How to resolve this sql error of schema_of_json - sql

I need to find out the schema of a given JSON file, I see sql has schema_of_json function
and something like this works flawlessly
> SELECT schema_of_json('[{"col":0}]');
But if I query for my table name, it gives me the following error
>SELECT schema_of_json(Transaction) as json_data from table_name;
Error in SQL statement: AnalysisException: cannot resolve 'schemaofjson(`Transaction`)' due to data type mismatch: The input json should be a string literal and not null; however, got `Transaction`.; line 1 pos 7;
The Transaction is one of the columns in my table and after checking it manually I can attest that it is of String type(json).
The SQL statement has it to give me the schema of the JSON, how to do it?

after looking further into the documentation that it is clear that the word foldable means that of the static one, and a column from a table JSON won't work
for minimal reroducible example here you go:
SELECT schema_of_json(CAST('{ "a": "b" }' AS STRING))
As soon as the cast is introduced in the above statement, the schema_of_json will fail......... It needs a static JSON as it's input


dynamic split json string in bigquery [duplicate]

I have load the entire json file into a STRING column of BigQuery table. Now I am trying to access the keys using JSON_EXTRACT_SCALAR function, but I am getting null result for the child keys which contain special character period(".") within their name.
Here's the snippet of the data:
{"server_received_time":"2019-01-17 15:00:00.482000","app":161,"device_carrier":null,"$schema":12,"city":"Caro","user_id":null,"uuid":"9018","event_time":"2019-01-17 15:00:00.045000","platform":"Web","os_version":"49","vendor_id":711,"processed_time":"2019-01-17 15:00:00.817195","user_creation_time":"2018-11-01 19:16:34.971000","version_name":null,"ip_address":null,"paying":null,"dma":null,"group_properties":{},"user_properties":{"":"ca","vendor.userTier":"free","vendor.userID":"a989","":"a989","user.tier":"free","location.region":"ca"},"client_upload_time":"2019-01-17 15:00:00.424000","$insert_id":"e8410","event_type":"LOADED","library":"amp\/4.5.2","vendor_attribution_ids":null,"device_type":"Mac","device_manufacturer":null,"start_version":null,"location_lng":null,"server_upload_time":"2019-01-17 15:00:00.493000","event_id":64,"location_lat":null,"os_name":"Chrome","vendor_event_type":null,"device_brand":null,"groups":{},"event_properties":{"content.authenticated":false,"content.subsection1":"regions","custom.DNT":true,"content.subsection2":"ca","referrer.url":"","content.url":"","content.type":"index","content.title":"","custom.cookiesenabled":true,"app.pillar":"feed","content.area":"news","":"oc"},"data":{},"device_id":"","language":"English","device_model":"Mac","country":"","region":"","is_attribution_event":false,"adid":null,"session_id":15,"device_family":"Mac","sample_rate":null,"idfa":null,"client_event_time":"2019-01-17 14:59:59.987000"}
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Here's the sample query against the table:
CAST(JSON_EXTRACT_SCALAR(data,'$.uuid')AS INT64) AS uuid_id,
CAST(JSON_EXTRACT_SCALAR(data,'$.event_time') AS TIMESTAMP) AS event_time,
JSON_EXTRACT_SCALAR(data,'$[event_properties]') AS app_name,
JSON_EXTRACT_SCALAR(data,'$[user_properties].user.tier') AS user_tier
Above query give null result for app_name & user_tier columns even though data exists for them.
Following the BigQuery JSON function documentation - JSON Functions in Standard SQL
In cases where a JSON key uses invalid JSONPath characters, you can escape those characters using single quotes and brackets, [' '].
and running the query as:
CAST(JSON_EXTRACT_SCALAR(data,"$.uuid_id")AS INT64) AS uuid_id,
CAST(JSON_EXTRACT_SCALAR(data,"$.event_time") AS TIMESTAMP) AS event_time,
JSON_EXTRACT_SCALAR(data,"$.event_properties.['']") AS app_name,
JSON_EXTRACT_SCALAR(data,"$.user_properties.['user.tier']") AS user_tier
result into following error:
Invalid token in JSONPath at: .['']
Please advise. What am I missing here?
You have an extra . before the [. Use

Fetching attribute from JSON string with JSON_VAL cause "<attribute> is invalid in the used context" error

