I am having an issue with the following LINQ query:
var baselineDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-365);
var salesPerformance = _context.SalesOrder.Where(p => p.OrderDate >= baselineDate).Where(p => p.CustomerId == customerId)
.GroupBy(p => p.OrderDate.Month)
.Select(g => new CustomerSalesPerformance
Month = g.Key,
Sales = g.Sum(i => i.SalesOrderItems.Sum(i => i.Qty * i.UnitPrice))
return await salesPerformance.ToListAsync();
I am aiming to produce a report with sales per customer for the last year:
Jan: £13,500
Feb: £0.00
Mar: £56,000
I am unable to see anything in this query which would not translate (such as a DateTime function).
The error message:
{"The LINQ expression 'GroupByShaperExpression:\r\nKeySelector: DATEPART(month, s.OrderDate), \r\nElementSelector:EntityShaperExpression: \r\n EntityType: SalesOrder\r\n ValueBufferExpression: \r\n ProjectionBindingExpression: EmptyProjectionMember\r\n IsNullable: False\r\n\r\n .Sum(i => i.SalesOrderItems\r\n .Sum(i => (Nullable)i.Qty * i.UnitPrice))' could not be translated. Either rewrite the query in a form that can be translated, or switch to client evaluation explicitly by inserting a call to 'AsEnumerable', 'AsAsyncEnumerable', 'ToList', or 'ToListAsync'. See https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2101038 for more information."}
My models:
SalesOrderId (PK, int)
CustomerId (FK, int)
OrderDate (DateTime)
SalesOrderItemId (PK, int)
Qty (int)
UnitPrice (decimal)
SalesOrderId (FK, int)
My DTO Model:
Month (int)
Sales (decimal?)
After GroupBy, you cannot use navigation properties. So just rewrite query to do that before.
var salesPerformance =
from so in _context.SalesOrder
where so.OrderDate >= baselineDate && so.CustomerId == customerId)
from sio in so.SalesOrderItems
group sio by so.OrderDate.Month into g
select new CustomerSalesPerformance
Month = g.Key,
Sales = g.Sum(i => ii.Qty * i.UnitPrice)
I am doing my final year's project, I am new to linq as well. I have an SQL statement which i want to convert it to linq. I am currently using .net core.
I will greatly appreciate any help ,
cte_company (CompanyID, CompanyName, CompanyNumber, IncorporatedDate, TOTAL_YEARS) AS
FROM tbl_Company
DATEADD(MONTH, 9, MAX(TaxReturnDate))
FROM tbl_Tax
WHERE cte_company.CompanyID = tbl_Tax.CompanyID)
ELSE DATEADD(MONTH, 21, IncorporatedDate)
END AS TaxDate
FROM cte_company
I tried :
var result = (from comp in this.AccountDB.TblCompanies
where comp.CompanyStatus == true && comp.UserName == username
join tax in this.AccountDB.TblTaxes
on comp.CompanyId equals tax.CompanyId
orderby tax.TaxReturnDate descending
select new CompanyTaxInfo
CompanyName = comp.CompanyName,
CompanyID = comp.CompanyId,
CompanyNumber = comp.CompanyNumber,
As far as I can tell, the value read from tbl_tax is constant, which means it can be reduced to this:
var taxReturnDate = tbl_tax.Max(tx=>tx.TaxReturnDate).AddMonths(9);
var result = from c in tbl_Company
let TotalYears = (DateTime.Now - c.IncorporatedDate).Days / 365
select new
CompanyID = c.CompanyID,
TaxDate = TotalYears > 1 ? taxReturnDate : c.IncorporatedDate.AddMonth(9)
You could still use your SQL with EF and still get the same result
for example if you create a stored procedure for your SQL
you could call it as the following
var result = await dbContext.<Your-Result-set>.FromSqlInterpolated(#$"[dbo].[Your-Procedure-Name]
I have a SQL query which I want to convert to Linq.
This is my SQL query:
Covids ON Calisanlar.CalisanId = Covids.CalisanId
Calisanlar.CalisanId IN (SELECT TOP 10 CalisanId
FROM Hastaliklar
GROUP BY CalisanId
I wrote this C# code, but it doesn't work as expected because i didn't write "DATEDIFF(DAY, CovidYakalanmaTarih, GETDATE()) BETWEEN 0 AND 30" linq version:
var query = context.Hastaliklar
.GroupBy(x => x.CalisanId)
.OrderByDescending(grp => grp.Count())
.Select(grp => grp.Key)
var result = from hastalik in context.Hastaliklar
join covid in context.Covids
on hastalik.CalisanId equals covid.CalisanId
where query.Contains(hastalik.CalisanId)
&& EF.Functions.DateDiffDay(covid.CovidYakalanmaTarih, covid.CovidBitisTarih)
select new SonBirAyCovidDto
CalisanId = covid.CalisanId,
CovidYakalanmaTarih = covid.CovidYakalanmaTarih,
CovidBitisTarih = covid.CovidBitisTarih
There is not direct translation to BETWEEN in EF Core, but you can make other condition. Also it is better to remove ToList() from first query, in this case you will have only one roundtrip to database.
