I am new in IntelliJ (use v2021.1) and just learn several shortcuts and use them. However, I realized some shortcuts that can be used with mouse click as shown below:
Ctrl + Click
Alt + Click
I think they have multiple purposes e.g. go to definition, find usages. But I want to learn what their usages exactly?
And is there similar useful shortcuts that can be used with mouse click in IntelliJ IDEA?
I am currently using IDEAVim on intelliJ on a 60% keyboard without arrow keys.
I am looking for a way to expand the menu of "Show Intentions Action"(the menu which you get from hitting + ) to the right without having to use the arrow key.
If i just hit enter, it will select and execute the intention instead of giving me a menu to "Suppress" or "Ignore" the intention
You cannot remap any cursor keys for the menu actions in IntelliJ IDEA.
The only workaround I can see if to use some system application to remap the keys depending on the OS you are using. For example, on Windows one can map some keys combination to produce the arrow key code with AutoHotkey or a macro in the third-party keyboard driver settings.
Anything that will produce the same code as the real right arrow key on your system should work.
In IntelliJ, there are some underlined numbers on the side menus :
1: Project
7: Structure
Like below :
So there is probably a keyboard shortcut which allows to navigate from one view to another by just entering the view number.
I tried the different digits with Ctrl, Ctrl+Shift, Ctrl+Alt etc but could not find the right shortcut.
How can I easily navigate between those views?
The shortcut is Alt + [number]
ps. There's a plugin force-shortcuts if you wanna replace your mouse click actions with shortcuts (https://github.com/treytrahin/force-shortcuts-intellij-plugin). It's super annoying but you learn really fast. And by the way here are such plugins to most editors and IDEs.
ALT+F1 opens a window where you can choose one of the views by pressing the corresponding number.
Info: It actually opens the selected file in the selected view - which is not that bad maybe - but not 100% what you want?
Also there are cool things like pressing C to open a file chosen in Project Explorer directly in Explorer for example.
IDE: IntelliJ IDEA 14
O.S.:: Windows 7
If I want to navigate to the declaration of a method I can choose one of the following approaches:
press Ctrl + left click
right click > Go To > Declaration
press Ctrl + B
If I want to navigate to the implementation of a method I can choose one of the following approaches:
press Ctrl + Alt + left click
right click > Go To > Implementation(s)
press Ctrl + Alt + B
In Eclipse, if I press Ctrl and the mouse is over a method, a popup appears and I can choose what to do (go to Implementation/Declaration). If I press "left click" ( Ctrl is still pressed ) the first option will be chosen.
How can I achieve the same / a similar behavior in IntelliJ IDEA ?
There is not a built-in option for this. You would need to configure a custom quick list to do such.
Open the Settings dialog and go to "Quick Lists" (It's under "Appearance & Behavior" in IDEA 14)
Click the add button to the right of the middle pane
Give your list a name
Click the add button to the right of the far right pane (where is reads "no actions")
Add the Go to Declaration action (Main Menu > Navigate > Go to Declaration)
Add the Go to Implementation(s) action (Main Menu > Navigate > Go to Implementation(s))
Click Apply
Go to Keymap in the settings
Under the "Quick List" node, find the Quick List you just created and map a short-cut (keyboard or mouse) to it. You can, of course, remap one of the shortcuts used by the Go to Declaration or the Go to Implementation(s) action
Click OK to close out of the settings and give it a try.
Note that in the quick list that opens, you will have numbers next to each action for quick selection.
Adding a screenshot of final quick list for additional clarity
I was looking for the same thing, because I was also used to it in Eclipse. Nevertheless, in 99% of the cases, I went to the implementation. If that's your case too, you may consider changing the Ctrl+click shortcut in IntelliJ:
Open File → Settings... → Keymap
Search for "implementation", and identify the item "Main menu → Navigate → Implementation(s)" in the list
Right-click the item and choose "Add Mouse Shortcut"
Add the Ctrl+click shortcut by making a Ctrl+left click on the window
When hitting the OK button, you have two choises :
Remove the existing shortcut (opening the declaration)
Leave the existing shortcut : In that case, when using then Ctrl+click, both the declaration and the implementation will be opened (at least when they are in different files)
I know this answer comes like 2 years too late, but hopefully it may help others?
EDIT : This shortcut also applies when you want to navigate to the declaration of a super class. Therefore, my "99%" first declared above drops a bit.
I've added the ctrl + right-click as a shortcut to go the declaration (which conflicts with no other shortcut - but you need a mouse with at least two buttons...).
If you select the method and hit Ctrl+T it will show the implementations of the methods. You can click on the options to navigate to that implemented method. Hope this helps.
On mac you can open the implementation(s) with command + option + click. Right -click on the method and check "go to" for the other options and shortcuts you might need.
My IntelliJ (2016.2) shows the declaration of a method (in a PHP interface) as one of the implementations in the implementation popup, so maybe you can do this all from the Implementations popup now.
I'm really impressed with the autocomplete feature of the IntelliJ IDE so far.
What I'd like to do, is cycle through the autocomplete suggestions I get when hitting Ctrl + Space without using the arrow keys (↑, ↓).
