I am using cytoscape + popper.js 1.16. I am trying to set overflow hidden for the popper elements but to no avail. If I scroll graph to the:
top - popper elements are shown over panel 1 and I want to be hidden - .
right - x-axis scroller is shown and popper elements are visible. Expected result is no scroller and no poper elements -
You can find a fully runnable sample here - https://stackblitz.com/edit/web-platform-fo1uxo?file=index.html
The code I use to configure popper is as follows:
var popperEdge1 = edge.popper({
content: function(){ return makeDiv(edge.data().id); },
popper: {
removeOnDestroy: true,
modifiers: {
preventOverflow: {
enabled: true,
boundariesElement: "scrollParent",
hide: {
enabled: true,
Inside a tippy-js v6.3.7 tooltip, I have a 1px height div with background-color: #333. The div is randomly appearing blurred on some tooltips and not others. Removing the transform property on data-tippy-root fixes it but positions the tooltip in the upper-left.
Your answer saved me a ton of time, thanks Vael Victus! One more thing: you are missing a pair of {}, it should be:
popperOptions={{ modifiers: [{ name: 'computeStyles', options: { gpuAcceleration: false } }] }}
I discovered the problem resulted from the transform property used to position the tooltip itself. Tippy v6 uses popper v2, which defaults to positioning this way. You can disable it via popper's gpuAcceleration setting. Here's how I fixed it through Tippy.
opts = {
popperOptions: {
modifiers: [{
name: 'computeStyles',
options: {
gpuAcceleration: false, // true by default
tp = tippy(elem, opts);
Firefox did not have this rendering problem, and both Chrome 94 and 96 did.
Can I have cell borders (using dojo / js code without changing the css property - .dojoxGridCell) programmatically.
If you have setup your Grid programmaticaly you can use the "style" Option to change the layout of the grid for example.
YourGrid = new EnhancedGrid({
id: 'YourGridId',
store: YourStore,
style: "width:500pt;height:200pt;",
structure: layoutYourGridsName,
rowSelector: '20px',
keepSelection: false,
plugins: {
indirectSelection: IndirectSelectionSettings,
filter: Filtersettings,
pagination: PaginationSettings,
exporter: true
How do I trigger on the overlays in jqplot only after I click a checkbox (not when the html loads). When I first set overlay option show to false the overlays are not displayed on plot at 1st and when I used my trigger function the overlays do not appear.
Here is the code I use for the plot :
<div id="fastest" style="margin-top:20px; margin-left:20px; margin-right:200px; width:800px; height:400px;">
<script class="code" type="text/javascript">
var dataset="too long to be displayed here"
plot1 = $.jqplot('fastest', dataset, {
title: 'Test_figs',
legend: {show:false},
series: [{
showMarker: false,
color: '#ED0E0E',
label: 'R spectrum',
neighborThreshold: -1
label:'Restframe Wavelength'
Canvasoverlay: {
show: false,
objects: [
{verticalLine: {
name: 'Na-ID',
x: 5893.000000,
lineWidth: 2,
color: '#F0630C',
shadow: true
function NaID_trigger() {
var co = plot1.plugins.canvasOverlay;
var line = co.get('Na-ID');
if (line.options.show==false) line.options.show = true;
else line.options.show = false;
I then use :
<button onclick="NaID_trigger()">Na-ID</button>
to trigger the overlay on or off for instance.
PS: I tried replacing draw by replot as advised didn't work when show=false in overlays options.
I finally found the solution myself :
to not display the overlays when the jqplot loads I set the overall overlays "show" option to true.
Then within each object I set show to false.
Instead of the external to the plot function I used before I switched to an even handler of the form:
plot1.plugins.canvasOverlay.get('Na-ID').options.show = this.checked;
Now the plot display the selected overlay when checkbox is ticked and not at the beginning.
Hope this will help someone who has the same issues.
var gusersPanel = Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', {
columns: [{
header: 'User Login',
dataIndex: 'user_login',
header: 'User Name',
dataIndex: 'user_nicename',
autoScroll: true,
selModel: gusersSel,
store: gusersStore
Hi I am using above code for the grid Panel in Extjs4.0.2a When I populate data dynamically in the store the scrollbars are not working .
