An extra signer with status as "created" is getting along with other signers - api

I created an envelope using Docusign API with status as sent and I had two signers in it. But when I actually checked in the account - there is one extra signer with the same name added along with the other signers in the envelope.Envelope Screen
I also checked the same while calling the recipients API and here also it had 3 signers and the extra one had status as created. Recipient API response But I referred doc it said created recipients are only for Envelope who is in Draft state. so how can the signer of status sent and created be added together?
Not sure how this extra signer got added. Any inputs will be appreciated.
my json request to generate envelope Id
"emailSubject":"Your Amboy Documents",
"emailBlurb":"Please sign the Disclosures",
"value":"laptop services",
"roleName":"Signer 1",
"name":"rafeeq khan",
"value":"laptop services",
"roleName":"Signer 2",
"name":"Imam khan",
"value":"rafeeq khan",
"roleName":"Signer 600",
"name":"rafeeq khan",
"value":"rafeeq khan",
"roleName":"Signer 1",
"name":"rafeeq khan",
"value":"rafeeq khan",
"roleName":"Signer 2",
"name":"Imam khan",


Query item in nested array

Customer appointments with top level locationId sample data set:
"locationId": 9999,
"customerAppointments": [
"customerId": "1",
"appointments": [
"appointmentId": "cbbce566-da59-42c2-8845-53976ba63d56",
"locationName": "Sullivan St"
"appointmentId": "5f09e2af-ddae-47aa-9f7c-fd1001a9c5e6",
"locationName": "Oak St"
"customerId": "2",
"appointments": [
"appointmentId": "964a3c1c-ccec-4082-99e2-65795352ba79",
"locationName": "Kellet St"
"customerId": "3",
"appointments": []
I need to pull out appointment by locationId and customerId and only get the appointment for that customerId e.g
Sample response:
"appointmentId": "964a3c1c-ccec-4082-99e2-65795352ba79",
"locationName": "Kellet St"
Tried below query, but it just returns all records for all customers ids (which is kind of expected):
"locationId" : NumberInt(9999),
"customerAppointments" : {
"$elemMatch" : {
"customerId" : "2"
But how can I get just the appointment record for a specific customerId?
When asking this question I was unaware of the older version of MongoDB driver (< v5) so we cannot use the $getField operator.
However, this query seems to work well:
$match: {
"locationId": NumberInt(9999)
$unwind: "$customerAppointments"
$match: {
"customerAppointments.customerId": "2"
$project: {
appointments: "$customerAppointments.appointments"
"_id" : ObjectId("63eebe95c7a0da54804c1db2"),
"appointments" : [
"appointmentId" : "964a3c1c-ccec-4082-99e2-65795352ba79",
"locationName" : "Kellet St"

GetBlock and all related methods doesn't return an info about transactions

Usually, tronGrid returns blocks with transactions, but as I found today, it's not behaving as needed.
How it works right now:
"blockID": "0000000001b16eb8b97ab73b7dc8f161c5f2f786f0937bfed7886baa33926c84",
"block_header": {
"raw_data": {
"number": 28405432,
"txTrieRoot": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"witness_address": "41f16412b9a17ee9408646e2a21e16478f72ed1e95",
"parentHash": "0000000001b16eb7a6f39a1523f35db8b4089d5a03f591958beafd139e0949d5",
"version": 24,
"timestamp": 1666102851000
"witness_signature": "60c7b8b964f103072b7e0fd33b5df636ef4e06d95bb113184ef3266b691b2cf517091960aba72dcd8d5a1ee40374f2124256ddad445429897b066332964ef8d500"
And how it works before:
"blockID": "0000000001b15f18976aee56ff9490303ec64c2007d6034ca03a7a2caefdab73",
"block_header": {
"raw_data": {
"number": 28401432,
"txTrieRoot": "167b9b1620d76e9855d426453ea726a709582f4ed711701ee22fe730bae3f8d8",
"witness_address": "41cd8d8ad1b4a5bd7afe46949421d2b411a3601717",
"parentHash": "0000000001b15f175dc2a20b8c3b29bbbb50860dc57d54d44eff4b02edf849e6",
"version": 24,
"timestamp": 1666089210000
"witness_signature": "b9239d12b2044b1bdfa631115f3c7b9b1c1fc5d37c482809d2c7846d05ab84d61778910a55501f4702fe653b943b22b9270b33151ec15e35aa500388dac0abda01"
"transactions": [
"ret": [
"contractRet": "SUCCESS"
"signature": [
"txID": "5fd2335105f68de47b82fe3f8065cb3d1cc8ab437aaee55a5d4e61624113730b",
"raw_data": {
"raw_data_hex": "0a025f0522084cf822e1795ff17f40a7e6a2d5be305a67080112630a2d747970652e676f6f676c65617069732e636f6d2f70726f746f636f6c2e5472616e73666572436f6e747261637412320a1541989cc89d2df684c69bed3563c0cd8817be0a11e1121541bc0777bd8f50e5e148ef59bdce2b895b754c452e1888890a70c7919fd5be30"
Is there a new feature, or it's a bug?

