Keep Picture Ratio in Word File - vba

I add a picture via VBA in the Left Header Cell of a Word document - works fine with the following code. Now I want to keep the ratio of the Picture but want to change the size and I don't know how to do it:
Sub AutoOpen()
Dim dd1 As Document: Set dd1 = ActiveDocument
Dim rng1 As Range, seC As Section, an(2) As Long
Dim rngO As Range, rngAN As Range
Dim strToPict As String
For Each rngO In dd1.StoryRanges
ActiveDocument.ActiveWindow.ActivePane.View.SeekView = wdSeekCurrentPageHeader
If rngO.StoryType = wdEvenPagesHeaderStory Then
Set rng1 = rngO.Duplicate
For Each seC In rng1.Sections
an(0) = seC.Headers(1).Range.InlineShapes(1).Height
an(1) = seC.Headers(1).Range.InlineShapes(1).Width
Set rngAN = seC.Headers(1).Range.InlineShapes(1).Range.Duplicate
seC.Headers(1).Range.InlineShapes.AddPicture FileName:=strToPict, _
LinkToFile:=False, SaveWithDocument:=True, Range:=rngAN
With seC.Headers(1).Range.InlineShapes(1)
.Height = 50
.LockAspectRatio = True
End With
Dim i As Long
'Footer changing'
For i = 1 To ActiveDocument.Sections.Count
With ActiveDocument.Sections(i)
.Footers(wdHeaderFooterPrimary).Range.Text = ActiveDocument.Name + "Text"
End With
End If
End Sub
EDIT: I post the whole code of the Makro.

«I add a picture via VBA in the Left Header Cell of a Word document». There is no such thing as a 'Left Header Cell' in a Word document. The only headers (and footers) Word has are Primary, First Page and Even Pages.
And, as Timothy said, you "really need to learn to use the tools at you fingertips". Moreover, having found LockAspectRatio, a simple web search - if that was really necessary - would show you how to use it.
In any event, since all it seems you're trying to do is to resize the inlineshape and repeat the primary page header, you could use something along the lines of:
Sub AutoOpen()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim Rng As Range, iShp As InlineShape, Sctn As Section, StrNm As String
With Dialogs(wdDialogInsertPicture)
StrNm = .Name
End With
With ActiveDocument
If StrNm <> "" Then
Set Rng = .Sections.First.Headers(wdHeaderFooterPrimary).Range.Tables(1).Cell(1, 1).Range
Set iShp = .InlineShapes.AddPicture(FileName:=StrNm, _
LinkToFile:=False, SaveWithDocument:=True, Range:=Rng)
With iShp
.LockAspectRatio = True
.Height = 50
End With
End If
Set Rng = .Sections.First.Footers(wdHeaderFooterPrimary).Range
.Fields.Add Range:=Rng, Type:=wdFieldEmpty, Text:="FILENAME", PreserveFormatting:=False
Rng.InsertAfter vbTab & "Text"
For Each Sctn In .Sections
Sctn.Headers(wdHeaderFooterPrimary).LinkToPrevious = True
Sctn.Footers(wdHeaderFooterPrimary).LinkToPrevious = True
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

You really need to learn to use the tools at you fingertips - IntelliSense, the Object Browser, and online help.
Scrolling through the options that IntelliSense gives you, or looking up InlineShape in the Object Browser, you would find LockAspectRatio. If you weren’t sure whether that was what you needed, pressing F1 would take you to the online help.


