Ktor Login Session cookie - kotlin

I am working on a login project using ktor. I am currently using the old method with session
install(Sessions) {
cookie.path = "/"
cookie.extensions["SameSite"] = "lax"
val secretSignKey = hex("000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f")
This code is the final one,so if i remove the sessionmanager and secretsignkey, it will show in plain text it's value
The rest is simple, i am routing a get /login to show the form, and a post /validate to validate the data entered by user, then if all is ok i just set the session. The problem is that i can see the session value using inspect element -> application->cookie and i can change it's value being able to login as any user , by just knowing it's id (in the session i am storing the user id). And on the expire column it does not say sesssion. What am I doing wrong?
P.S: I've read the docs for authentication feature but I want to keep this simple idea with sessions.

Use a Ktor session transformer to transform (authenticate or encrypt) the cookie contents.
// REMEMBER! Change ALL the digits in those hex numbers and store them safely
val secretEncryptKey = hex("00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff")
val secretAuthKey = hex("02030405060708090a0b0c")
cookie<TestUserSession>(cookieName) {
transform(SessionTransportTransformerEncrypt(secretEncryptKey, secretAuthKey))


How to authenticate Shopware 6 <base-app-url> correctly

With the Admin SDK it's possible to further enrich the administration in Shopware 6. As in the installation guide for apps stated, an entry point (base-app-url) needs to be provided in the manifest file of an app.
Since every request needs to be authenticated properly, this GET request also needs authentication. However, I am not able to authenticate this one in the same way as I am successfully doing it with the GET request from modules.
The base-app-url request looks the following (in my case with some [custom] entity privileges):
The shop has the following data
Shop {
_id: 'sbzqJiPRrbHAlC2K',
_url: 'http://localhost:8888',
_secret: '3c5a2f031006791f2aca40ffa22e8febbc8a53d8',
_secretKey: 'VnNwM0ZOMnN1Y05YdUlKazlPdlduWTdzOHhIdFpacjVCYkgzNEg'
I am currently authenticating my modules like the following (Node.js):
const SHOPWARE_SHOP_SIGNATURE = 'shopware-shop-signature';
export function authenticateGetRequest(req: Request, shop: Shop): void {
// e7b20a46487046a515638f76c6fadab6b1c749ea4a8ac6e7653527e73ba18380
const signature = getSignatureFromQuery(req);
verifySignature(shop.secret, removeParamsFromQuery(req), signature);
function getSignatureFromQuery(req: Request): string {
if (!req.query[SHOPWARE_SHOP_SIGNATURE]) {
throw new Error('Signature is not present in request!');
return req.query[SHOPWARE_SHOP_SIGNATURE] as string;
function removeParamsFromQuery(req: Request): string {
// Some code
// Returns following string - Does neither work for base-app-url nor for module GET requests:
// 'shop-id=sbzqJiPRrbHAlC2K&shop-url=http://localhost:8888&timestamp=1674045964'
// If the string follows this pattern, it works only for modules:
// shop-id={id}&shop-url={url}&timestamp={ts}&sw-version={v}&sw-context-language={cl}&sw-user-language={ul}
function verifySignature(secret: string, message: string, signature: string): void {
const hmac = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secret).update(message).digest('hex');
if (hmac !== signature) {
throw new Error('Signature could not be verified!');
However the base-app-url cannot be verified correctly and the "Signature could not be verified!" error is thrown.
What am I doing wrong here?
More info:
Additionally I added a GET request for a module where everything is working:
The resulting string can be verified:
Try out following code in some php sandbox environment:
$message = 'shop-id=sbzqJiPRrbHAlC2K&shop-url=http://localhost:8888&timestamp=1674045963&sw-version=';
$secret = '3c5a2f031006791f2aca40ffa22e8febbc8a53d8';
$signature = '0f0889c9e8086c6c3553dc946a01f2ef27b34cd1c55b0c03901b6d8a6a9b6f53';
$hmac = hash_hmac('sha256', $message, $secret);
if (!hash_equals($hmac, $signature)) {
echo 'Signature not valid';
} else {
echo 'Signature valid';
Express decodes the query strings automatically with req.query depending on your express configuration. Keep in mind to validate the hmac with encoded query params as they are passed from shopware.
In my case the only difference where the decoded privileges and they looked like this:
But they need to look like this:
Looking at the QuerySigner, this is how the signature is generated on the side of Shopware with the actual arguments:
// 8034a13561b75623420b06fb7be01f20d97556441268939e9a5222ffec12215a
Given on your side you remove the shopware-shop-signature query param AND that the secrets are equal on both sides, you should be able to regenerate the matching signature.
const crypto = require('crypto');
const message = 'location-id=sw-main-hidden&privileges=%7B%22read%22%3A%5B%22language%22%2C%22ce_atl_faq_group_faqs%22%2C%22ce_atl_faq_group%22%2C%22ce_atl_faq%22%5D%2C%22create%22%3A%5B%22ce_atl_faq_group_faqs%22%2C%22ce_atl_faq_group%22%2C%22ce_atl_faq%22%5D%2C%22update%22%3A%5B%22ce_atl_faq_group_faqs%22%2C%22ce_atl_faq_group%22%2C%22ce_atl_faq%22%5D%2C%22delete%22%3A%5B%22ce_atl_faq_group_faqs%22%2C%22ce_atl_faq_group%22%2C%22ce_atl_faq%22%5D%7D&shop-id=sbzqJiPRrbHAlC2K&shop-url=http://localhost:8888&timestamp=1674045964&sw-version=';
const hmac = crypto.createHmac('sha256', 'VnNwM0ZOMnN1Y05YdUlKazlPdlduWTdzOHhIdFpacjVCYkgzNEg').update(message).digest('hex');
// 8034a13561b75623420b06fb7be01f20d97556441268939e9a5222ffec12215a
So in theory your code looks fine. Verify that the query string matches exactly. Things to check:
Maybe your node server decodes the url entities unwantedly?
Does your node serve escape special characters in the query string?
Do the secrets match on both sides?
To consider additionally:
Consider to just point the base-app-url to a static page outside of the scope of your app server instead. As that page will be loaded inside an iframe, you can use client side javascript to read the query parameters and, only if necessary, make requests to your app server using the credentials from inside the iframe. Keep in mind you really only need the authentication if you need to handle personalized data, otherwise you might as well serve static assets without the need for authentication.

