What is the most reliable way to fetching the scroped CSS attribute in vuejs? - vue.js

In vuejs the elements are assigned an attribute starting 'data-v-***'
I could not find any docs about fetching this value so ended up using refs and grabbing the attributes of the main node:
<div class="m-colour-picker" ref="thisContainer">
const attributes = this.$refs.thisContainer.getAttributeNames();
let dataAttribute = '';
attributes.forEach((attribute: string) => {
if (attribute.substring(0, 5) === 'data-') {
dataAttribute = attribute;
But it feels a little forced.. is there a method in vue to fetch this already built in?

That has little to do with Vue.js. Data attributes for any element are automatically synced with it's internal dataset object.
// notice how data attributes containing more than the initial data- dash
// are automatically transformed to camel case:
// data-v-foo-bar ===> dataset.vFooBar
// if all you care about is the names of the attributes:
<div id="foobar" data-v-foo="bar" data-v-bar="baz" data-v-foo-bar="foobaz"></div>


How to keep the v-treeview state after page refresh?

I am trying to understand how to keep the state of the treeview after a page refresh.
For example, I have a treeview of folders. I click on a folder it should expand.
After that, I can click on that item inside the folder (is a link to a page, therefore the whole page is refreshed.)
The problem is the treeview closes the folders back up again and doesn't keep its previous state.
I need it to be static so even after page reload the treeview does not lose its state.
This bit of code is my treeview:
v-list.py-2(v-else, dense)
v-treeview(v-model="tree", :items="treeData", activatable, :open.sync="openIds", #update:open="getOpenIds", item-key="name", open-on-click)
template(v-slot:prepend="{item, open}")
v-list-item(v-if="item.isFolder", link, :href='`/` + item.locale + `/` + item.path', :input-value='path === item.path')
v-list-item-avatar(size="24", tile)
v-icon {{ open ? 'mdi-folder-open' : 'mdi-folder' }}
v-list-item-title {{item.title}}
v-list-item.noFolders(v-else, :href='`/` + item.locale + `/` + item.path', :key='`childpage-` + item.id', :input-value='path === item.path')
v-list-item-avatar(size="24", tile)
v-icon mdi-text-box
v-list-item-title {{item.title}}
Also, I should mention that the data is dynamic. I am generating the tree (as an Object) using a method.
async buildTree(items){
this.$store.commit(`loadingStart`, 'browse-load')
for(let item of items){
let result = await this.$apollo.query({
query: gql`
query ($parent: Int, $locale: String!) {
pages {
tree(parent: $parent, mode: ALL, locale: $locale) {
fetchPolicy: 'cache-first',
variables: {
parent: item.id,
locale: this.locale
item.children = _.get(result, 'data.pages.tree', [])
for(let kid of item.children){
//kid.name = ""
kid.children = []
console.log(this.treeData )
this.$store.commit(`loadingStop`, 'browse-load')
And that's actually the method that is supposed to save the tree state to the local storage.
const memory = JSON.stringify(items)
this.sessionIds = sessionStorage.setItem('items2', memory)
this.openIds = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem('items2'))
I have tried the suggestions but for some reason, the tree doesn't react to the local storage. IS there something to do with the fact that the method is async?
You can use one of these 2 possibilities below (there are probably more):
Local storage
You can use localStorage to keep a record of all your folders' state.
Then you can add a computed property to get the data from the local storage if it exists and apply it inside your component.
Next time you can add a JSfiddle with your example so someone could provide you with a detailed solution :)
How to use: when someone clicks on a folder you should have a v-on:click handler where you store in local storage the new state
function onClickHandler(folderName: string, isOpen: boolean) {
localStorage.setItem(folderName, isOpen);
The next thing you should do is get the state for each folder from local storage and apply it - if it doesn't exist just return false.
function getFolderState(folderName: string) {
Apply it on the v-list-item element and make sure to pass in the same folder name for both functions.
Vue dynamic component
There is a built-in feature in Vue that keeps your component alive instead of dismounting when it's removed from the DOM.
You can use the keep-alive element to wrap your component. It will result in keeping all the component's state when switching between screens.
<your-component />

