Generate a single file with Telosys - velocity

how are you? I am learning how to use Telosys to make a code generator for Arduino, I was wondering if there is a way to create a single file for all the entities in my DSL. For example, I have the .entity files "Cars" and "Drivers", which generates me two .txt files when I generate code. Is there any way to generate the code for both .entity files in a single text file?

Yes, it's possible and it's quite easy. In your ".vm" file you just have to iterate on each entity defined in the model by using one these entities list : "$model.allEntites" or "$selectedEntities"
( see templates doc : )
Here's an example :
All entities :
#foreach( $entity in $model.allEntites )
. $ : $entity.attributesCount attributes
The "database doc" is a bundle of templates using this kind of generation.
See "database_tables_list.vm" in bundle
Don't forget to set the "number of generations" to "1" for this ".vm" file in the "templates.cfg" file in order to generate it only once
Example from "database doc" bundle ( "1" at the end of line ) :
Database tables list (HTML) ; database.html ; dbdoc ; database_tables_list.vm ; 1
In your case for a text file :
My global text file ; global.txt ; myfolder ; mytemplate.vm ; 1


AHK: How to store a selected file in a variable to execute an script using FileSelectFile function after selected in Window/File explorer?

Apologies, I am quite new with AHK.
Context: I am trying to build a small program (eventually with UI) which will clean data in .XLF files in order to be processed properly by a CAT tool interpreter (import into it).
By "clean" I mean to find HTML attributes and replace them with their respective Char Entities. This as a single script; writing the name of the file or path inside the script is working perfectly.
Problem: I would like to run my .ahk/.exe allowing the user to open the file manager/explorer and select the file that needs to be processed by the script (find/replace html attributes with char entities) selecting the file is not working. Nothing is populated (the final file/result is empty) I'm trying to sort out this with FileSelectFile function and store the output var value (selecting the file) in the first instruction "fileread, selectedfile".
But it's not working! If I don't do this and I only provide in the default directory "A_ScriptDir" an specific file name .xf -> this works fine.
This is my code so far w/comments:
SetWorkingDir, %A_ScriptDir%
FileEncoding, UTF-8
;Open Window File Manager/Explorer and select a file .xlf file
FileSelectFile, SelectedFile, 8, , Open a file, , ,(*.xlf)
;--- > HTML attribute '&' must be replaced by its char entity first/overall otherwise this instruction will overwrite the amp entities from the rest of char entities corrupting the file;
;"SelectedFile" can be any filename such as "example.xlf" but this is not my scope
fileread, text, SelectedFile ;previously "text.xlf" with random html content to do tests
replace := "&"
newtext := strreplace(text, "&", replace, all)
sleep, 200
filedelete, newtest.xlf
fileappend, %newtext%, newtest.xlf
;--------------------------------- <b>
;here "fileread" must read the final appended file as solution to use "streplace" function multiple times (replace more than one desired string) running the script at the same time. (due to my lack of exp. with loop function)
fileread, text, newtest.xlf
replace := ">b<"
newtext := strreplace(text, "<b>", replace, all)
filedelete, newtest.xlf
fileappend, %newtext%, newtest.xlf
I've been thinking that other solution can be:
I am still new to understand apply Drag and Drop GUI but I am unsure how to modify my code in order to drag/drop a file onto the ahk.exe
Thanks for your time reading this! any tip and/or help would be super appreciated :)
The FileRead command expects text, not an input variable.
So if you add % around SelectedFile like this, it should work:
FileRead, text, %SelectedFile%
If that doesn't work, it means the file does not exist or an error occurred. In that, you'll want to look at FileRead's error handling section.

How do I derive an executable name from a source file in Meson build?

I'm trying to create a list of unit test targets in Meson, with each test case built from a single source file. The source files are defined with a files() command in a subdirectory:
my_test_files = files(['test_foo.c','test_bar.c','test_baz.c'])
What I'd like to do is something like this in the top-level build:
foreach t_file : my_test_files
t_name = t.split('.')[0]
test(t_name, executable(t_name, t_file, ...))
I know it's possible to do this if the file names are plain strings, but the above approach fails with a 'File object is not callable' error.
Is there a more 'Mesonic' way to derive the executable / test name from the source file name?
It should work if you define your variable simply as array, e.g.:
my_test_files = ['test_foo.c','test_bar.c','test_baz.c']
the loop stays the same, except some typo fixed with:
foreach t_file : my_test_files
t_name = t_file.split('.')[0]
test(t_name, executable(t_name, t_file, ...))
instead of building array of file objects. This is because executable() accepts input files in many forms: as file objects (which you tried to do) and as strings either source files (that should be compiled) or object files (to be linked) - detected by file name extension.
For more flexibility and better control, one can use array of arrays (which is, of course, extendable and may contain anything that is needed to generate tests):
foo_files = files('test_foo.c')
bar_files = files('test_bar.c')
baz_files = files('test_baz.c')
test_files = [
['foo', foo_files, foo_deps],
['bar', bar_files, []],
['baz', baz_files, baz_deps]]
foreach t : test_files
test(t[0], executable(t[0], t[1], dependencies=t[2], ...))

Get file name from SAP Data service

I'm unable to read file name from data services which contain date_time format, I can read date but time can be variable, I've tried with *.csv on file name(s) property for flat file, but this for static file name.
Example: File_20180520_200003.csv, File_20180519_192503.csv, etc.
My script:
$Filename= 'File_'|| to_char(sysdate()-1, 'YYYYMMDD')|| '_'|| '*.csv';
I want to find a solution to read the 6 digits (any number) *.
Finally, I've found a solution by using
$Csv = word(exec('cmd','dir /b [$Filename]*.csv',8),2) ;
on the flat file (file name property), I've added $Csv
It works fine.

R: can a function in a package read a text file in the same package?

The use case is as follows: I have created a package which contains functions which run queries against a data base. Instead of defining the query in an R-script e.g. (excuse the pseudo-code):
house_price_query <- "select * from house_prices"
get.house_prices <- function() run_query(house_price_query)
Can I save the query as a text file in say queries/house_prices.sql and then read this text file into the query?
You can put your file house_prices.sql in inst/queries in your package folder, and then load it from within R (once your package is installed) with :
system.file(file.path("queries","house_prices.sql"), package="your_package_name")

Doxygen - Ini as a Text?

I am starting to dokumenting with doxygen and as far as it goes it seems quite easy and helpful !
There is just one file which gives me a headache, my config.ini .
This file has different comments, standards etc. .
I would like to load it as "code", so the page is not interpreted.
How can I achieve this ?
The following didn't work :
; /// #file config.ini
; /// #code
; /// #endcode
Your question is a little unclear but I assume from your question that you do want to see the contents of the .ini file in the documentation.
For what I think you need I'd suggest using #verbatim rather than #code.
If you are not seeing anything at all, then check that .ini is in the list of filename extensions that doxygen will parse? It's a setting in the doxyfile.
You can do what you want as follows:
Define a page that includes the .ini file, for instance test.dox as follows:
/** #page test_ini test.ini
* This is the configuration file:
* #verbinclude test.ini
Then set EXAMPLE_PATH in doxygen's config file to the directory that contains test.ini and don't include .ini files in FILE_PATTERNS (so use the default).