var query = context.Hastaliklar
.GroupBy(x => x.CalisanId)
.OrderByDescending(grp => grp.Count())
.Select(grp => grp.Key)
var result =
from hastalik in context.Hastaliklar
join covid in context.Covids
on hastalik.CalisanId equals covid.CalisanId
where query.Contains(hastalik.CalisanId)
&& covid.CovidYakalanmaTarih <= covid.CovidBitisTarih
&& EF.Functions.DateDiffDay(covid.CovidYakalanmaTarih, covid.CovidBitisTarih) <= 30
select new SonBirAyCovidDto
CalisanId = covid.CalisanId,
CovidYakalanmaTarih = covid.CovidYakalanmaTarih,
CovidBitisTarih = covid.CovidBitisTarih
There was slowness in my .net core webapi application, I reviewed and redesigned my queries to resolve this issue. The code snippet below was written to bring in sales, payments for sales, and sales territories.
I first include the condition query and then the sub-entities in the query. Then I choose which columns to work with ".Select()".
Then I want to combine this table with the name information in other tables. For example, information such as Customer Name, Product Name is in the other table.
The first block of code I share below is a slow running linq query.
result.Results =
(from s in context.Sales
join sa in context.SaleProductServiceAreas on s.SaleId equals sa.SaleId
join sp in context.SalePayments on s.SaleId equals sp.SaleId into spleft
from sp in spleft.DefaultIfEmpty()
join c in context.Customers on s.CustomerId equals c.CustomerId
join p in context.ProductServices on s.ProductServiceId equals p.ProductServiceId
where s.Date >= firstDayOfMonth && s.Date <= lastDayOfMonth
group s by
CustomerNameSurname = c.Name + ' ' + c.Surname,
ProductServiceName = p.Name,
} into grp
select new SaleJoinDto()
SaleId = grp.Key.SaleId,
CustomerNameSurname = grp.Key.CustomerNameSurname,
ProductServiceName = grp.Key.ProductServiceName,
Total = grp.Key.Total,
Date = grp.Key.Date,
Session = grp.Key.Session,
CustomerId = grp.Key.CustomerId,
ProductServiceId = grp.Key.ProductServiceId,
SaleProductServiceAreas = (from sps in context.SaleProductServiceAreas
join spa in context.ProductServiceAreas on sps.ProductServiceAreaId equals spa.ProductServiceAreaId
where sps.SaleId == grp.Key.SaleId
select new SaleProductServiceAreaJoinDto()
SaleProductServiceAreaId = sps.SaleProductServiceAreaId,
ProductServiceAreaName = spa.Name,
ProductServiceAreaId = sps.ProductServiceAreaId,
SaleId = sps.SaleId
SalePayments = (from spp in context.SalePayments
where spp.SaleId == grp.Key.SaleId
select new SalePaymentDto()
SaleId = spp.SaleId,
SalePaymentId = spp.SalePaymentId,
Total = spp.Total,
PaymentMethod = spp.PaymentMethod,
Date = spp.Date
["NEW"] This query I wrote is the query I rewrite as a result of the articles I have shared below.