How to issue ticket in Amadeus after flight-order request?

"Calle Prado, 16"
"companyName":"INCREIBLE VIAJES",
I request for create-order then returned #PNR and now want to issue ticket. #Amadeus
As of now, this Flight Create Orders API allows you to book a flight and generate a PNR, but it does not allow for ticketing. Therefore, one of the requirements in order to use the API in production is to sign a contract with an airline consolidator to issue tickets.
Please check the requirements on the API page. If you want help to find a consolidator get in touch with us via the support channel and we can recommend you one.

How can I define jsonPath for given json?

"name": "ninja",
"contry": "India",
"Account": [
"id": "123",
"orgId": 223,
"investment": [
"invetmentId": "111",
"name": "India tech",
"performance": [
"id": "123",
"performanceSet": [
"amount": "231",
"currency": "USD"
"amount": "250",
"currency": "IND"
So I have to select the amount where the currency is USD?
And I tried it as "$.Account..investment.performance..performanceSet.amount[?(#.currency=~/.*USD/)]"
This JsonPath should work:
$..performanceSet[?(#.currency == "USD")].amount
Tested on:
"name":"India tech",
"name":"India tech 2",
which returns:
A good way to try it out is this site:
Read the docs:
* def temp = $..performanceSet[?(#.currency=='USD')]
* match temp[0].amount == '231'
You can try it this way

opendaylight bgp-linkstate not making "loc-rib"

ODL version: Carbon
I'm having a problem with getting BGP-LS into the Network Topology. As you can see from below REST output, I set up "bgp-example" and homed to an external eBGP linkstate peer. "effective-rib-in", "adj-rib-in", and "adj-rib-out" all populate - but "loc-rib" does not. For some reason, it is not inheriting the linkstate afi/safi.
I tried debugs for bgp & karaf but saw nothing out of the ordinary (that I could see) - any help would be much appreciated.
*bgp configuration
"protocol": [
"name": "bgp-example",
"identifier": "openconfig-policy-types:BGP",
"bgp-openconfig-extensions:bgp": {
"global": {
"config": {
"router-id": "",
"as": 65000
"neighbors": {
"neighbor": [
"neighbor-address": "",
"config": {
"peer-type": "EXTERNAL",
"peer-as": 65111
"afi-safis": {
"afi-safi": [
"afi-safi-name": "bgp-openconfig-extensions:LINKSTATE"
*loc-rib empty
"loc-rib": {
"tables": [
"afi": "bgp-types:ipv4-address-family",
"safi": "bgp-types:unicast-subsequent-address-family",
"bgp-inet:ipv4-routes": {}
as you can see, linkstate is making it into every rib, except loc-rib
"rib": [
"id": "bgp-example",
"peer": [
"peer-id": "bgp://x.x.x.x",
"supported-tables": [
"afi": "bgp-types:ipv4-address-family",
"safi": "bgp-types:unicast-subsequent-address-family"
"afi": "bgp-linkstate:linkstate-address-family",
"safi": "bgp-linkstate:linkstate-subsequent-address-family"
"effective-rib-in": {
"tables": [
"afi": "bgp-linkstate:linkstate-address-family",
"safi": "bgp-linkstate:linkstate-subsequent-address-family",
"bgp-linkstate:linkstate-routes": {
"linkstate-route": [
"identifier": 1330,
"advertising-node-descriptors": {
"as-number": 65111,
"domain-id": 0,
"isis-node": {
"iso-system-id": "AQAVCZAA"
"prefix-descriptors": {
"ip-reachability-information": "x.x.x.x/32"
"attributes": {
"origin": {
"value": "igp"
"ipv4-next-hop": {
"global": "x.x.x.x"
"as-path": {
"segments": [
"as-sequence": [
"protocol-id": "isis-level2"
rest of output truncated for brevity/readability
OK, figured this out.... turns out I had not enabled LINKSTATE afi/safi in the global config for ODL BGP. I had to DELETE my existing global config, then POST, add neighbors, peers, etc. Now I have the linkstate DB in the loc-rib, AND it's made it to the network topology - BUT - no idea how to view this topology via DLUX....