AWS Cognito UI uses a hash to include parameters when it calls the callback page

I am having an issue with AWS Cognito provided UI.
When I am trying to use the provided UI, I call the endpoint with populated URL:
Now the problem is that, after authentication, Cognito uses a # to send back the required parameters. The result would look like this:
I have a hard time reading id_token and access_token in my callback page (which is a vue app).
How can I configure Cognito to use the usual question mark (?) to pass query string, Or, How can I read the passed parameters after hash (#).
I appreciate your advise on this.
If you are using Vue.js router, it is actually pretty easy to process the hash part. Just put this snippet somewhere in your component.
reference: https://router.vuejs.org/api/#the-route-object
let cognitoData = {}
if (this.$route.hash !== "") {
let elementsString = decodeURIComponent(
this.$route.hash.substr(1, this.$route.hash.length)
let params = elementsString.split("&");
for (let param of params) {
let values = param.split("=");
cognitoData[values[0]] = values[1];
// do your business with cognitoData

Managing CosmosDb Session Consistency levels with Session Token in web environment

My environment is ASP.NET Core 2.x accessing CosmosDb (aka DocumentDb) with the .NET SDK.
The default consistency level of my collection is set to "Session". For my use-case I need a single authenticated web user to always have consistent data in terms of reads/writes between web requests.
I have some CosmosDB Repository logic that is made available to my controller logic via ASP.NET Core Singleton dependency injection as such:
services.AddSingleton<DocumentDBRepository, DocumentDBRepository>(x =>
new DocumentDBRepository(
WebUtil.GetMachineConfig("DOCDB_ENDPOINT", Configuration),
WebUtil.GetMachineConfig("DOCDB_KEY", Configuration),
WebUtil.GetMachineConfig("DOCDB_DB", Configuration),
DocumentDBRespository creates a cosmos client like so:
public DocumentDBRepository(string endpoint, string authkey, string database, string collection, int maxConnections)
_Collection = collection;
_DatabaseId = database;
_Client = new DocumentClient(new Uri(endpoint), authkey,
new ConnectionPolicy()
MaxConnectionLimit = maxConnections,
ConnectionMode = ConnectionMode.Direct,
ConnectionProtocol = Protocol.Tcp,
RetryOptions = new RetryOptions()
MaxRetryAttemptsOnThrottledRequests = 10
As far as I understand that means one CosmosDB client per Web App server. I do have multiple web app servers, so a single user might hit the CosmosDB from multiple AppServers and different CosmosDb clients.
Before a user interacts with the ComosDB, I check their session object for a CosmosDb SessionToken, like so:
string docDbSessionToken = HttpContext.Session.GetString("StorageSessionToken");
Then, when writing a document for example, the method looks something like so:
public async Task<Document> CreateItemAsync<T>(T item, Ref<string> sessionTokenOut, string sessionTokenIn = null)
ResourceResponse<Document> response = null;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sessionTokenIn))
response = await _Client.CreateDocumentAsync(UriFactory.CreateDocumentCollectionUri(_DatabaseId, _Collection), item);
response = await _Client.CreateDocumentAsync(UriFactory.CreateDocumentCollectionUri(_DatabaseId, _Collection), item, new RequestOptions() { SessionToken = sessionTokenIn });
sessionTokenOut.Value = response.SessionToken;
Document created = response.Resource;
return created;
The idea being that if we have a session token, we pass one in and use it. If we don't have one, just create the document and then return the newly created session token back to the caller. This works fine...
Except, I'm unclear as to why when I do pass in a session token, I get a DIFFERENT session token back. In other words, when _Client.CreateDocumentAsync returns, response.SessionToken is always different from parameter sessionTokenIn.
Does that mean I should be using the new session token from that point on for that user? Does it mean I should ignore the new session token and use the initial session token?
How long do one of these "sessions" even last? Are they sessions in the traditional sense?
Ultimately, I just need to make sure that the same user can always read their writes, regardless of which AppServer they connect with or how many other users are currently using the DB.
I guess the confusion here is on what a session is?
In most scenarios/frameworks treat session as static identifier (correlation), where as with cosmos the sessionToken is dynamic (kind of bookmark/representation of cosmos db state, which changes with writes). Naming it as 'sessionToken' might be root of the confusion.
In this specific scenario, you should use the "returned sessiontoken" from cosmos API's.

