Column reference is NOT ambiguous - sql

There are many threads on
column reference "something" is ambiguous
This is typical in most RDBMS when more than one tables involved have the same column name. However, all my tables have an unique prefix for their own columns therefore no any columns in the schema would share the same name. Reason being is in a big query, it's easy to know where a column is from! For example productid in order table is odrproductid, and in product table is pdtproductid, so this query ran perfectly in pgAdmin query tool:
select pdtproductid
from orders
join product on odrproductid = pdtproductid and ...
Paste into a function and call this function.
ERROR: column reference "odrproductid" is ambiguous
LINE 3: join product on odrproductid = ...
DETAIL: It could refer to either a PL/pgSQL variable or a table
Obviously it can be resolved by adding alias and prefix columns in JOIN. But there is no variables defined in the function, and if it ran perfect interactively why not in the function? And added an alias for orders, it will pick pdtproductid and so on. If it's really an ambiguous column, logically it should have picked up from the up-front SELECT list.
Solution, paste the exact good sql into a variable and run it as dynamic SQL, it goes well. For example
declare pgsql text ;
pgsql := 'select ... from orders join product on odrproductid = pdtproductid and ...';
return query execute pgsql;

There is a PL/pgSQL variable, a function parameter or a return parameter with the same name. Avoid ambiguity by qualifying column references with the table name:
select pdtproductid
from orders
join product on orders.odrproductid = product.pdtproductid and ...


Big Query For-In not picking up table paths from a look-up table

I have a look-up table containing a list of fully qualified table paths in a Big Query table called all_tables. For example
I am trying to iterate through these tables to pull out elements I need for another procedure using the for-in syntax in Big Query. This is a simplified version of the query I am using
FOR table IN (select * from my_project.my_dataset.all_tables)
select * from table;
This isn't working. It picks up the list of tables correctly, but when it substitutes the dataset name in the line 3 select statement, it says
**Invalid value: Table "table" must be qualified with a dataset (e.g. dataset.table)**
I know what the error is, but I am not sure how to make it 'see' the value of table as a table path.
All paths are correct, and I am doing it this way as I am querying multiple tables across multiple datasets for a table creation query.
You should a dynamic sql to refer the table name as a variable, so consider below query:
FOR table IN (select * from my_project.my_dataset.all_tables)
""", table.table_list);

PL SQL select count(*) giving wrong answer

I have I table consisting of 3 columns: system, module and block. Table is filled in a procedure which accepts system, module and block and then it checks if the trio is in the table:
select count(*) into any_rows_found from logs_table llt
where system=llt.system and module=llt.module and block=llt.block;
If the table already has a row containing those three values, then don't write them into the table and if it doesn't have them, write them in. The problem is, if the table has values 'system=a module=b block=c' and I query for values 'does the table have system=a module=d block=e' it returns yes, or, to be precise, any_rows_found=1. Value 1 is only not presented when I send a trio that doesn't have one of it's values in the table, for example: 'system=g module=h and block=i'. What is the problem in my query?
Problem is in this:
where system = llt.system
Both systems are the same, it is as if you put where 1 = 1, so Oracle is kind of confused (thanks to you).
What to do? Rename procedure's parameters to e.g. par_system so that query becomes
where llt.system = par_system
Another option (worse, in my opinion) is to precede parameter's name with the procedure name. If procedure's name was e.g. p_test, then you'd have
where llt.system = p_test.system
From the documentation:
If a SQL statement references a name that belongs to both a column and either a local variable or formal parameter, then the column name takes precedence.
So when you do
where system=llt.system
that is interpreted as
where llt.system=llt.system
which is always true (unless it's null). It is common to prefix parameters and local variables (e.g. with p_ or l_) to avoid confusion.
So as #Littlefoot said, either change the procedure definition to make the parameter names different to the column names, or qualify the parameter names with the procedure name - which some people prefer but I find more cumbersome, and it's easier to forget and accidentally use the wrong reference.
Root cause is alias used for table name.
where system=llt.system and module=llt.module and block=llt.block;
Table name alias in select query and input to procedure having the same name(i.e. llt
). You should consider either renaming one of them.

