Ionic capcitor + vue Network error " Request aborted at e.exports (chunk-vendors.85bc3696.js:1) at XMLHttpRequest.m.onabort" on android emulator - vue.js

I'm using Ionic/Vue and wheen I run the application in my browser it works well but when I compile and run on an android emulator I get the error below. Please help
Error: Request aborted at e.exports (chunk-vendors.85bc3696.js:1) at XMLHttpRequest.m.onabort (chunk-vendors.85bc3696.js:26)

That error indicates that some of your vue components gets destroyed before ajax request gets completed. Check over all your code - everywhere you invoke remote service make sure that you 'await' result before allow anything to switch to another route, which leads to components disposal. Sometimes you need to do 'unsubscribe' from http request in component disposal
Actually, that probably is not an error - that is normal that request gets aborted if result is not needed anymore


Enter Key throws error when running WDIO on Browserstack

I'm trying to run some WDIO tests on Browserstack (#wdio/browserstack-service#7.24.0). Using chrome browser and Samsung Galaxy S20 capabilities. There is a point where I need to send Enter key, I'm using .keys('\uE007') and the action is performed on the device as expected, but there is an error coming from BS. ERROR webdriver: Request failed with status 404 due to Error: The URL '/wd/hub/session/0296501ef9a8127fa1f5663921d3b1e52463eaf1/actions' did not map to a valid resource
I tried to use try/catch to prevent that error marking my execution as failed, but try/catch does not stop it. My guess, it is because of async logic during they send key.
so, I need help to prevent that error or find a way to catch it properly.
any suggestion?

How to fix 'Request error : authentication failed empJAgent.exe' error in Oracle loading test?

I'm trying to make my first load adf test. I have chosen software from Oracle "Oracle Application testing suite". But after probably first good test everything that I'm trying to test receives an error response even empty scenario ( of course from open script).
I tried lots of combinations in settings in OpenScript and all of the requests in this app are passed. We can find errors only in Oracle Load tests app. I don't have any idea what should I do. Can you give me any advice?
Every request responds showing this error:
Request error : authentication failed empJAgent.exe

WL.Clinet.connect - throwing error - CONNECTION_IN_PROGRESS

MFP Product version:
MFP Client Vesion: 8.0.2018080605
I have an app which is using requireJS, backbone & jquery.
I am loading the main js like this:
<script data-main="js/main" src="js/lib/require/require.js"></script>
I am making sure the call to main.js is made inside wlCommoninit. The app is loaded with all dependencies.
function wlCommoninit(){
main(); // main.js has a single method named - main
I have a call to "WL.Client.connect" # the end of main function- which just executes & does nothing.
A subsequent call to "WL.Client.connect" returns the following error message:
Failed to connect to Worklight Server:
What could be the reason for the above error? Though we make a call to WL.Client.connect inside wlcommoninit. Hopefully all the WL API would have loaded by the time 'wlCommoninit' is invoked.
Tired with different MFP clinet sdk versions other that mentioned above. I don't see any change.
The reason for the response
is that before the first WL.Client.connect() succeeds or fails, you have fired another connect() call.
Wait until the first succeeds, fails or times out from inactivity.

WP7 error: "The remote server returned an error: NotFound."

I have this code that it used to work, but at some specific time it stopped to work and returned the error "The remote server returned an error: NotFound."
WebClient deliciousWebClient = new WebClient();
deliciousWebClient.Credentials = Credentials;
deliciousWebClient.DownloadStringAsync(new Uri(""));
deliciousWebClient.DownloadStringCompleted += (s, ee) =>
if (ee.Error == null)
Any suggestion on this error?
In this code, the error is pointing to delicious endpoit, but the same error is happening with some other services...
The NotFound error is a classic 404 error, so it's possible that the API endpoint is down or that it changed on you.
I'd start by using Fiddler2 to make the requests manually. That'll help you figure out whether the issue is in your code somewhere or on the API side.
It's hard to get Fiddler working with the WP7 emulator, as you noted below. One trick I've used in the past when I got really desperate was to write a quick console app that used the same code that my Windows Phone app was executing. Then I was able to successfully intercept the traffic. It turned out that my request being properly formatted.

Silverlight client load operation failed for query "Login". [GenericParameterNotValid]

I have one user who gets the following error when trying to login, "Silverlight client load operation failed for query "Login". [GenericParameterNotValid]". The odd thing is that other users are able to login without issue and I can login using the "problem" account from other machines.
At this point I think it's got to be a client side configuration issue.
My next step is to confirm the Client Side Silverlight Version, but I don't know where to go after that.
Do you have any suggestions?
Install Silverlight Developer runtime on the client to get more details on the error.
Try deleting the user's profile.
This thread might help you.
Just leaving a breadcrumb here. We had the following error in a Silverlight RIA Services application attempting to login:
Load operation failed for query 'Login'. Error in deserializing body of the request message for the operation 'Login'. The OperationFormatter could not deserialize any information from the Message because the Message is empty (IsEmpty = true).
This was in Server 2003 with IE 8. Turns out a restart of the browser made the problem go away! Very frustrating.