The reason for this is that I prefer to keep my fingers on the home row (I'm using IntelliJ's Vim emulator additionally).
For example, how would I select sortThis instead of sorted without using the arrow keys or the mouse?
Peter Gromov's answer brought me to a satisfying solution:
In IntelliJ's settings, for Keymap → Editor Actions → Down I set a custom shortcut: Ctrl + J.
This way I can cycle forward through the suggestions.
Setting a shortcut for Down with Selection or Scroll Line Down in the IdeaVim-specific shortcuts did not affect the selection of autocomplete suggestions though.
The answer here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/9713306/2370679 led me to discover that Ctrl+n & Ctrl+p allow navigation of the auto-complete options without having to modify any settings
For macOS the IDE will give a hint that "^↑ and ^↓ will move caret up and down in the editor". These clearly do not work.
There are a few extra steps that are needed after following #matthias-braun's solution.
Here is the full list of step that I use:
Go to Preferences -> Keymap
Expand Editor Actions (not Plug-ins -> IdeaVim)
Select Down
Click the pencil icon or right-click
Select Add Keyboard Shortcut
Press the shortcut (I use ^N)*
Repeat for 3-6 for Up (I use ^P)
Click Ok**
Go to Preferences -> Other Settings -> Vim Emulation
In the drop-down under the Handler column for the row containing Down, select Vim***
Do the same thing for Up
* If you are warned about the key binding already existing then remove it. You can always reset back to the defaults by clicking the little cog icon up the very top to the right of the drop-down menu.
** The Vim Emulation doesn't seem to be populated correctly until you reopen the Preferences.
*** I'm not sure why the Handler should be Vim. This seems backwards to me but it works.
If you're able to scroll up/down in editor with some IdeaVIM-specific shortcuts, they should also work in the completion list.
In this particular case, I'd just type another "t" so that "sortThis" becomes selected (and the only) variant.
I have done the same thing with mapping the arrows but in a more logical way:
I mapped them that when I press 'Alt' 'J' is left, 'L' is right, 'I' is up, and 'k' is down. that way I can have easy access to the arrows while my fingers are on the home row and I don't need to move them nearly as much...
I'm posting it just so people who search it on google can have that idea.
I can't find a hotkey for the feature "Scroll from Source".
What is the difference between Scroll from Source and Scroll to Source as well?
In the latest IntelliJ IDEA, there is a keymap entry called "Select in Project View" with no default shortcut. Just add a shortcut key to it. No need for a plugin.
Alt + F1, then 1
First checkout your shortcut key for the "Select In.." item in the Navigate menu.
Click in the file you're editing, hit the shortcut key for "Select in".. then press 1.
I've changed the hotkey for select in to Alt + 1 so that my key combination is the easy to remember Alt + 1, 1
There is a plugin for this now.
It's called Scroll From source:
This is now builit in see #Dimitrov answer
There's no configurable shortcut in the Keymap settings, and it does not appear in the "Enter action" dialog, so I'm pretty sure it's not (yet) configurable, even if I agree it would be very appreciable.
You can use the navigation bar Shortcut keys as well.
On Mac
Hit ⌘ + ↑ (command and up key)
Hit ← (left arrow)
Hit ⌘ + Enter
This will take you to the folder in project view.
It's worth having a play round with the navigation bar.
IntelliJ really have this covered :)
For ubuntu i did ALT+L (cause ALT + F1 is busy), then just enter.
If you are using JetBrains Rider, then the shortcut is Locate in Solution Explorer:
As a much much much much much better alternative to the scroll from source functionality you can use the Navigation bar.
Note: double clicking on the folder in the navigation bar will scroll to that folder in the Project view, (i.e. the same functionality as scroll from source).
You can show the navigation bar in the view menu, there's also a shortcut for each OS (cmd and up arrow ⌘ + ↑ on OSX, Alt + Home on Linux and Windows)
So it looks like this...
And it allows you to browse through the folder structure containing the file in focus in the main editor.
In Ubuntu 18 you can disable shortcut Alt+F1, the super key(windows key) do same thing.
At moment i disable/changed this shortcuts of ubuntu
Alt+F7 --> windows+F7
Ctrl+Alt+L --> windows+L
Alt+F1 --> windows
Another better way:
The Shortcut is called Select in Projec View
The default shortcut is
or you can edit this.
Source: https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/206717285-Scroll-from-source-keyboard-shortcut-?flash_digest=77b77d09d61eff96f7d59697820dee45b2c2041c
UPDATE: Now you can easylly use Shift+Alt+1 in Gnome Keymap or Alt+F1 in Windows Keymap
If I understand correctly you don't want to toggle the option so much as trigger the file browser tool window with the selection being the currently edited file.
Just leave 'Scroll From Source' enabled and open the file browser with Command + 1 on OSX or CTRL + 1(i think) on Windows. The file browser sidebar will be selected and your selection will be highlighted.
This answer also explains the difference between Scroll To and Scroll From: How to make Scroll From Source feature always enabled?
In JetBrains Rider, this action used to be named Locate in Solution Explorer, but is now (v2019.2) named Locate/Select in Solution View and by default (at least with the built-in ReSharper keymap) bound to Alt+Shift+L.