Google Colab notebook preview (thumbnail) not updating in Drive - google-colaboratory

There used to be an option in Google Colab under File called Update Drive preview. I no longer see that option and my previews are very out of date. I assumed if it was removed that maybe the preview was updated when saving, but that does not appear to be the case. The worst part is that I have renamed the files and the preview still shows the old filename along the top, which can be confusing. Is another way that I can make this update occur?
It is important to note that I do not want the URL for sharing to change, so making a copy would not work as a solution.

The Update Drive preview is now available through the command palette in Colab which is available through Tools->command palette, [CMD/CTRL]+SHIFT+P, or in the menu along the left side of the notebook.


Share a unique version of google colab doc?

Does anyone know how exactly I can share a unique version of a google colab doc? I have a colab sheet on my Google Drive and I want to allow for someone to access the file, run, make edits, etc. However, I don't want any of the edits made to be on my version of the doc.
I've searched everywhere...
To share a link to your notebook that allows editing but does not modify your copy, first open the notebook in playground mode using the command palette. (Tools menu -> Command palette)
Then, select the 'Open in playground' command.
This will reload the notebook with a new URL that you can share, allowing others to modify and execute an ephemeral copy of the notebook without modifying the original. If they attempt to save, they will be prompted to create a copy in their own Drive.

What is Colab uploading (repeatedly/persistently), and why?

I am running a python-tensorflow-keras jupyter notebook on Colab, training a CNN on Caltech-256 images. The data is loaded from the Caltech site directly to the Colab area with a wget, and never appears on my PC. The notebook includes Tensorboard, and some Callbacks. Obviously, as I first upload the notebook to Colab, that will use some internet bandwidth. I would expect that the rest of the time there should be very little traffic - only enough to update my screen at the end of each epoch (every 600 seconds) or as I click on it. However, there is actually quite a lot of traffic - enough to impact the other people in my house significantly. I believe that the problem is with our upload speed (ie data going from my PC to Colab). I am using Firefox web browser. When I switch to Colab Playground mode, the issue disappears.
What is being uploaded, and why?
Is there any workaround?
I've found the answer here
I don't totally understand it, but the workaround listed there works for me:
While the notebook is running, in the tensorboard display, click the settings cog (top right), and uncheck the auto-update box. (You then need to click the refresh icon whenever you want to update your graphs.)
This has to be repeated every time you open the notebook, but it's a small price to pay for family harmony.

Enabling right click copy for ipython plots?

Is there a way to enable matplotlib/ipython so I can right click my plots (in Chrome) and copy then paste elsewhere such as MS Word etc?
I know I can code and save to image etc, but often when I am playing around investigating data it would be very useful to just copy / paste into a document for safekeeping and reports.
EDIT: Problem seems to be using MS Word (2010) and any dynamic image from any Browser (IE/Chrome), If I use other progs like Write it works okay. I found some advice to change the "Pasting from other programs" option in Word settings but it has no effect.
Also another article says the problem is based on the contents of the "HTML Format" format stored in the clipboard.
Guess I need to post this question elsewhere seems to be an MS Word issue!
If you control-shift right click, it'll return to the standard Chrome context menu instead of the iPython one.
EDIT: the below answer doesn't always work anymore (something changed I think), but there is another stack overflow question here with an answer that is working, namely using Ctrl+Alt+V to do a paste-special:
Jupyter Notebook: How to copy paste image into MS word?
A straight Ctrl+V will generally fail in MS Office for this purpose, but there is the "paste image" option which is what is working for me.
If you're using ipython notebook (which I guess you must be, since you're mentioning using Chrome), you can just right-click on your graph and choose Copy Image then paste into whatever software
Drag and drop worked for me using Chrome and MS Word on macOS.