Document of Microsoft Link for query
using (var context = new AppDbContext())
var result = new PagedResult<SaleJoinDto>();
result.CurrentPage = pageNumber;
result.PageSize = pageSize;
var pageCount = (double)result.RowCount / pageSize;
result.PageCount = (int)Math.Ceiling(pageCount);
var skip = (pageNumber - 1) * pageSize;
var firstDayOfMonth = new DateTime(date.Year, date.Month, 1);
var lastDayOfMonth = firstDayOfMonth.AddMonths(1).AddDays(-1);
result.Results = await context.Sales
.Where(x => x.Date >= firstDayOfMonth && x.Date <= lastDayOfMonth)
.Include(x => x.SalePayments)
.Include(x => x.SaleProductServiceAreas)
.Select(s => new Sale()
SaleId = s.SaleId,
CustomerId = s.CustomerId,
Date = s.Date,
Total = s.Total,
Session = s.Session,
SalePayments = s.SalePayments,
SaleProductServiceAreas = s.SaleProductServiceAreas
.Join(context.Customers, sales => sales.CustomerId, customers => customers.CustomerId, (sales, customers) => new
.Join(context.ProductServices, combinedSaleAndCus => combinedSaleAndCus.sales.ProductServiceId, product => product.ProductServiceId, (combinedSaleAndCus, product) => new SaleJoinDto()
SaleId = combinedSaleAndCus.sales.SaleId,
CustomerId = combinedSaleAndCus.sales.CustomerId,
Date = combinedSaleAndCus.sales.Date,
Total = combinedSaleAndCus.sales.Total,
Session = combinedSaleAndCus.sales.Session,
CustomerNameSurname = combinedSaleAndCus.customers.Name,
SalePayments = combinedSaleAndCus.sales.SalePayments.Select(x => new SalePaymentDto()
Date = x.Date,
PaymentMethod = x.PaymentMethod,
SaleId = x.SaleId,
SalePaymentId = x.SalePaymentId,
Total = x.Total
SaleProductServiceAreas = combinedSaleAndCus.sales.SaleProductServiceAreas.Join(context.ProductServiceAreas, sp => sp.ProductServiceAreaId, psa => psa.ProductServiceAreaId, (sp, psa) => new SaleProductServiceAreaJoinDto()
SaleProductServiceAreaId = sp.SaleProductServiceAreaId,
ProductServiceAreaName = psa.Name
result.RowCount = result.Results.Count();
result.Results = result.Results.OrderByDescending(x => x.Date).Skip(skip).Take(pageSize).ToList();
return result;
The problem is I do get the following error when I rewrite it according to this new query.
Where am I making a mistake in the query I just wrote?
{"The LINQ expression 'DbSet\r\n .Where(s => s.Date >=
__firstDayOfMonth_0 && s.Date <= __lastDayOfMonth_1)\r\n .Join(\r\n outer: DbSet, \r\n inner: s => s.CustomerId, \r\n
outerKeySelector: c => c.CustomerId, \r\n innerKeySelector: (s,
c) => new TransparentIdentifier<Sale, Customer>(\r\n Outer
= s, \r\n Inner = c\r\n ))\r\n .Join(\r\n outer: DbSet, \r\n inner: ti => new Sale{ \r\n
SaleId = ti.Outer.SaleId, \r\n CustomerId =
ti.Outer.CustomerId, \r\n Date = ti.Outer.Date, \r\n
Total = ti.Outer.Total, \r\n Session = ti.Outer.Session,
\r\n SalePayments = (MaterializeCollectionNavigation(\r\n
navigation: Navigation: Sale.SalePayments,\r\n
subquery: DbSet\r\n .Where(s0 =>
EF.Property(ti.Outer, "SaleId") != null &&
EF.Property(ti.Outer, "SaleId") == EF.Property(s0,
"SaleId"))), \r\n SaleProductServiceAreas =
(MaterializeCollectionNavigation(\r\n navigation:
Navigation: Sale.SaleProductServiceAreas,\r\n subquery:
DbSet\r\n .Where(s1 =>
EF.Property(ti.Outer, "SaleId") != null &&
EF.Property(ti.Outer, "SaleId") == EF.Property(s1,
"SaleId"))) \r\n }\r\n .ProductServiceId, \r\n
outerKeySelector: p => p.ProductServiceId, \r\n
innerKeySelector: (ti, p) => new
TransparentIdentifier<TransparentIdentifier<Sale, Customer>,
ProductService>(\r\n Outer = ti, \r\n Inner =
p\r\n ))'
could not be translated. Either rewrite the query in
a form that can be translated, or switch to client evaluation
explicitly by inserting a call to either AsEnumerable(),
AsAsyncEnumerable(), ToList(), or ToListAsync(). See
https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2101038 for more
Removed not needed joins and grouping. It should be faster.
var query =
from s in context.Sales
join c in context.Customers on s.CustomerId equals c.CustomerId
join p in context.ProductServices on s.ProductServiceId equals p.ProductServiceId
where s.Date >= firstDayOfMonth && s.Date <= lastDayOfMonth
select new SaleJoinDto()
SaleId = s.SaleId,
CustomerNameSurname = c.Name + ' ' + c.Surname,
ProductServiceName = p.ProductServiceName,
Total = s.Total,
Date = s.Date,
Session = s.Session,
CustomerId = s.CustomerId,
ProductServiceId = p.ProductServiceId,
SaleProductServiceAreas = (from sps in context.SaleProductServiceAreas
join spa in context.ProductServiceAreas on sps.ProductServiceAreaId equals spa.ProductServiceAreaId
where sps.SaleId == s.SaleId
select new SaleProductServiceAreaJoinDto()
SaleProductServiceAreaId = sps.SaleProductServiceAreaId,
ProductServiceAreaName = spa.Name,
ProductServiceAreaId = sps.ProductServiceAreaId,
SaleId = sps.SaleId
SalePayments = (from spp in context.SalePayments
where spp.SaleId == s.SaleId
select new SalePaymentDto()
SaleId = spp.SaleId,
SalePaymentId = spp.SalePaymentId,
Total = spp.Total,
PaymentMethod = spp.PaymentMethod,
Date = spp.Date
result.Results = query.ToList();
Anyway, even joins can be simplified if you have navigation properties which are not shown in original question.
