PostgreSQL - Query nested json in text column - sql

My situation is the following
-> The table A has a column named informations whose type is text
-> Inside the informations column is stored a JSON string (but is still a string), like this:
"key": "value",
"meta": {
"inner_key": "inner_value"
I'm trying to query this table by seraching its informations.meta.inner_key column with the given query:
SELECT * FROM A WHERE (informations::json#>>'{meta, inner_key}' = 'inner_value')
But I'm getting the following error:
ERROR: invalid input syntax for type json
DETAIL: The input string ended unexpectedly.
CONTEXT: JSON data, line 1:
SQL state: 22P02
I've built the query following the given link: DevHints - PostgreSQL
Does anyone know how to properly build the query ?
I solved with this workaround, but I think there are better solutions to the problem
WITH temporary_table as (SELECT A.informations::json#>>'{meta, inner_key}' as inner_key FROM A)
SELECT * FROM temporary_table WHERE inner_key = 'inner_value'


Prisma PostgreSQL queryRaw error code 42P01 table does not exist

I am trying to run a query that searches items in the Item table by how similar their title and description are to a value, the query is the following:
let items = await prisma.$queryRaw`SELECT * FROM item WHERE SIMILARITY(name, ${search}) > 0.4 OR SIMILARITY(description, ${search}) > 0.4;`
However when the code is run I receive the following error:
error - PrismaClientKnownRequestError:
Invalid `prisma.$queryRaw()` invocation:
Raw query failed. Code: `42P01`. Message: `table "item" does not exist`
code: 'P2010',
clientVersion: '4.3.1',
meta: { code: '42P01', message: 'table "item" does not exist' },
page: '/api/marketplace/search'
I have run also the following query:
let tables = await prisma.$queryRaw`SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables;`
Which correctly shows that the Item table exists! Where is the error?
After doing some light research, It looks like you possibly need double-quotes. Try
let items = await prisma.$queryRaw`SELECT * FROM "Item" ... blah blah
I say this because PostgreSQL tables names and columns default to lowercase when not double-quoted. If you haven't built much of your db, it may be worth wild to make all the tables and columns lowercase so that you won't have to keep adding double quotes and escaping characters.
PostgreSQL support
Are PostgreSQL columns case sensitive?

How to resolve this sql error of schema_of_json

I need to find out the schema of a given JSON file, I see sql has schema_of_json function
and something like this works flawlessly
> SELECT schema_of_json('[{"col":0}]');
But if I query for my table name, it gives me the following error
>SELECT schema_of_json(Transaction) as json_data from table_name;
Error in SQL statement: AnalysisException: cannot resolve 'schemaofjson(`Transaction`)' due to data type mismatch: The input json should be a string literal and not null; however, got `Transaction`.; line 1 pos 7;
The Transaction is one of the columns in my table and after checking it manually I can attest that it is of String type(json).
The SQL statement has it to give me the schema of the JSON, how to do it?
after looking further into the documentation that it is clear that the word foldable means that of the static one, and a column from a table JSON won't work
for minimal reroducible example here you go:
SELECT schema_of_json(CAST('{ "a": "b" }' AS STRING))
As soon as the cast is introduced in the above statement, the schema_of_json will fail......... It needs a static JSON as it's input

Postgres | V9.4 | Extract value from json

I have a table that one of the columns is in type TEXT and holds a json object inside.
I what to reach a key inside that json and ask about it's value.
The column name is json_representation and the json looks like that:
"additionalInfo": {
"dbSources": [{
"user": "Mike"
I want to get the value of the "user" and ask if it is equal to "Mike".
I tried the following:
json_representation->'additionalInfo'->'dbSources'->>'user' as singleUser
from users
where singleUser = 'Mike';
I keep getting an error:
Query execution failed
SQL Error [42883]: ERROR: operator does not exist: text -> unknown
Hint: No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You might need to add explicit type casts.
Position: 31
please advice
The error message tells you what to do: you might need to add an explicit type cast:
And as you can not reference a column alias in the WHERE clause, you need to wrap it into a derived table:
select *
from (
select json_representation::json ->'additionalInfo'->'dbSources' -> 0 ->>'user' as single_user
from users
) as t
where t.single_user = 'Mike';
:: is Postgres' cast operator
But the better solution would be to change the column's data type to json permanently. And once you upgrade to a supported version of Postgres, you should use jsonb.

JSONB column does not exist

I got this error.
ERROR: column "name" does not exist LINE 6:
SELECT JS, location, location->>Name
^ SQL state: 42703 Character: 278
from this query
WITH JsonTable AS
]'::jsonb AS JS
SELECT JS, location, location->>Name
FROM JsonTable, jsonb_array_elements(JS) x (location)
How can I select JSON value?
You are missing quotes around the name of the JSON attribute that you want to select. Just like object keys must always be quoted when the JSON object is declared, they need to be quoted when they are accessed.
See the Postgres documentation for the JSON datatype and JSON Functions and Operators.
You would need to change this:
SELECT JS, location, location->>Name
SELECT JS, location, location->>'Name'
Demo on DB Fiddle.

PostgreSQL JSON SQL Update Statement

I am testing out how JSON works in PostgreSQL 9.4 and I'm finding it to be really cool so far.
I'm stuck on one part though. I'm hoping it is possible to run a SQL UPDATE statement on JSON data.
What I was trying to see if I could do was have a Nested Set inside JSON data and Update the left and right when I add a comment.
My query is:
comment #>> '{right}' += 2
comment #>> '{post_id}' = '{$input['post_id']}'
AND comment#>>'{right}' >= '{$parent->right}'
I do get an error:
Syntax error: 7 ERROR: syntax error at or near "#>>"
LINE 5: comment#>>'{right}' += 2
I've not been able to find a resource that tells me if it's possible to update an item inside the JSON.
Thank you
Updating JSON Data
If the column in your table contains json data and you want to update this data, you can use the following structure:
UPDATE table_name SET column_name = '{"key" : value}'::jsonb
WHERE column_name::jsonb #> '{“new_key” : new_value}'::jsonb;
Note: Usually #> is used as the "contains" operator.