Insert an image to a bookmark and resize

I am trying to insert and resize an image in word 2019 using vba. I have lot of images to insert and using vba will save a lot of time.
The issue is that I can select the image, but the height does not change. I am sure it is something pretty basic that I am doing wrong. The code, which I found online and I have adjusted a little, is below and any advice would be great. Thank you.
Sub insertimage()
On Error Resume Next
' InsertPic Macro
Dim FD As FileDialog
Dim strPictureFile As String
Dim wrdDoc As Word.Document
Dim ishp As Word.InlineShapes
Set FD = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)
With FD
.Title = "Select the Picture that you wish to insert."
.Filters.Add "Pictures", "*.jpg; *.bmp; *.gif"
.AllowMultiSelect = False
If .Show = -1 Then
strPictureFile = .SelectedItems(1)
MsgBox "You did not select a Picture."
Exit Sub
End If
End With
Set wrdDoc = ActiveDocument
With wrdDoc
If .Bookmarks.Exists("BasketIso1") Then
.InlineShapes.AddPicture FileName:=strPictureFile, LinkToFile:=False, SaveWithDocument:=True, Range:=.Bookmarks("BasketIso1").Range
.InlineShapes(1).LockAspectRatio = True
.InlineShapes(1).Height = InchesToPoints(1.78)
End If
End With
End Sub
You seem to see the picture being inserted, which suggests that the code up to and including .AddPicture works OK.
But then you are referencing the first picture in the document via .InlineShapes(1) (i.e. that does not reference the first picture in the bookmarks range). If it isn't actually the first picture, another picture will be resized (and you may not notice if it is already set to that size.
So you could redefine the type of ishp, which you don't seem to use at present, using
Dim ishp As Word.InlineShape
then use
Set ishp = .InlineShapes.AddPicture(FileName:=strPictureFile, LinkToFile:=False, SaveWithDocument:=True, Range:=.Bookmarks("BasketIso1").Range)
ishp.LockAspectRatio = True
ishp.Height = InchesToPoints(1.78)
Set ishp = Nothing
or a variation on that, e.g.
Set ishp = .InlineShapes.AddPicture(FileName:=strPictureFile, LinkToFile:=False, SaveWithDocument:=True, Range:=.Bookmarks("BasketIso1").Range)
With ishp
.LockAspectRatio = True
.Height = InchesToPoints(1.78)
End With
Set ishp = Nothing
or the
With .InlineShapes.AddPicture(FileName:=strPictureFile, LinkToFile:=False, SaveWithDocument:=True, Range:=.Bookmarks("BasketIso1").Range)
.LockAspectRatio = True
.Height = InchesToPoints(1.78)
End With
NB, probably not a problem in this case but using a generic
On Error Resume Next
when debugging can make it harder to see the cause of an error.

Word VBA Move Images and Text into a Table

I'm trying to check every section of a document for images or grouped images and, if they're found, create a table with 1 row and 2 columns at the beginning of that section, where the first column will contain the text (with original formatting) and the second column will contain the images. I have converted all the images in the document to inline shapes.
Edit: In the document, there's random amounts of text (and/or other characters) before, after and in between a random amount of images. Sometimes a section has no text and only images. For each section, I would like all of the text (with original formatting and in the order in which it occurs) to be contained in the first column, and all images and grouped images (also in their same order) to be contained in the second folder. Ideally, if the only things on the page are a heading and an image, they would be put into a 1x1 table (with the heading above the image).
I've tried a few variations of this with no success. Generally stuff starts getting pretty messy because I have no idea what I'm doing. I've left out the text in this code because it was only complicating things, but I would like to move the text as well.
Sub ToTables()
Dim iShp As InlineShape
Dim oRng As Range
Dim oTbl As Table
Dim i As Integer
Dim a As Integer
Dim b As Integer
a = ActiveDocument.BuiltInDocumentProperties("Number of Sections")
For i = 1 To a
Set oRng = ActiveDocument.GoTo(What:=wdGoToSection, Name:=i)
Set oRng = oRng.GoTo(What:=wdGoToBookmark, Name:="\section")
If Right(oRng, 1) = vbCr Then _
oRng = Left(oRng, Len(oRng) - 1)
b = oRng.InlineShapes.Count
If b >= 1 Then
oRng.Collapse Direction:=wdCollapseStart
Set oTbl = oRng.Tables.Add(oRng, 1, 2, AutoFitBehavior:=wdAutoFitContent)
For Each iShp In oRng.InlineShapes
oTbl.Cell(1, 2).Range.Paste
Next iShp
End If
Next i
End Sub
Try the revised code:
Sub Demo()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim Sctn As Section, Rng As Range, Tbl As Table, s As Long, w As Single
For Each Sctn In ActiveDocument.Sections
Set Rng = Sctn.Range: w = 0
Rng.End = Rng.End - 1
Set Tbl = Rng.ConvertToTable(, NumRows:=1, NumColumns:=1, InitialColumnWidth:=50, AutoFit:=True)
With Tbl
For s = .Range.InlineShapes.Count To 1 Step -1
With .Range.InlineShapes(s)
If .Width > w Then w = .Width
.Range.Rows(1).Cells(2).Range.FormattedText = .Range.FormattedText
End With
.PreferredWidthType = wdPreferredWidthPercent
.PreferredWidth = 100
If w > 0 Then .Columns(2).Width = w + .LeftPadding + .RightPadding
.Rows.HeightRule = wdRowHeightAuto
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Assuming the text precedes the inlineshapes:
Sub Demo()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim iShp As InlineShape
For Each iShp In ActiveDocument.InlineShapes
With iShp.Range
.Characters.First.Previous = vbTab
.Start = .Paragraphs.First.Range.Start
.ConvertToTable vbTab, 1, 2
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
The above code assumes there is a single character between the text & inlineshape. That character could be a space, paragraph break, line break, anything at all.

