblem
The list-monad's bind will handle the rest for you ;)
λ> solve 12 [1,2,3]
λ> solve 37 [2,3,4,6]
this will fail when dealing with negative numbers - if you need those you gonna have to introduce some more cases - I'm sure you figure them out (it's really more math than Haskell at this point)
Some hints:
Ultimately you want to write a function with this signature:
solutions :: Int -> [Int] -> [ [Int] ]
solutions 4 [1,2] == [ [4,0], [0,1] ]
-- two solutions: 4 = 4*1^2 + 0*2^2, 4 = 0*1^2 + 1*2^2
solutions 22 [2,3] == [ [1,2] ]
-- just one solution: 22 = 1*2^2 + 2*3^2
solutions 10 [2,3] == [ ]
-- no solutions
Step 2. Define solutions recursively based on the structure of the list:
solutions x [a] = ...
-- This will either be [] or a single element list
solutions x (a:as) = ...
-- Hint: you will use `solutions ... as` here

Is the growth of the binomial coefficient function factorial or polynomial

I have written an algorithm that given a list of words, must check each unique combination of four words in that list of words (regardless of order).
The number of combinations to be checked, x, can be calculated using the binomial coefficient i.e. x = n!/(r!(n-r)!) where n is the total number of words in the list and r is the number of words in each combination, which in my case is always 4, therefore the function is x = n!/(4!(n-4)!) = n!/(24(n-4)!). Therefore as the number of total words, n, increases the number of combinations to be checked, x, therefore increases factorially right?
What has thrown me is that WolframAlpha was able to rewrite this function as x = (n^4)/24 − (n^3)/4 + (11.n^2)/24 − n/4, so now it would appear to grow polynomially as n grows? So which is it?!
Here is a graph to visualise the growth of the function (the letter x is switched to an l)
For a fixed value of r, this function is O(n^r). In your case, r = 4, it is O(n^4). This is because most of the terms in the numerator are canceled out by the denominator:
= n(n-1)(n-2)(n-3)(n-4)(n-5)(n-6)...(3)(2)(1)
= n(n-1)(n-2)(n-3)
This is a 4th degree polynomial in n.

Relatively Prime numbers VB

I have this number x and i wanted to find all numbers which are relatively prime to it.
my code so far:
For i = 1 To x-1
if [number n is relatively prime to x] Then
End If
Thanks in advance
Two numbers are relatively prime if their greatest common divisor is 1. VB doesn't have the GCD function built-in, but the algorithm is simple enough (and about 2300 years old!):
function gcd(m, n)
while n > 0
m, n = n, m%n
return m
Note that m and n are assigned simultaneously. I'll leave it to you to complete the VB implementation. You might be interested in googling for the totient of a number and the list of its totatives, which is what you are calculating.
Assuming you want only numbers that are smaller than x, which are coprime with it - you could also take a generative approach, running a special kind of a sieve. When the multiples of each prime are generated, you'd see if that sequence "hits" your upper limit x or misses it, and mark all the numbers in it as non-coprimes if it does hit x.
Or in "pseudocode" (with Haskell syntax :) ),
coprimes n = go( [1..n-1], [2..n-1]) where
go( xs, [] ) = xs -- ' no more numbers to sieve - return xs
go( xs, p:ks ) = -- ' p is first in candidates, ks is the rest
let ms = [p, 2*p .. n-1] -- ' p's multiples
go( if ( (mod n p) == 0 ) -- ' is n a multiple of p ?
then (xs\\ms) -- ' yes: remove p's multiples
else xs, -- ' no: possible coprimes
ks\\ms ) -- ' candidates to sieve
Haskell's set difference \\ is very inefficient with unordered list representation of sets, but you would naturally encode this efficiently, on top of mutable arrays, in VB.