Clear cells in multiple sheets from SSIS by VBA - vba

How I can use below VBA coding in SSIS vba. I want to clear cells(data) from multiple sheets from SSIS by VBA coding
sub cod()
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Case management details").Range("A2:K10000").clear
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("interface Timeliness").Range("A2:G20000").clear
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Life Events").Range("A2:N10000").clear
End sub

I had the same problem here. If you decided to solve this using SSIS component try with Script Task.
After you create excel steps will be:
Add Script Task on control flow.
Double click on component.
Press 'Edit Script...' button.
Right-click on the project in new visual studio windows (should be something like 'ST_' and some guid) and click on Manage NuGet Packages...
From 'Browse' tab install:
Into namespaces region add these 2 lines:
using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel;
using Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder;
Copy below code into ScriptMain class:
var appExcel = new Excel.Application();
string filename = #"D:\PathToExcel\ExcelFile.xlsx";
var newBook = appExcel.Workbooks.Open(filename);
var oSheet1 = newBook.Worksheets["Case management details"];
oSheet1.Range("A2", "K10000").Delete();
Close without saving the second visual studio window (where you write script code).
Run the package
Instead of hardcoded file location, you can replace it with a package variable. In this case 2nd line will be:
string filename = Dts.Variables["User::ExcelFilePath"].Value.ToString();
I tested this package before write answer and everything work perfect!
With this logic, create multiple sheet instance and delete what you want.
If something isn't clear or non-logical write me in a comment and I will make correction.


word add in cached and not able to remove it

there was originally an add-in installed for word, under the path
it is working fine, and it add to Word menu with a name addin_2017. Since it is already 2021, we figured its better to update the menu name, so we changed the name to addin_v2 instead. However, when we place the updated into the folder, both name showed up in the Word add-in menu. addin_2017, and addin_v2. I am wondering if there are anything cached somewhere.
I have also tried to use VBA code to remove all the add-in, but when I copy the file back to the STARTUP folder, there are two items in the menu still.
Looking back at some (very old) Wd2003 projects the method that I used was to have two separate routines for deleting and creating menus. These were called when the add-in was loaded and unloaded, e.g.
Public Sub AutoExec()
End Sub
Public Sub AutoExit()
End Sub
Public Sub DeleteMenu()
Dim cbc As Office.CommandBarControl
For Each cbc In Application.CommandBars("Menu Bar")
If cbc.Caption = "AddinV2" Or cbc.Caption = "Addin2017" Then cbc.Delete
Next cbc
End Sub
It is obvious from your investigations that the rogue menu exists in the addin. One option to remove it is to:
Create a new template
Export all the code modules from the existing addin
Import the modules into the new template.
This should be seen as only a (very) temporary measure until you have created a new add-in with a custom ribbon tab.

Need code help on calling a macro from a new VTSO addin for Word

I have created a new addin with a ribbon in MVS. On click of button1 I want to run a macro that is stored in a .dotm file in the Startup folder in Word. The .dotm file is called MyMacros and the macro is titled "TableMacro".
The module name in Word is titled NewMacros and the top rows of the macro in Word are:
Sub TableMacro()
` TableMacro
I am sure the macro is started with the code below but even this is guess:
Private Sub Button1_Click_1(sender As Obeject, e As RibbonControlEventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
`code to call TableMacro'
End Sub
I know how to write macros but I have no idea the code needed to trigger the macro stored in the MyMacros.dotm file.
To search all global templates, including the Building Block template, from a VSTO add-in, you can use this:
Dim wApp = Globals.ThisAddIn.Application
Dim i As Integer, Tmplt As Word.Template = Nothing
For i = 1 To wApp.Templates.Count
If wApp.Templates(i).Name = "MyMacros.dotm" Then
Tmplt = wApp.Templates(i)
wApp.Run(Tmplt.Name & "!TableMacro")
End If
The value of performing it this way is you now have an object variable set to a specific global template and you can then get at AutoText, Styles, etc. and of course macros that are stored in that specific global template.
Your VSTO code has a Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Application object. Say you're storing that reference in a variable named hostApp, you could do this:
That requires the .dotm file to be the "active" document. If the document isn't active and you have a reference to it (say, theDocument), I think this might work (untested):
hostApp.Run(theDocument.Name & "!TableMacro")
The object VB.NET uses is the same one VBA uses, so if Application.Run "MyMacros!TableMacro" works in VBA, it will work in VB.NET. I'd try to fiddle in VBA first to get the syntax right - you get instant feedback, vs needing to build and launch the host, load the add-in and test the thing with VSTO.
The following Run syntax worked for me from within a VSTO Add-in to run VBA code in a Template loaded as an add-in. It uses the module name plus the macro name.
Keep in mind that Run can only work with public subs...