VueJS: :class, condition with index

I'm creating a list of (thumbnail) 2 images, and #click each image should be expanded to max-width, by adding said class ('max-w-full') to the classes. The class is added by setting the array entry with the same index nr. as the image (imgclicked[0], imgclicked[1]) in the list to 1.
data:() {
imgclicked=[0,0], //by default both are set to 'small'/not 'max-w-full'
the template part looks like this:
<template v-for="(image,index) in images>
<a #click="zoomImgClicked(index)">
<img :src="image.filename" :class={'max-w-full' : imgclicked[index]==1,'w-12' : imgclicked[index]==0}">
</a> // using this.imgclicked[index] gives me the error 'this.imgclicked[0] is undefined'
on click the method zoomImgClicked() ist launched:
zoomImgClicked: function(i){
But this is not working. If I open the vue console and change the values of imgclicked[0] manually from 0 to 1 it works (images ae being resized). Also I see the method doing it's work, when logging in the console, the values are changed from 0 to 1 and vice versa. But it's not reflected on the page #click.
Why is that?
Please read Change Detection Caveats in the Vue docs.
Vue cannot detect the following changes to an array:
When you directly set an item with the index, e.g. vm.items[indexOfItem] = newValue
When you modify the length of the array, e.g. vm.items.length = newLength
You should use the $set method for this:
this.$set(this.imgclicked, i, 1)
try with array syntax:
'max-w-full': imgclicked[index]==1,
'w-12': imgclicked[index]==0
'static class if need'

How to change contents of a virtual dom element in Mithril?

How do I access a virtual dom element to change its contents using Mithril? I am new to Mithril and still trying to figure things out. For example, I want to access the third div with id "three" and change it's contents to "Blue Jays" without touching any of the other div's.
<div id='main'>
<div id='one'>Yankees</div><br>
<div id='two'>Red Sox</div><br>
<div id='three'>Orioles</div>
In mithril, like in react/vue/angular, you dont act on the actual DOM directly. Instead, you define the outcome that you want, so for example, to render the DOM tree that you posted you would do something like this:
var my_view = {
view: vnode => m('div#main', [
m('div#one', 'Yankees'),
m('div#two', 'Red Sox'),
m('div#three', 'Orioles')
m.mount(root, my_view)
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/mithril/2.0.4/mithril.js"></script>
<div id="root"></div>
the m(...) functions inside the array have a string as their second argument, that makes the output static, but we can change that to a variable:
var my_view = {
oninit: vnode => vnode.state.fave_team = 'Orioles',
view: vnode => m('div#main', [
m('div#one', 'Yankees'),
m('div#two', 'Red Sox'),
m('div#three', vnode.state.fave_team)
m.mount(root, my_view)
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/mithril/2.0.4/mithril.js"></script>
<div id="root">
In this case I used the state property of the vnode argument, but you can also use a third party state manager like flux or any other.
Now that we have it as a variable, it will show the current value on every call m.redraw(), most of the times we dont have to do this call ourselves, for example:
var my_view = {
oninit: vnode => {
vnode.state.fave_team = 'Orioles'
view: vnode => m('div#main', [
m('div#one', 'Yankees'),
m('div#two', 'Red Sox'),
m('div#three', vnode.state.fave_team),
m('button', { onclick: () => vnode.state.fave_team = 'Dodgers' }, 'Change')
m.mount(root, my_view)
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/mithril/2.0.4/mithril.js"></script>
<div id="root"></div>
And thats it, any dynamic content in your DOM elements you set it as a variable/property in an object.
One of the beautiful things about mithril is that it doesnt force you to do things one specific way, so if you really want to work on the actual DOM node, there are lifecycle events that you can attach to any virtual node ("vnode")
You can easily capture the HTMLElement (i.e., HTMLInputElement) with the Mithril Lifecycle event of oncreate(). This is an actual example from my code (in TypeScript) where I need to hook up a few event listneres after the canvas element was created and its underlying DOM is available to me at "raw" HTML level. Once you get a hold of dom, then I manipulate that element directly. Many people think that why not use oninit(), but oninit() is before the generation of dom, so you will not get the element back at that stage.
Now, if you just do that, you will likely be posting another question - "Why the browser views not updating?" And that's because you do have to manually do a m.redraw() in your event handlers. Otherwise Mithril would not know when the view diffs to be computed.
const canvas = m(`.row[tabIndex=${my.tabIndex}]`, {
oncreate: (element: VnodeDOM<any, any>) => {
const dom = element.dom;
dom.addEventListener("wheel", my.eventWheel, false);
dom.addEventListener("keydown", my.eventKeyDown, false);