Using table variables in Oracle Stored Procedure

I have lots of experience with T-SQL (MS SQL Server).
There it is quite common to first select some set of records into a
table variable or say temp table t, and then work with this t
throughout the whole SP body using it just like a regular table
(for JOINS, sub-queries, etc.).
Now I am trying the same thing in Oracle but it's a pain.
I get errors all the way and it keeps saying
that it does not recognize my table (i.e. my table variable).
Error(28,7): PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
Error(30,28): PL/SQL: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
I start thinking what at all is possible to do with this
table variable and what not (in the SP body) ?
I have this declaration:
What on Earth can I do with this tc now in my SP?!
This is what I am trying to do in the body of the SP.
) z
V_CAMPAIGN is a DB view, tc is my table variable
Presumably you are trying to update a subset of the V_CAMPAIGN records.
While in SQLServer it may be useful to define a 'temporary' table containing the subset and then operate on that it isn't necessary in Oracle.
Simply update the table with the where clause you would have used to define the temp table.
UPDATE v_campaign z
SET z.status_id = 4
WHERE z.column_name = 'a value'
AND z.status <> 4
I assume that the technique you are familiar with is to minimise the effect of read locks that are taken while selecting the data.
Oracle uses a different locking strategy so the technique is mostly unnecessary.
Echoing a comment above - tell us what you want to achieve in Oracle and you will get suggestions for the best way forward.

Inserting new rows into table-1 based on constraints defined on table-2 and table-3

I want to append new rows to a table-1 d:\dl based on the equality constraint lower(rdl.subdir) = lower(tr.n1), where rdl and tr would be prospective aliases for f:\rdl and f:\tr tables respectively.
I get a function name is missing ). message when running the following command in VFP9:
INSERT INTO d:\dl SELECT * FROM f:\rdl WHERE (select LOWER(subdir)FROM f:\rdl in (select LOWER(n1) FROM f:\tr))
I am using the in syntax, instead of the alias based equality statement lower(rdl.subdir) = lower(tr.n1) because I do not know where to define aliases within this command.
In general, the best way to get something like this working is to first make the query work and give you the results you want, and then use it in INSERT.
In general, in SQL commands you assign aliases by putting them after the table name, with or without the keyword AS. In this case, you don't need aliases because the ones you want are the same as the table names and that's the default.
If what you're showing is your exact code and you're running it in VFP, the first problem is that you're missing the continuation character between lines.
You're definitely doing too much work, too. Try this:
FROM f:\rdl ;
JOIN f:\tr ;
ON LOWER(rdl.subdir) = LOWER(tr.n1)

error with a sql query because of ambiguous column name

I'm trying to create a sql query, but there is this error:
Ambiguous column name 'description'.
Its because this column occurs in both tables.
if I remove the description from the query, it works.
I tried to rename the description-field "AS description_pointer", but the error still occurs.
SELECT TOP 1000 [activityid]
,[description] AS description_pointer
FROM [crmtestext_MSCRM].[dbo].[FilteredActivityPointer] as I
Left JOIN [crmtestext_MSCRM].[dbo].[FilteredContact]
ON I.[regardingobjectid] = [crmtestext_MSCRM].[dbo].[FilteredContact].[contactid]
WHERE new_crmid not like '%Null%' AND activitytypecodename like '%E-mail%'
Both tables coming into play in the query have a column named description. You RDBMS cannot guess which column table you actually want.
You need to prefix the column name with the table name (or table alias) to disambiguate it.
Bottom line, it is a good practice to always prefix column names with table names or aliases as soon as several tables come into play in a query. This avoids the issue that you are seeing here and make the queries easier to understand for the poor souls that have no knowledge of the underlying schema.
Here is an updated version of your query with table aliases and column prefixes. Obviously you need to review each column to put the correct alias:
,c.[description] AS description_pointer
FROM [crmtestext_MSCRM].[dbo].[FilteredActivityPointer] as i
Left JOIN [crmtestext_MSCRM].[dbo].[FilteredContact] as c
ON i.[regardingobjectid] = c.[contactid]
WHERE i.new_crmid not like '%Null%' AND i.activitytypecodename like '%E-mail%'