I have also tried using doLayout() for grid Panel but dosent work too .
The grid Panel is in a Window .
Anything that can solve this problem ?
Actually it works for some time but dosen't work all the time .
I've had the same problem. They use custom scrollbar and it's pretty buggy (especialy in chrome). If you are not going to use infinite scroll the possible solution could be to remove custom scrollbar and use native one. To do that just add the following to the grid's config:
var gusersPanel = Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', {
scroll : false,
viewConfig : {
style : { overflow: 'auto', overflowX: 'hidden' }
// ...
I did gusersPanel.determineScrollbars() when i am adding and removing data from store and it is working fine .
The problem with this is the scroll listener is attached to the div element on the afterrender event, but then if the scrollbar is not needed after a layout operation the div element is removed from the dom. Then, when it's needed again it's added back, but only if enough time has passed the garbage collection makes extjs recreate the div node and this time it's added to the dom without attaching the scroll listener again. The following code solves the problem:
Ext.override(Ext.grid.Scroller, {
onAdded: function() {
var me = this;
if (me.scrollEl) {
me.mun(me.scrollEl, 'scroll', me.onElScroll, me);
me.mon(me.scrollEl, 'scroll', me.onElScroll, me);
You written code to layout: 'fit'. It did not work autoScroll.
Change the code to some height and remove layout: 'fit' code.
Like this.
var gusersPanel = Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', {
columns: [{
autoScroll: true,
height: 130,
selModel: gusersSel,
store: gusersStore
It is help you. Cheers.
I've only got so far trying to achieve what i've mocked in the screenshot.
Basically, i have a fullscreen reports panel that has 6 panels nested within it. Each of these panels (i'll call them tiles, as that makes more sense) need to be shown at the same time (used the layout:'fix') for the main panel.
Each tile will have a carousel within it that gets it's items populated by means of a single ajax call, if the ajax call returns 3 items then the carousel will have 3 items etc.
I'm having trouble getting the tiles arranged properly, so that they are all shown neatly, and more importantly in a way that will work when the device goes from landscape to portrait mode.
Without worrying about the carousel part too much, trying to get the tiles arranged properly within the panel is a pain. I can pretty much get there with css, by floating... but the first panel always looks messed up. I've since done some some reading trying to achieve a more "sencha" way of doing this.
var rep1 = new PortalDashboard.views.Reportimagetile;
var rep2 = new PortalDashboard.views.Reportimagetile;
var rep3 = new PortalDashboard.views.Reportsinglefigtile
var rep4 = new PortalDashboard.views.Reportimagetile;
var rep5 = new PortalDashboard.views.Reportimagetile;
var rep6 = new PortalDashboard.views.Reportimagetile;
PortalDashboard.views.Dashboardcard = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, {
title: 'Dashboard',
html: '',
cls: 'card5',
layout: 'fit',
iconCls: 'team',
styleHtmlContent: true,
initComponent: function () {
Ext.apply(this, {
items: [
rep1, rep2, rep3, rep4, rep5, rep6]
PortalDashboard.views.Dashboardcard.superclass.initComponent.apply(this, arguments);
Ext.reg('dashboardcard', PortalDashboard.views.Dashboardcard);
PortalDashboard.views.Reportsinglefigtile = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, {
html: '',
cls: 'dashtilecontent',
initComponent: function () {
Ext.apply(this, {
html: '<h1>99.99%</h1>'
PortalDashboard.views.Reportsinglefigtile.superclass.initComponent.apply(this, arguments);
Ext.reg('reportimagetile', PortalDashboard.views.Reportsinglefigtile);
Fit layout is used to show a single item at a time so using it as the layout for your dashboard panel won't work. Besides writing a custom layout to achieve the 3x2 tile effect in your mock up I would set the layout of the dashboard to
layout: {
type: 'vbox',
align: 'center',
pack: 'center'
so now any items you add will be in the center of the panel body and stack vertically.. so add 2 panels for each of the rows and on those panels use an hbox layout and add 3 cards to each of those panels
layout: {
type: 'hbox',
align: 'center',
pack: 'center'
(those align or pack settings might not suit your needs if you plan to have different sizes on different boxes, in which case you'll need to use the flex property to give the boxes the proportions you want)