VBA Code to change word footer in multiple files based on page number

I have a macro that runs to make a single page doc into a 5 page doc (NCR Duplicates) for all files in a folder.
I am using a set of nested IF fields in my footer, which changes the footer based on page number. The field looks like this
Text here {If{PAGE}="1""Original"{If{PAGE}="2""Copy 1"
{If{PAGE}="3""Copy 2"{If{PAGE}="4""Copy 3"{If{PAGE}="5""Copy 4"}}}}}
Other Text
I am trying to figure out how to add this footer to all the documents in a folder. It doesn't need to use field, if there is a way simply based on page number.
I have bashed my head against the wall, searched like crazy, and now come hat in hand.
The macro to make the duplicate copies is:
Sub Make5CopiesNCR()
vDirectory = BrowseForFolder
vFile = Dir(vDirectory & "\" & "*.*")
Do While vFile <> ""
Documents.Open FileName:=vDirectory & "\" & vFile
vFile = Dir
End Sub
End Sub
Private Sub MakeCopies()
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To 6
Selection.PasteAndFormat wdFormatOriginalFormatting
With ActiveDocument
.GoTo What:=wdGoToPage, Which:=wdGoToAbsolute, Name:=6 'Page number
With Selection
ActiveDocument.Close SaveChanges:=wdSaveChanges, OriginalFormat:=wdWordDocument
End With
End With
End Sub
The problem with using a mailmerge with your field construction is that it gets converted to the result. Try a field coded as:
{={PAGE}-1 \# "'Copy {={PAGE}-1}';;'Original'"}
Now, if you create the required 5 pages in your mailmerge main document, all the outputs will likewise be in multiples of 5 pages, with the correct page numbering.
Even if you use a mailmerge main document with only a single page, the outputs will have the field coding required to produce the correct numbering for however many more pages you want to add to the outputs.
As for replicating this in your existing files, simply create a document with the required footer content, then use a macro like:
Sub ReplicateFooter()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim DocSrc As Document, DocTgt As Document, Rng As Range
Dim StrPth As String, StrNm As String, StrSrc As String
Set DocSrc = ActiveDocument
Set Rng = DocSrc.Sections.First.Footers(wdHeaderFooterPrimary).Range
StrPth = DocSrc.Path & "\": StrSrc = DocSrc.FullName
StrNm = Dir(StrPth & "*.doc", vbNormal)
While StrNm <> ""
If StrPth & StrNm <> StrSrc Then
Set DocTgt = Documents.Open(FileName:=StrPth & StrNm, AddToRecentFiles:=False, Visible:=False)
With DocTgt
With .Sections.First.Footers(wdHeaderFooterPrimary).Range
.FormattedText = Rng.FormattedText
.Characters.Last.Text = vbNullString
End With
.Close True
End With
End If
StrNm = Dir()
Set Rng = Nothing: Set DocTgt = Nothing: Set DocSrc = Nothing
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Word footer image alignment in VBA

