Include noindex pages in Google Custom Search API results? - google-custom-search

We use Google's Custom Search API to provide search functionality for our website's users who want to search our website. Is there a way to include pages that are set to noindex via <meta name=robots content="follow, noindex"> in these search results? We do not want some of our pages (e.g. privacy policy) to be available through google SERPs but we do want them to show up in our internal search on our website. But since the internal search is implemented via Google's custom search API, "noindex pages" do not show up in the internal search.

Unfortunately, no.
Google's Programmable Search Engine has to follow the same rules as Google Search, and "noindex" means "do not show in search results" for both.


What does the linkSite option do with Google Custom Search API?

Google Custom Search API docs says "Specifies that all search results should contain a link to a particular URL"
Does the general Google Search have this as a advanced option, if so what is the option? I am getting results that are just weird, possibly I don't understand something.
General Google Search has a "link:" option that is kind of same as the CSE "linkSite".
But with CSE, it seems that the linkSite-option is not restricted to the sites that are listed at CSE configuration, AKA. other sites may appear in the results, sites that are not listed in CSE configuration

Google Custom search API for BOTS

I am creating a kind of BOT. I would like to add web search functionality to my bot. i.e. I would like my BOT to search the web for user if your says so.
To implement that I am thinking of using GOOGLE search engine. But on overviewPage of its Custom Search API, it says
Create custom search engines that search across a specified collection
of sites or pages.
Is there any way that this specified collection defaults to whole web. or is there another way round this.

Listing the authors of a web site according to Google?

Google allows to its users to list which web sites the contribute to. If the web-site also links to the G+ profile of the person with ?rel=authors then Google can show the avatar of the person on Google search results. See further explanations.
Is there a way to get the list of people who added a web site to their "contribute to" list?
A manual search on Google or an API?
The REST API method does not appear to support searching data from the contributor fields. You can try it yourself here. The data is exposed in the response from the People.get method, but is not apparently part of the full text search.

SEO optimization for content generated by Javascript?

I have created widgets for my website(, which can be embedded in different websites. Let's say I embed a widget which is a photo album, in another website, The content is residing on but is pulled via Javascript into
Will the content generated by the widgets (Javascript) on will be indexed by search engines?
Google will not index anything that is not visible when a page is loaded with JavaScript disabled.
There is more information in this similar question:
google indexing text retrieved by ajax or javascript after page load
Also, you can test what Googlebot 'sees' by using the "Fetch as Googlebot" feature of Google Webmaster Tools.
If you want Google to index your Ajax, you can read Google's recommendations here:
If you follow Google's scheme for Making AJAX Applications Crawlable, then Google will index content that's generated with Javascript. So will Bing and Yandex.
Implementing this scheme is somewhat involved which is why there are companies that provide it as a service that plugs in at webserver level. (I work for one of these:

How do I let google index my table of contents?

I am not sure my title is correct or not since I have no idea on SEO. What I want to do is, let google show extra links of my website just like
When you search 'yahoo' on google, google shows Mail, Games, My Yahoo, Messenger, Finanace, Fantasy, Sports, and Movies. How do I add these extra links on my website?
This is determined automatically by Google. You may influence this by having is a good structure for your site.
Also submit you sitemap to the serach Engines.
I think you most definitely want to use the Google Webmasters Tools
These links are called Sitelinks. To get them:
Increase your page rank
Google will create the links automatically
If you don't like the links Google created, you can block them using the Webmaster tools.