Close MS Project using VSTO

I have a VSTO on MS Project. I use VB.NET. What I need is when I press the button I created on the ribbon, it will perform some codes which will update the info of some task, however, I would need to close the MS Project automatically. I tried application.FileCloseEx(), but it only closes the file, the MS Project is still loaded. I need similar to clicking the x button of the window.
If your MS Project application object is represented by "appMSProject" then it's as simple as:
OR say in a macro running under Project:
Here's how I do it in VBA from Excel or Access. As far as I can tell the objects & methods are the same in VB.NET. Bottom line is that I create an instance of the MS Project object which starts the app & opens a file, execute some work, close the file, then destroy the MS Project object by setting it to Nothing. That has the effect of closing the app. You can also use "appMSProject.Quit" followed by setting it to Nothing. Frankly the 2nd option looks more orderly & easier to understand in code. Anyway, here's a sample of the way I do it:
Dim appMSProject As MSProject.Application
Dim prjPrj As MSProject.Project
Dim strPrjFile As String
strPrjFile = "C:\where_is_my_file\file_name.mpp"
Set appMSProject = New MSProject.Application
appMSProject.FileOpenEx Name:=strPrjFile
Set prjPrj = appMSProject.ActiveProject
'''Do something in here with the prjPrj
'Close the file, in my case w/o saving
appMSProject.FileCloseEx pjDoNotSave
'Destroy the objects
Set prjPrj = Nothing
Set appMSProject = Nothing
FYI - In this example I'm doing background work so I don't show the app. I also use "early binding".
Here's an MSDN example that does show the app with more info on early -vs- late binding -

How to edit SSIS packages programatically in VB?

We have created a workflow process as an SSIS package and would like to find a way of gaining access to this code so that through we can dynamically access and run that code. For example, we would like to change the data sources being used, or change the column mappings of existing packages and then execute them from a application. Please advise the best way to do this.
You will find some of your tasks easy, others not so much.
Generally speaking, you'll be interested in reading the Developers Guide to Integration Services. Of particular interest will be Building Packages Programmatically and Running and Managing Packages Programmatically.
For example, to run a package from VB.NET
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim pkgLocation As String
Dim pkg As New Package
Dim app As New Application
Dim pkgResults As DTSExecResult
pkgLocation = _
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Samples\Integration Services" & _
"\Package Samples\CalculatedColumns Sample\CalculatedColumns\CalculatedColumns.dtsx"
pkg = app.LoadPackage(pkgLocation, Nothing)
pkgResults = pkg.Execute()
End Sub
End Module
To change the connection manager programmatically, it'd be the VB.NET equivalent of
ConnectionManager item = ep.Connections["MyConnectionManagerName"]
item.ConnectionString = #"Provider=SQLNCLI10.1;Data Source=Server1;Initial Catalog=ABC;Integrated Security=SSPI;";
Changing column mappings, that's where it's going to get interesting, for all definitions of the word interesting. I'm have a distilled example but it takes some work and you'll want to really understand the whole object model (and I hope you like COM). EzAPI might be of some assistance in that area.

Get me started programming and debugging Microsoft Office automation

I'm using Microsoft Office 2003 and creating a bunch of template documents to standardize some tasks. I asked this on and got no response so I'm thinking it's too program-y and hoping I'll have better luck here.
I need to automate a work flow that uses a bunch of Office (mostly Word) templates. What I want is to have "My Template" and "My Template", etc. in the "My Foo Bar Stuff" on a shared drive and have users double click on a template to create a new Foo or Bar.
What's I'd really like is for the user to double-click on the Foo template and be prompted for a couple of items related to their task (e.g., a project number) and have a script in the template change the name that Save will default to something like "Foo for Project 1234.doc".
I asked on Google Groups and got an answer that worked....for a while. Then my AutoNew macro stopped kicking in when I created a new document by double-clicking on the template. I have no idea why or how to debug it.
In Class Modules/This Application, I have:
Sub AutoNew()
Dim Project As String
Project = InputBox("Enter the Project Number")
ActiveDocument.SaveAs "Project " & Project & " Notes.doc"
End Sub
In Microsoft Word Objects/ThisDocument, I have:
Private Sub Document_New()
End Sub
I really have no idea why or where that came from.
In Tools/Macro Security... I have Security Level set to "Low".
I'm a software engineering with 25+ years of experience but a complete Office automation noob. Specific solutions and pointers to "this is how to automate Word" FAQs are welcome. Thanks.
Update: If I create a new template (New..., Blank Document, Save As "My New"), and insert the AutoNew() macro, it works. So what's inhibiting it from working on my existing template?
Update 2: Removing the module and function from my old template and adding it back works, too.
You can attach a template to a saved document in ordre to access the macros contained in the template in question.
You can do this with the AttachedTemplate property of a Document object (i.e. ActiveDocument).
Please note that I did not try this myself.
Sub AutoNew()
Dim Project As String
Project = InputBox("Enter the Project Number")
ActiveDocument.SaveAs "Project " & Project & " Notes.doc"
ActiveDocument.AttachedTemplate = "\\path\to\templates\My Template"
End Sub
See MSDN - Word 2003 VBA Language Reference - AttachedTemplate Property
Hope that helps.
Check if the macro is still contained in your template. This sounds stupid but it happended to me, too, in Word 2003 under the following circumstances:
Create a template containing macro,
everything fine
Create a new document file based on
the macro, macro kicks in
Notice I could improve the template
here and there a bit, I do it in the
file created in 2) and SaveAs .DOT
Macro in .DOT GONE!
Why? Because the code stored in the .DOT doesn't go over to the doc file.