I try to put a signature in the footer of a word document, but I can't align it at the bottom right of the footer.
Also, in my footer there is a line of text (i.e. my Company Inc) and the signature must be exactly over the text, as in the screenshot:
Any help, please?
My code, which works except for the positioning:
Sub Macro1()
Dim SHP as String
FIRMADOC = "C:\Users\user\Pictures\1.png"
If ActiveWindow.View.SplitSpecial <> wdPaneNone Then
End If
If ActiveWindow.ActivePane.View.Type = wdNormalView Or ActiveWindow. _
ActivePane.View.Type = wdOutlineView Then
ActiveWindow.ActivePane.View.Type = wdPrintView
End If
ActiveWindow.ActivePane.View.SeekView = wdSeekCurrentPageFooter
Set SHP = Selection.InlineShapes.AddPicture(FileName:=FIRMADOC, LinkToFile:=False, SaveWithDocument:=True)
With SHP
.LockAspectRatio = msoTrue
.Width = InchesToPoints(1)
' .Alignment = ' need this code for bottom-right, PLEASE
End With
ActiveWindow.ActivePane.View.SeekView = wdSeekMainDocument
End sub
Because Shape objects "float" on the page, they can be easily positioned. They can also be easily (and accidentally) repositioned. Shape objects can also be tricky to hanlde using code. So a useful rule-of-thumb I use is: if an InlineShape works, use it rather than a Shape.
Three possibilities are out-lined, below; two for InlineShapes and one for a Shape.
An InlineShape can be positioned right-aligned to the page using two different methods (depending on whether it's alone in the paragraph).
Right-align the paragraph which contains the InlineShape. This is appropriate when the paragraph has no other content. Extracting just the code from the question for handling this:
Dim SHP as InlineShape
Set SHP = Selection.InlineShapes.AddPicture(FileName:=FIRMADOC, _
LinkToFile:=False, SaveWithDocument:=True)
SHP.Range.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = wdAlignParagraphRight
If the paragraph has other content to the left, then a right-aligned TAB stop with a TAB character preceding the InlineShape will work. A Footer by default has two TAB stops: one center-aligned, the second right-aligned.
For this, I'm going to change the entire code in the question in order to optimize working in a Footer. (The same approach applies to a Header BTW). The macro recorder produces code that emulates user actions, so it actually opens up the footer (or header) using things like ActiveWindow and Selection. These are somewhat difficult to control precisely; working with the actual Word objects is more reliable.
Think of a Range object like an invisible selection. The entire Footer area is assigned to a range (rng). Since the Footer already has content (the "Company Inc" text), it's necessary to "collapse" the Range. (Think of it like pressing left-arrow so that new content does not replace a selection.)
Then two TAB characters are added to it (rng.Text = vbTab & vbTab) and the signature is added.
Sub Macro1()
Dim FIRMADOC as String
Dim SHP as InlineShape
Dim rng as Word.Range
FIRMADOC = "C:\Users\user\Pictures\1.png"
Set rng = ActiveDocument.Sections(1).Footers(wdHeaderFooterPrimary).Range
rng.Collapse wdCollapseStart
rng.Text = vbTab & vbTab 'position at second, right-aligned tab in the footer)
Set SHP = rng.InlineShapes.AddPicture(FileName:=FIRMADOC, LinkToFile:=False, SaveWithDocument:=True, Range:=rng)
With SHP
.LockAspectRatio = msoTrue
.Width = InchesToPoints(1)
End With
End sub
If it's necessary to use a Shape object, then a combination of the Left and RelativeHorizontalPosition properties is required. Members of the wdShapePosition and WdRelativeHorizontalPosition enumerations specify these special settings.
Note that it also might be necessary to include the Top property to get the correct vertical position of the Shape to the "Company, Inc" text.
Sub Macro1()
Dim FIRMADOC as String
Dim SHP as InlineShape
Dim rng as Word.Range
FIRMADOC = "C:\Users\user\Pictures\1.png"
Set rng = ActiveDocument.Sections(1).Footers(wdHeaderFooterPrimary).Range
rng.Collapse wdCollapseStart
Set SHP = rng.InlineShapes.AddPicture(FileName:=FIRMADOC, LinkToFile:=False, SaveWithDocument:=True, Range:=rng)
Set SHP = SHP.ConvertToShape
With SHP
.LockAspectRatio = msoTrue
.Width = InchesToPoints(1)
.Left = wdShapeRight '-999996
.RelativeHorizontalPosition = wdRelativeHorizontalPositionMargin '0
End With
End sub

