I had this error in my minecraft plugin During startup - minecraft

When I was starting up my minecraft server after changing my plugin i got this error and when ever I type my command it just says it back in chat
here's the error:https://pastebin.pl/view/7f462b79

This error appear when you replace the JAR file of your plugin without restart.
If you just reload, you could have this issue.
So, be sure the plugin is fully compiled and well replaced BEFORE start. If you have this issue, just restart and it should be fine.


jhipster hot deploy on client side using npm

I am using version 4.5.5 of jhipster.
My OS is Linux Mint.
I am using IntelliJ as my IDE.
Everything is working fine in terms of generating the code, building and running the code.
Unfortunately, when I make changes to the client code (html or ts), the changes are not reflected until I recompile the client code completed. To achieve this I do "mvn -Pdev,webpack". It takes quite a while to restart the client and this is really holding me back.
Hot Deploy
What I expect to happen is that I can run "npm start" and when I save a change to a ts or a html file that it will be picked up and the change immediately visible in the browser.
Any ideas why the client hot deploy is not working ?
Any ideas how I identify where the issue is ?
For example, how do I know what folders are being watched by the hot deploy ?
Thanks a million for you help.
I am sure others have encountered the same issue and will read the answer gladly.
Kind regards,
PS Need any details, simply ask.
Figured it out.
Somebody else had a similar issue with a globally installed instance of webpack.
I installed a local version and the file updates are being detected and recompiled and the app hot deployed. Now working perfectly.
To install a local version webpack.js.org/guides/installation/#local-installation.

Using IntelliJ IDEA and the Dart plugin, where does the Dart exceptions end up?

I've been playing with Angular2 using IntelliJ IDEA (2016.3.5) and the latest Dart plugin, and I just can't figure out where the errors, exceptions, assert failures etc. ends up.
I am running Dartium with DART_FLAGS="--checked" and pub serve seems to default to debug mode as far as I can read. Dart2js is configured to run in checked mode as well and the analysis server is configured for strong mode. I have also tried using the JetBrains Chrome extension so I get everything shown directly in IDEA, including the console saying Observatory listening at
When there are no errors the Angular2 Dart app runs just fine in Dartium but if I add an assert some where in the code, ie. on a button trigger, the app just stops working at that point with no error output anywhere. Same goes if there's some other error somewhere that pub serve didn't detect.
Dart and Dartium are both at the currently latest version, 1.22.1.
This will be fixed in Angular3 beta.x due to be released the next days it seems.

IntelliJ can't use ALT key after computer shutdown unexpected

I met a strange error in IntelliJ IDEA 14.
My laptop was working with IDEA and I plugged the phone to debug my project. But the laptop was shutdown unexpected after that.
I restart my laptop and open up the IDEA again, some of my ALT shortcut keys didn't work anymore. Having reinstall the IDEA but the problem not solved.
The IDEA throws a message like this:
Cannot read scheme Default copy.xml from '$ROOT_CONFIG$/keymaps': java.lang.AssertionError: Unexpected content storage modification
java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.AssertionError: Unexpected content storage modification
Any idea for this? I'm scaring the IntelliJ IDEA will crash later if my laptop still shutdown unexpected.
Remove your app include all the setting, plugin, history and then download the lasted IntelliJ IDEA from Jetbrains. Then install it to another folder will solve the problem.
No need to uninstall,just remove your android configuration files.
In Linux system, it is in .AndroidStudio[VERSION]/config/tasks/,remove the corresponding tasks and restart Android Studio,it will regenerate the configuration files in this directory.

Launch Grails 3 app from IntelliJ w/ auto-reloading enabled

It looks like IntelliJ's (Ultimate EAP 15) support for Grails 3 is in the early stages yet. If I do Run -> Debug 'Grails:My App', I'm able to launch an app from inside IntelliJ, I can set breakpoints and it works as expected.
If I make changes however, I see in the console that the file is recompiled, but when I hit reload in the browser, I don't see the changes reflected there. I have to stop and restart the app in IntelliJ before I see them. Anyone know how I can get the auto-reloading working?
After chasing this for a week, this post finally provided an explanation.
It's actually a Grails issue, not a problem with IntelliJ's Grails integration: spaces in a file's path will break automatic reloading. Renaming my project from Grails Demo to GrailsDemo got everything straighted out. (Storing a project in a folder like My Documents will also cause trouble.) The post's author indicates that this started with version 2.4.4 and it's still happening for me in 3.0.4.

Installing dotnetnuke module install fails with 404

Im doing some dev work on a dnn module. I was able to build and install a package on my installation of DNN once. I made some changes and wanted to uninstall and reinstall it. Uninstalling went fine. Installing the module again failed by throwing a 404 on the install popup window as soon as i upload the new module zip. I dont see anything logged in the event viewer. Anyone know what can cause this?
Im running DNN 6.2.4
UPDATE: adding more info
the url its 404ing on is: "/Host/Extensions/tabid/36/ctl/Install/rtab/36/portalid/0/Default.aspx?popUp=true"
Im sure this is something unique to my module. I tried installing other modules and they worked fine.
Try hitting F12 in your browser to load the Developer console and see if you can find what the URL is that is 404'ng, that'll make tracking down the issue easier.
Update: Since it appears to be the old "max upload size" issue check out this video for how to fix that part