I fixed the slow responsiveness of the app.
I was running the application on windows host. I changed my hosting to Centos 7 which is a linux distribution. Then when I run the application on Centos 7, the application accelerated perfectly and took flight.
My advice to all .net Core app developers, migrate your apps to linux. It is built to run on .net core linux distributions.
I share the problems I encountered while migrating the application to linux and how I solved it in the link below.
.Net Core 3.1 deploy on Centos 7
I have 2 tables, Terms and Site_Program_Term:
Terms columns: Id, SiteId, Name, IsHoliday, DateStart, DateEnd, Year, IsActive
Site_Program_Term columns: Id, ProgName, SiteId, TermId, Year
Using the above 2 tables, I need to display output with primarily below columns
Name, StartDate, EndDate, NumberOfPrograms
I am getting the desired output but the 'NumberOfPrograms' is not showing the correct values. It should give me a count of all the Programs for a set of particular Term, Year and Site.
Thanks in advance.
Below is the base code.
var terms = db.Terms.Where(t => t.SiteId == id && t.IsActive).ToList().Select(t => new
Id = t.Id,
SiteId = t.SiteId,
Name = t.Name,
IsHoliday = t.IsHoliday,
DateStart = t.DateStart,
DateEnd = t.DateEnd,
Year = t.Year,
PubProgram = (
.Where (spt => spt.SiteId == id && spt.Year == t.Year)
.Select(s => s).Count()
}).OrderBy(n => n.DateStart).ToList();
It should give me a count of all the
Programs for a set of particular Term, Year and Site.
But your Where condition only includes Year and Site, but not the Term. So
.Where(spt => spt.SiteId == id && spt.Year == t.Year)
should actually be:
.Where(spt => spt.SiteId == id && spt.Year == t.Year && spt.TermId == t.Id)
Note that if you are by any chance using Entity Framework (Core) and you have properly configured navigation property on the Term class such as
public class Term
// ...
public List<Site_Program_Term> SiteProgramTerms { get; set; }
then you can rewrite your query as
var terms = db.Terms
.Where(t => t.SiteId == id && t.IsActive)
.Select(t => new
Id = t.Id,
SiteId = t.SiteId,
Name = t.Name,
IsHoliday = t.IsHoliday,
DateStart = t.DateStart,
DateEnd = t.DateEnd,
Year = t.Year,
PubProgram = t.SiteProgramTerms.Where(spt => spt.SiteId == id && spt.Year == t.Year).Count()
.OrderBy(n => n.DateStart)
Note that this time you don't need to include spt.TermId == t.Id condition, because SiteProgramTerms property contains only site program terms with TermId that matches the Id of the Term. Also note that the first .ToList() should be omitted, because it causes query to be sent to the SQL server as multiple SELECT queries (as opposed to just one SELECT when .ToList() is not present).
I have a SQL Server query like this:
month(fact_date) as month,
sum(case when beef_dairy_stat = 1 and param_id = 1 then 1 else 0 end) as cnt
YEAR(fact_date) = 2018
group by
order by
with a result of
month cnt
1 10
2 20
Now I need to convert this query to its corresponding Entity Framework query.
This is my current attempt:
var sql_rez_ICC = new List<Tuple<int, int>>();
sql_rez_ICC = db.user_behave_fact
.Where(x => x.fact_date.Value.Year == selected_year)
.GroupBy(y => y.fact_date.Value.Month)
.Select(y =>new { month = y.Select(x=>x.fact_date.Value.Month), icc_count = y.Count(x => x.beef_dairy_stat == true && x.param_id == 1) })
.Select(y => new Tuple<int, int>(y.month, y.icc_count))
However on second .Select, I get an error on month which is
Cannot convert from System.Collection.Generic.IEnumrable to int
y.Select(x=>x.fact_date.Value.Month) returns an IEnumerable<int>. Use y.Key instead.