How to show document preview in iCloud conflicts sheet in Mac App using NSDocument

I am creating a Mac App, using NSDocument, that stores a custom class of documents to iCloud.
I was able to get the program to store documents to iCloud quite easily by just Code Signing it, Sandboxing it, and adding iCloud entitlements; however, I'm still encountering a problem where when I trigger an iCloud conflict and the program drops down the sheet allowing the user to resolve the conflict the rows in the sheet do not show the small image of the document (like Preview and TextEdit do).
Additionally, when I click on the area where the image should be (it's blank) it opens up a Quick Look window that just displays an image of the Document Icon together with some other information as opposed to a snap shot of the actual file like Preview and TextEdit do.
I have not found any information in Apple's documentation that explains what I need to do to implement the same behaviour as Preview and TextEdit.
So far I've been surprised by how easily I've been able to get all of the functionability of not only the Auto Saves and the Versions browser, but also saving to the Cloud. NSDocument seems to do all of this for the developer (resolving iCloud Conflicts, etc.), as Apple's documents says it does, but again I'm not getting this other behaviour and I don't want to reinvent the wheel by writing code that is not needed.
I'm thinking that the answer might lie somewhere with implementing a Quick Look thumbnail (for the small image in the table in the sheet) and a Quick Look preview for the larger preview of the document when that in the sheet is clicked on, but this seems like a lot of work and I'm afraid of losing some of the other build-in functions of NSDocument if I start "trapping" NSDocument routines up the food chain so to speak.
Has anyone else encountered this problem and found the easiest solution?
Update: Dec. 25/12
I've finally figured out that the problem is I need a QuickLook generator to display both a QL Thumbnail (which shows up in the table in the conflicts sheet) and a QL Preview (which is displayed when a user clicks on the Thumbnail)
I ended up creating the QL generator project, and afterwards creating a workspace which I added my main project and the QL generator project to. After that I added a Copy Files Build Phase to the main project to copy the QL generator into the main Application bundle.

iTunes Connect sends email about a issue with icon file, how to fix?

This is the email:
Dear developer,
We have discovered one or more issues with your recent binary submission for "Bla". Before your app can be reviewed, the following issues must be corrected:
Corrupt Icon File - The icon file 72 x 72.png appears to be corrupt.
Once these issues have been corrected , go to the Version Details page and click Ready to Upload Binary. Continue through the submission process until the app status is Waiting for Upload and then use Application Loader to upload the corrected binary.
I have change the file and re-upload the app, but I got the email again.
As Michael Dautermanm says.
Make sure "compress png's" is turned off in the build settings.
Can you open the file in Preview, and choose 'Tools' -> 'Show Inspector'? The file may be using some PNG format features that Apple don't like. They want RGB, 8 bit depth, no alpha. See the Custom Icon and Image Creation Guidelines.
For comparison, here are screenshots of the Preview Inspector, showing properties of an icon for an app that was accepted. If you're unsure, post similar screenshots for the properties of your picture.
The "Pixels Per Meter" part may or may not appear. It wasn't there when I first opened some icon files five minutes ago, and now it appears for every PNG I open. Weird.
Edit: also check the icon entries in your 'Info.plist', or the 'Info' tab for your Target. (These are not the same thing, as I just spent several hours discovering. Settings in the 'Info' tab override your 'Info.plist'.) As of the iOS 5.1 SDK, these include Icon file (a string), Icon files (an array), and Icon files (iOS 5) (a dictionary containing at least one dictionary containing an array). XCode seems to add your launch images to this list too. Don't rely on it to keep the list tidy - I have sometimes found outdated filenames in mine.
For further comparison, here's what ended up in the Info.plist of a valid app. Your filenames may be different, as long as they match the resources in your project.
I'm the developer of the app Pillboxie. I have been having the same issue as you, but I believe I may have finally found a solution.
Before proceeding with my suggestion, make sure that your Info.plist and all icon filenames appear exactly as Apple requires. Keep checking the documentation to make sure you're up-to-date, but Dondragmer's recommendation looks correct to me.
I created all my image resources, including app icons, in Photoshop, exporting for web as PNG-24's. Because Pillboxie has numerous images, setting "Compress png's" to YES in the build settings helps me save several megabytes of space. I was getting the same error as you until I tried turning off this compression, as Evaristoyok suggests. However, my app jumped up several mb. I hoped to find a better way.
Tonight I found the following link: article. In it the author suggests to make sure that "Interlaced" is NOT selected in Photoshop when exporting images in the Save For Web & Devices dialog window. I re-exported all icon and launch images with this disabled, and it solved my issue. I was able to submit my app and still leave png compression enabled.