access object with dynamic variable vue.js

This is my object
var users ={
twitter : {
name : //,
lastname : //
facebook : {
name : //,
lastname : //
I have a dynamic variable activeuser that updates from Facebook to twitter.
What i'm trying to do is refer to the inner object in users depending on the value of activeuser. I need to give my div something like this class :
<div class=' {{users.activeuser}}'></div>
I know this is not how it should be done with vue.js. Do you have any suggestions?
Thank You!
Using VueJS you should be able to assign your dynamic variable to a Vue Model when you load the new object using a Vue setter $set('property name', 'value')
Example AJAX retreival:
$.getJSON('myURL.html?query=xxx', function(data, textStatus, jqXHR){
MyVue.$set('dynamicObject', data);
A generic Vue may look like this:
var MyVue = new Vue({
data: {
dynamicObject : ''
Bound to an example HTML element:
<div id="exampleDiv">
<label class="{{dynamicObject.activeuser}}">{{dynamicObject.username}}</label>
In the case that you have an object with an array of objects which also contain properties Vue makes it very simple to create many HTML elements (for each child object) by simply adding a v-repeat (example) to the desired HTML and assigning the datasource:
<div id="exampleDiv">
<label v-repeat="dynamicObject" class="{{dynamicObject.activeuser}}"></label>

Can I bind data to data-win-options?

I use the control MicrosoftNSJS.Advertising.AdControl in the ItemTemplate of a ListView.
I would like to bind some datas to the following data-win-options properties : ApplicationId and AdUnitId
The source datas are correctly set and are visible in my item template, I can display them with an h2 + a classic data-win-bind on innerText property
Ads are displayed correctly if I put directly static IDs in html code but these IDs need to be loaded from a config file...
Is it possible ? Thanks
If it's not possible, can I modify directly the item template in the JS code before to be injected in the listview ?
Come to find out this is possible (I was trying to do something similar)
The syntax for the control properties must be prefixed with winControl.
Example (I'm setting the application id here but binding the html element's className and the ad control's adUnitId)
<div id="adItemTemplate" data-win-control="WinJS.Binding.Template">
<div data-win-bind="className:css; winControl.adUnitId: adUnitId"
data-win-options="{ applicationId: 'd25517cb-12d4-4699-8bdc-52040c712cab'}">
I finally found a way to perform this without real binding, by using the itemTemplateSelector function like this :
function itemTemplateSelector(itemPromise)
return itemPromise.then(function (item)
if (item.type == "ad")
var template = _$(".adTemplate").winControl.render(item, null);
// Access to the AdControl through the DOM
var adControl = template._value.childNodes[1].childNodes[1].winControl;
// Set options that are specified in the item
WinJS.UI.setOptions(adControl, { applicationId: item.AdAppId, adUnitId: item.AdUnitId });
return template;
return _$(".itemTemplate").winControl.render(item, null);
I had this problem in ratings:
<div data-win-control="WinJS.UI.Rating" data-win-options="{averageRating: 3.4, onchange: basics.changeRating}"></div>
I bind it via winControl:
<div data-win-control="WinJS.UI.Rating" data-win-bind="winControl.averageRating: myrating" data-win-options="{onchange: basics.changeRating}"></div>
It worked fine.
<div data-win-bind="this['data-list_item_index']:id WinJS.Binding.setAttribute" >