A proprietary third-party application stores JSON strings in it's database like this one:
I need the timestamp and found out that
DB2 offers JSON functions. Since it's stored as string in the PROF_VALUE column, I guess that converting with SYSTOOLS.JSON2BSON is required, before I can use JSON_VAL to fetch the timestamp:
WHERE PROF_PROPERTY_ID = 'touchpointState'
This causes an error that timestamp is invalid in the used context ( SQLCODE=-206, SQLSTATE=42703, DRIVER=4.26.14). The same error is thown when I remove the JSON2BSON call like this
Also not working with the same error (different data-types):
I don't understand this error. My syntax is like the documented JSON_VAL ( json-value , search-string , result-type) and it is the same like in the examples, where they show how to fetch the name field of an object.
I also played around a bit with JSON_TABLE to use raw input data for testing (instead of the database data), but it seems not suiteable for that.
FROM TABLE(SYSTOOLS.JSON_TABLE( SYSTOOLS.JSON2BSON('{"state":"complete","timestamp":1614776473000}'), 'state','s:32')) DATA
This gave me a table with one row: Type = 2 and Value = complete.
I had two problems in my query: First it seems that double quotes " are for object references. I wasn't aware that there is any difference, because in most databases I used yet, both single ' and double quotes " are equal.
The second problem is, that JSON_VAL needs to be called without SYSTOOLS, but the reference is still needed on SYSTOOLS.JSON2BSON(PROF_VALUE).
With those changes, the following query worked:
WHERE PROF_PROPERTY_ID = 'touchpointState'

PostgreSQL - Query nested json in text column

My situation is the following
-> The table A has a column named informations whose type is text
-> Inside the informations column is stored a JSON string (but is still a string), like this:
"key": "value",
"meta": {
"inner_key": "inner_value"
I'm trying to query this table by seraching its informations.meta.inner_key column with the given query:
SELECT * FROM A WHERE (informations::json#>>'{meta, inner_key}' = 'inner_value')
But I'm getting the following error:
ERROR: invalid input syntax for type json
DETAIL: The input string ended unexpectedly.
CONTEXT: JSON data, line 1:
SQL state: 22P02
I've built the query following the given link: DevHints - PostgreSQL
Does anyone know how to properly build the query ?
I solved with this workaround, but I think there are better solutions to the problem
WITH temporary_table as (SELECT A.informations::json#>>'{meta, inner_key}' as inner_key FROM A)
SELECT * FROM temporary_table WHERE inner_key = 'inner_value'

Parsing JSON file in Snowflake Database

My table contains JSON data for example:
when i tried to parse it.
parse_json:bucket::string as bucket ,
parse_json:bySeqno::string as bySeqno ,
parse_json:cas::INT as cas ,
parse_json:content::string as content ,
parse_json:event::string as event
,parse_json:expiration::string as expiration
,parse_json:flags::string as flags
,parse_json:key::string as key
,parse_json:lockTime::string as lockTime
,parse_json:partition::string as partition
,parse_json:revSeqno::string as revSeqno
,parse_json:vBucketUuid::string as vBucketUuid
from STG_YS_APPS v
but it is throwing error like.
SQL compilation error: error line 2 at position 0 invalid identifier > >'PARSE_JSON'
may someone please help me.
Answer with a known schema
Update: Since you provided schema, which shows a VAR column of VARIANT type, here's what you need, couldn't be simpler:
var:bucket::string as bucket,
var:bySeqno::string as bySeqno,
var:cas::int as cas
from STG_YS_APPS v
Below the answer before the schema was known
I'll assume you have a VARCHAR (or similar) column in your table that is called json, and stores the values you presented. You didn't provide the schema, so please adjust the column name as necessary.
You're not using PARSE_JSON as a function in your SQL. You should write something like
parse_json(json):bucket::string as bucket,
parse_json(json):bySeqno::string as bySeqno,
parse_json(json):cas::int as cas
from STG_YS_APPS v

PostgreSQL JSON SQL Update Statement

I am testing out how JSON works in PostgreSQL 9.4 and I'm finding it to be really cool so far.
I'm stuck on one part though. I'm hoping it is possible to run a SQL UPDATE statement on JSON data.
What I was trying to see if I could do was have a Nested Set inside JSON data and Update the left and right when I add a comment.
My query is:
comment #>> '{right}' += 2
comment #>> '{post_id}' = '{$input['post_id']}'
AND comment#>>'{right}' >= '{$parent->right}'
I do get an error:
Syntax error: 7 ERROR: syntax error at or near "#>>"
LINE 5: comment#>>'{right}' += 2
I've not been able to find a resource that tells me if it's possible to update an item inside the JSON.
Thank you
Updating JSON Data
If the column in your table contains json data and you want to update this data, you can use the following structure:
UPDATE table_name SET column_name = '{"key" : value}'::jsonb
WHERE column_name::jsonb #> '{“new_key” : new_value}'::jsonb;
Note: Usually #> is used as the "contains" operator.