Listing the authors of a web site according to Google? - google-plus

Google allows to its users to list which web sites the contribute to. If the web-site also links to the G+ profile of the person with ?rel=authors then Google can show the avatar of the person on Google search results. See further explanations.
Is there a way to get the list of people who added a web site to their "contribute to" list?
A manual search on Google or an API?

The REST API method does not appear to support searching data from the contributor fields. You can try it yourself here. The data is exposed in the response from the People.get method, but is not apparently part of the full text search.


Posting status on google plus business page in

I want to post a message on google plus business page. Is there any way to do this.
I am confused between interactive post, app activities and moment.
Should I use Moment to post on business page?
I go through google api site documents, but not getting any solutions.
Please let me know if there is any other way to post in google plus page.
It depends on exactly what you mean by "post" and by a "business page".
I'm assuming that the "business page" is one that is not associated with a Google App account. If you're meaning something that will show up on your stream, and that people who have you in a circle will see your post - there is no public API from Google that will do what you want. You need to work with one of their partners, such as HootSuite, to automatically share messages to your stream.
Interactive posts are ways that a visitor to your website can be prompted to share something from your site to their stream on Google+. These interactive posts include both a link to your site as well as an additional "call to action" button to an individual item from your site. It does not automate posts, although it can make some parts of it easier.
App activities and moments are the same thing. They are meant to record actions that take place on your website on Google+, but they do not directly share anything into your stream. Instead, they create an event in your Google+ profile that can be seen only by those you permit it to - you can then, if you wish, share that event to your stream. So while the moment can be generated automatically, it still requires manual action to share it.
Finally, if you have a page that is associated with a Google App account, you can create posts automatically, but those posts are limited in scope. They are only visible to, at most, other people in the same App Domain as the account. This is useful for using Google+ as a communication tool inside an organization, but not useful for communicating with customers, for example.

Hosting Google Plus Communities on My Website

Is it possible to embed a google community into a website page?
This way our clients can benefit from content and all other features in our website, yet be able to collaborate using Google Communities.
Ideally I would like to grab a Javascript code just like +1 button and paste it into my website page, add an iframe or something of this nature!
Sounds like if I try to be convincing, I may be able to influence some decisions!
More details: Our website services offers login with Google using Google OAuth, This way the user is either logged in or is forced to login with Google to get access to private areas of our customer portal, where you can review the status of Support Tickets, submit new support tickets, have access to knowledge base, documents, blogs, etc.
We have incorporated all sort of social plugins into the blogs, product catalogs and so forth.
It would be fantastic is the users can have access to a community (Forum or Discussion Board) within the same place. Google Community seem to be the tool but in the wrong place.
No such widget exists at this time, but it's an interesting idea. If you want to share more details on precisely what you're looking for, you can file the issue here: The more details you can provide, the more likely that, if we decide to implement this feature, we'll end up with something that you want.

Does "google +1" allow making links with referral information?

Facebook provides an easy way for web site visitors to share links to the liked pages. In addition to that it allows to track referrals.
Is there the similar feature for "Google +1"? I can't find this information in the documentation ( but it should be doable...
My final goal is:
to provide the easy way for web site visitors to leave links to the "liked" pages
those links should allow to identify 'link referral' (so that will be tracked, and users will be stimulated to share URLs).
Is there any way to do that with Google+?
It looks like I can do that by generating custom href field, but then each visitor will have own url and I won't be able to show high score for amount of "+1" links to particular page.
Is there any other way except of using custom href field?
Any thoughts are welcome!
The short answer is no. There's no way to insert user specific tracking codes into your shares created by the Google+ plugins other than using the href attribute.
However, you can use Webmaster Tools and Google Analytics social interactions feature to see the impact of the Google+ plugins on your content.

Google profiles search API

Does the Google search API support searches for Google profiles? I looked through the google code pages but could not find it. I only found an API for getting the profile data when you know the username and got permission, but could not find a search option.
Now there is a search page that can be screenscaped. An API is not yet available.

Getting a Google API Account

What URL can I visit to get myself a Google API Account? While sites point to and talk of "easy steps", I just can't figure it out.
There are places on the web that offer google services if you give them your Google API account key (in my case and index retrieval).
They say to go to, but that just redirects me to There are no "easy instructions" for me to follow to get an account.
Am I going crazy here? (I have analytics and webmaster tools etc activated, so I somewhat know what I'm doing).
Since December 2006, Google is no longer issuing these API keys
As far as I understand, you apply for an API key, and you can do that with any Google account. The various API's appear to require different keys. To get a key for the Maps API, visit:
The products directory on Google Code lists each of the products for which Google appears to offer some sort of interaction from developers, some of which have API keys. Take a look at that page and visit the home page for each product in order to obtain a key.
Specifically, you can look at the Google AJAX API's page, which features each of the products for which an AJAX API exists.
You need to create project, as API key is associated with project. Here you can do this
Maybe have a look here and remember that "A single Maps API key is valid for a single "directory" or domain".