Auth0 Get userId in response payload?

When a user logins using the Auth0 lock on my client side, I get an idToken, but also an idTokenPayload which looks like this:
idTokenPayload = {
audience: "AUTH0CLIENTID",
exp: 1494190538,
iat: 1494154538,
Would it be possible to return the userId in Auth0's database instead of the username in the sub field?
The reason I want to do this is that I want to keep Auth0's db for users, and I have on my server-side some Profile, Post, Comment etc entities which have a userId column. Right now before each request on my entities I need to populate the user by doing an extra request: let id = Profile.find("... where username === auth0.sub").getId(); (pseudo-code of course).
With the C# lock sdk, you get back an Auth0User after the call to the LoginAsync method in the Auth0 client. Let's call this variable auth0User. If I look at auth0User.Profile, a JObject (it's a JSON object if you're not using C#), it contains a JSON array named "identities". My identities variable initialization looks like:
var identities = (JArray)auth0User.Profile["identities"];
This array contains all the identity providers associated with the user. If like me you haven't attached any other sign in besides Auth0, there will be just 1 entry here. Each object in this JSON array will contain a "provider" string and a "user_id" string. If the provider says "auth0" then it's from Auth0. Since I don't use FB or other account types I'm not exactly sure what they say. Here's my C# code to get the UserID:
var identities = (JArray)auth0User.Profile["identities"];
if (identities != null)
foreach (var identity in identities)
var provider = (string)identity["provider"];
if (string.Equals(provider, "auth0"))
UserID = (string)identity["user_id"];
I believe that this should all be provided standard without needing to add any rules or webhooks. This article should explain in more detail and also gives examples in javascript: auth0 normalized user profile

viaRemember not work - laravel

Auth :: attempt works perfect, but when you pass the second parameter "true" apparently does not care or does not recover with viaRemember
viaRemember fails to work, check this
controller User
`$`userdata = array(
'email' => trim(Input::get('username')),
'password' => trim(Input::get('password'))
if(Auth::attempt(`$`userdata, true)){
return Redirect::to('/dashboard');
view 'dashboard', always show 777
#if (Auth::viaRemember())
I have hit the same obstacle, so looking into the code one can see that viaRemember is not meant to be used as a function to check if the user was logged into the system in one of all the ways a user can be logged in.
'viaRemember' is meant to check if a user was logged into the system specifically via the `viaRemember' cookie.
From what I gather, authentication of user is remembered in two ways:
a via remember cookie.
The cookie value is compared to the via remember field in the users table.
a session cookie.
The cookie value is used in the server to get the session from the
session store. On the session object from the store there is data attached. One of the
data items is the user id connected to the session. The first time
the session was created, the system attached the user id to the data
of the season.
In Illuminate\Auth\Guard class:
public function user()
if ($this->loggedOut) return;
// If we have already retrieved the user for the current request we can just
// return it back immediately. We do not want to pull the user data every
// request into the method because that would tremendously slow an app.
if ( ! is_null($this->user))
return $this->user;
$id = $this->session->get($this->getName());
// First we will try to load the user using the identifier in the session if
// one exists. Otherwise we will check for a "remember me" cookie in this
// request, and if one exists, attempt to retrieve the user using that.
$user = null;
if ( ! is_null($id))
$user = $this->provider->retrieveByID($id);
// If the user is null, but we decrypt a "recaller" cookie we can attempt to
// pull the user data on that cookie which serves as a remember cookie on
// the application. Once we have a user we can return it to the caller.
$recaller = $this->getRecaller();
if (is_null($user) && ! is_null($recaller))
$user = $this->getUserByRecaller($recaller);
return $this->user = $user;
The getUserByRecaller function is called only if the session cookie authentication did not work.
The viaRemember flag is only set in the getUserByRecaller function. The viaRemember method is only a simple getter method.
public function viaRemember()
return $this->viaRemember;
So in the end, we can use Auth::check() that does make all the checks including the viaRemember check. It calls the user() function in the Guard class.
It seems also the viaRemember is only an indicator. You need to do a type of Auth::check() the will get the process of authentication started and so the user() function will be called.
It seems that your project is on Laravel 4.0 but viaRemember() is added in Laravel 4.1! So that's expected.
in config\session.php file change the 'expire_on_close' = false to true and once you close restart your browser, it must be ok.