Mailmerge MailFormat and alighnment issues

I have never used VBA for mailmerge before and recently inherited a docm created a few years ago. My two issues are:
1. How do I get the email to be sent as HTML? Have tried wdMailFormatHTML but it does not work.
2. The data source is in an excel file with headers. The "table" header does not align with the text below. What I want is for the header to adjust width to match the data below. Have tried numerous ways to fix the alignment within the document but to no avail. Also tried to add Column width to the code but I am probably doing it wrong as nothing seem to be working.
Below is the original code. Would appreciate if someone could help.
Sub RunMerge()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim Doc1 As Document, Doc2 As Document, Doc3 As Document, StrDoc As String
Set Doc1 = ThisDocument
StrDoc = ThisDocument.Path & "\EmailDataSource.doc"
If Dir(StrDoc) <> "" Then Kill StrDoc
With Doc1.MailMerge
If .State = wdMainAndDataSource Then
.Destination = wdSendToNewDocument
Set Doc2 = ActiveDocument
End If
End With
Call EmailMergeTableMaker(Doc2)
With Doc2
.SaveAs FileName:=StrDoc, AddToRecentFiles:=False, FileFormat:=wdFormatDocument
StrDoc = .FullName
End With
Set Doc2 = Nothing
Set Doc3 = Documents.Open(FileName:=Doc1.Path & "\Email Merge Main Document.doc", _
With Doc3.MailMerge
.MainDocumentType = wdEMail
.OpenDataSource Name:=StrDoc, ConfirmConversions:=False, ReadOnly:=False, _
LinkToSource:=True, AddToRecentFiles:=False, Connection:="", SQLStatement:="", _
SQLStatement1:="", SubType:=wdMergeSubTypeOther
If .State = wdMainAndDataSource Then
.Destination = wdSendToEmail
.MailAddressFieldName = "Recipient"
.MailSubject = "TrackView follow-up - Missing timesheets/approvals"
.MailFormat = wdMailFormatPlainText
End If
End With
Doc3.Close SaveChanges:=False
Set Doc3 = Nothing
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Sub EmailMergeTableMaker(DocName As Document)
Dim oTbl As Table, i As Integer, j As Integer, oRow As Row, oRng As Range, strTxt As String
With DocName
Call TableJoiner
For Each oTbl In .Tables
j = 2
With oTbl
i = .Columns.Count - j
For Each oRow In .Rows
Set oRng = oRow.Cells(j).Range
With oRng
.MoveEnd Unit:=wdCell, Count:=i
strTxt = Replace(.Text, vbCr, vbTab)
On Error Resume Next
If Len(strTxt) > 1 Then .Text = Left(strTxt, Len(strTxt) - 2)
End With
End With
For Each oTbl In .Tables
For i = 1 To j
With .Tables(1)
.Rows.Add BeforeRow:=.Rows(1)
.Cell(1, 1).Range.Text = "Recipient"
.Cell(1, 2).Range.Text = "Data"
End With
Call TableJoiner
End With
Set oRng = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub TableJoiner()
Dim oTbl As Table
For Each oTbl In ActiveDocument.Tables
With oTbl.Range.Next
If .Information(wdWithInTable) = False Then .Delete
End With
End Sub
Use the HTMLBody property of the mailitem
Dim OutMail As Object
Set OutMail = OutApp.CreateItem(0)
On Error Resume Next
With OutMail
.body = ""
.CC = ""
.HTMLBody = ""
.subject = ""
.to = emailTo
End With
On Error GoTo 0
Set OutMail = Nothing
There are at least two potential problems here.
One is that the wdMailFormatHTML parameter will only work with the full version of Outlook, not Outlook Express, etc. etc., i.e. Outlook must be the default email client on the relevant system for this to work. (Other email clients obviously "do" HTML emails - it's just that none of them are known to work with the mechanism Word uses to send HTML emails).
Assuming that you are using Outlook, the second problem is that the email merge process is just emailing the text that has been placed in the Data column in the EmailDataSource.doc, which is the data source for the merge to email. The way that the EmailMergeTableMaker routine works at present, that data will be a tab-separated block of text. Word will probably expand the tabs into some white space, but it will not generate an HTML table. So that is probably the origin of the alignment problem. If so, you need to ensure that that each cell contains a table instead.
It would probably be better to do that by rethinking the way that EmailMergeTableMaker works. The following "quick fix" worked on some sample data here, but I did not test situations where for example the cell is empty.
After this code...
With .Tables(1)
.Rows.Add BeforeRow:=.Rows(1)
.Cell(1, 1).Range.Text = "Recipient"
.Cell(1, 2).Range.Text = "Data"
End With
Call TableJoiner
...insert the following:
' you should really move this Dim statement to the top
' of the Sub and merge it with the existing Dim
Dim oCellRng as Range
With .Tables(1)
For i = 2 To .Rows.Count
Set oCellRng = .Cell(i, 2).Range
oCellRng.MoveEnd wdCharacter, -1
oCellRng.ConvertToTable vbTab
Set oCellRng = Nothing
End With
If you are not using Outlook, then you will not be able to use MailMerge directly to create HTML format message, and you obviously won't be able to use the Outlook object model to do it, so I think you then have to think in terms of generating HTML format emails and sending them some other way (e.g. directly via SMTP), but that is a whole other story.
The other way to send emails via Outlook is to automate Outlook, as Thomas Inzina suggests. However, that will also require you to make other changes to the way your merge works.
FWIW the routines you are using come from a tutotial by "macropod" - I don't have a link for it but a search for "macropod Catalogue MailMerge Tutorial" may lead you to it and to other ways to solve this type of problem.