How to create a conditional node with JMESPath - conditional-statements

With JMESPath based on the following:
If the input is
{ "app": { "usertype": "power" } }
I would like to create
{ "output": { "aslist": true } }
If the input is
{ "app": { "usertype": "simple" } }
I would like to create:
{ "output": { "aslist": false } }
I can create the output but not the conditional part. Seems like a simple if then else but I can't find any documentation on that.
Any suggestions?

You can simply use the evaluation of a condition in JMESPath as a value for your resulting JSON.
Given the query:
{output: {aslist: app.usertype == 'power'}}
On your example JSON:
"app": {
"usertype": "power"
This would give
"output": {
"aslist": true
On your example JSON:
"app": {
"usertype": "simple"
This would give
"output": {
"aslist": false
But, of course, since it is a simple evaluation of a condition based on your simplified example it would also give you a false for anything that is not of usertype being power.



I am using the following query:
query myOrgRepos {
organization(login: "COMPANY_NAME") {
repositories(first: 100) {
edges {
node {
defaultBranchRef {
target {
... on Commit {
history(after: "2021-01-01T23:59:00Z", before: "2023-02-06T23:59:00Z", author: { emails: "USER_EMAIL" }) {
edges {
node {
But with accurate names for the orginization and emails, and am persistantly getting the following error for every repo.
"path": [
"locations": [
"line": 10,
"column": 29
"message": "`2021-01-01T23:59:00Z` does not appear to be a valid cursor."
If I remove the after field, it works just fine. However, I kind of need it. Acording to all the docs that I have read both after and before take the same timestamp. Can't tell where I am going wrong here.
I have tried:
to narrow the gap between before and after
return only a single repository
remove after (works fine without it)

Shopify Storefront API getProductMedia

I tried following the offical Shopify Documentation for retrieving ProductMedia.
My Query looks like this:
query getProductMediaById($id: ID!) {
product(id: $id) {
media(first: 10) {
edges {
node {
fragment mediaFieldsByType on Media {
... on ExternalVideo {
... on MediaImage {
image {
... on Model3d {
sources {
... on Video {
sources {
fragment imageAttributes on Image {
The only thing where I diverged from the official documentation is to put the image attributes to another fragment for code reuse.
But when I try to execute the query I get the following response:
"data": {
"product": {
"__typename": "Product",
"id": "Z2lkOi8vc2hvcGlmeS9Qcm9kdWN0LzY3NjcyOTczMzEzMDU=",
"media": {
"__typename": "MediaConnection",
"edges": [
"__typename": "MediaEdge",
"node": {
"__typename": "MediaImage",
"mediaContentType": "IMAGE",
"alt": ""
"loading": false,
"networkStatus": 7
Or to put it to words my response doesn't contain any information from the mediaFieldsByType fragment.
Any Idea what I'm doing wrong?

Counting $lookup and $unwind documents filtered with $match without getting rid of parent document when all results match

I have a collection "Owners" and I want to return a list of "Owner" matching a filter (any filter), plus the count of "Pet" from the "Pets" collection for that owner, except I don't want the dead pets. (made up example)
I need the returned documents to look exactly like an "Owner" document with the addition of the "petCount" field because I'm using Java Pojos with the Mongo Java driver.
I'm using AWS DocumentDB that does not support $lookup with filters yet. If it did I would use this and I'd be done:
db.Owners.aggregate( [
{ $match: {_id: UUID("b13e733d-2686-4266-a686-d3dae6501887")} },
{ $lookup: { from: 'Pets', as: 'pets', 'let': { ownerId: '$_id' }, pipeline: [ { $match: { $expr: { $ne: ['$state', 'DEAD'] } } } ] } },
{ $addFields: { petCount: { $size: '$pets' } } },
{ $project: { pets: 0 } }
But since it doesn't this is what I got so far:
db.Owners.aggregate( [
{ $match: {_id: { $in: [ UUID("cbb921f6-50f8-4b0c-833f-934998e5fbff") ] } } },
{ $lookup: { from: 'Pets', localField: '_id', foreignField: 'ownerId', as: 'pets' } },
{ $unwind: { path: '$pets', preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true } },
{ $match: { 'pets.state': { $ne: 'DEAD' } } },
{ "$group": {
"_id": "$_id",
"doc": { "$first": "$$ROOT" },
"pets": { "$push": "$pets" }
{ $addFields: { "doc.petCount": { $size: '$pets' } } },
{ $replaceRoot: { "newRoot": "$doc" } },
{ $project: { pets: 0 } }
This works perfectly, except if an Owner only has "DEAD" pets, then the owner doesn't get returned because all the "document copies" got filtered out by the $match. I'd need the parent document to be returned with petCount = 0 when ALL of them are "DEAD". I cannot figure out how to do this.
Any ideas?
These are the supported operations for DocDB 4.0
EDIT: update to use $filter as $reduce not supported by aws document DB
You can use $filter to keep only not DEAD pets in the lookup array, then count the size of the remaining array.
Here is the Mongo playground for your reference.
$reduce version
You can use $reduce in your aggregation pipeline to to a conditional sum for the state.
Here is Mongo playground for your reference.
As of January 2022, Amazon DocumentDB added support for $reduce, the solution posted above should work for you.

Conversion of SQL Update clause into ElasticSearch Update

I would like to do the following update query on my ES index called "avails-ingest-history". How would I do the below in ES?
UPDATE `avails-ingest-history`
SET is_hidden = False
WHERE transaction_guid='XXX'
Here is what I have so far:
body = {
"script": {
"is_hidden": False
"query": {
"match": {
"guid": "xxx"
However, I wasn't sure about the script key or whether an exact match uses the match term.
I'm not sure if this is the preferred way to do the above, but here is the way that I'm currently using:
body = {
"script": {
"lang": "painless",
"inline": "ctx._source.is_hidden=false"
"query": {
"match": {
"guid": "xxx"
}, doc_type='_doc', index='avails-ingest-history')
I am open to better ways to accomplish the above.

How to retrieve null lookup entries on mongodb?

I have this query that provides me the join I want to:
{ "$match": { "nick":"Luispfj" } },
{ "$unwind": "$matches" },
"$lookup": {
{ "$unwind": "$fullMatches" },
"$group": {
"_id": null,
"matches": { "$push":"$fullMatches" }
But when I run the unwind function the null entries are gone. How do I retrieve them (with their respective "gameId"s, if possible?
Also, is there a way to retrieve only the matches array, instead of it being a subproperty of the "null-id-object" it creates?
$unwind takes an optional field preserveNullAndEmptyArrays which by default is false. If you set it to true, unwind will output the documents that are null. Read more about $unwind
"$unwind": {
path: "$fullMatches",
preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true