React-select address autocomplete appears in Chrome - react-select

We use react-select in the project and this autocomplete appears when a chrome has saved address. I've tried to use
or just
I've even tried to rewrite styles from scratch follow documentation but it didn't help.
Please, maybe you know what can cause the issue? Thank you in advance

inputProps={{autoComplete: 'random-string', autofill:'off' }}
That should take care of your issue. Note that autofill should be lowercase, not camelCase.


Browser Back Button in vue-router doesn't do anything

Is the vue router in hash mode supposed to react when you hit the back button in the browser?
I’m using the most current package, and I’ve searched and searched and I have seen this bug reported elsewhere, but I’ve never seen it resolved. If this is working as intended then I don’t need to try to debug my code
Thanks for any help
FYI - We ended up just switching to history mode.
According to this git commit though, updating to vue-router#3.4.9 should fix it
I haven't tested this but I thought I would leave what solution I found

How to show images and text using react-native-material-dropdown?

I'm developing social app using react-native.
There, I have one problm during developing.
I used react-native-material-dropdown module for making dropdown.
I want to show images and text on each element on dropdown.
But react-native-material-dropdown module doesn't support this feature.
How can I solve this problem?
Please help me.
Try using the renderBase prop, see this and this issues that could help you :)

Owl Carousel in IE11 doesn't work

Owl Carousel works on every browser except anything below IE11. It even works on IE Edge. Any help is truly appreciated.
The site is HERE.
For anyone who is curious, I fixed it by downloading the files rather than using the CDN.
For anyone else interested, if you remove the 'navigation' arrows, it should start working with the dreaded IE11

Spell check not working in webkit

Spell check is not supporting in webkit.
If we add attribute "spellcheck=true" for the elements which required spell check, its not supported by webkit. Any one know how to deal with this?
node-webkit doesn't support's spell check , But you can find it in electron(previously called atom shell).It's also like a node-webkit Engine .It can render html,javascript and nodejs. If i made any mistake please correct me.

All the transitions fail in safari

It's the first time that I meet such a problem with transitions.
None of them is working on Safari, although they work perfectly fine in firefox and chrome.
I used compass transition mixins, as I always do, so there really shouldn't any problem.
Do you have any idea or track to follow?
Thank you in advance for your help!
Hum, I found the source of the problem, where it absolutely wasn't expected.
This was due to the new version of livereload (2.3.27), that makes apparently different results while exporting CSS code.
I then downgraded to v.2.3.20, and everything was ok, as it has always been!
I wrote to the support of both Livereload and compass to see where the problem comes, but without any answer for now.