Ramda - how to add new property to objects in array - ramda.js

I am trying to add a new property to each object in the array. My test array:
const array = [
"name": 'Test'
"name": 'Test2'
I tried to use R.assoc('selected', false, array); but it didn't work as expected.
As a result, I would like to get:
const array = [
"name": 'Test',
"selected": false
"name": 'Test2',
"selected: false
Any help will be appreciated

R.assoc works by making a shallow clone of an object, and setting/updating a property. In this case, you need to handle an array of objects. Use R.map to iterate the array, and create a new array with transformed cloned objects by applying R.assoc:
const fn = R.map(R.assoc('selected', false));
const array = [{"name":"Test"},{"name":"Test2"}];
const result = fn(array);
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/ramda/0.27.1/ramda.min.js" integrity="sha512-rZHvUXcc1zWKsxm7rJ8lVQuIr1oOmm7cShlvpV0gWf0RvbcJN6x96al/Rp2L2BI4a4ZkT2/YfVe/8YvB2UHzQw==" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>


restrict collection.find() should only return non-empty object but not empty objects inside array

const response = await simpleSurveyResponsesModel
"metaKey.projectId": 7,
Where answers feild is array of objects containing both empty ad non-empty objects.
collection.find() returns the selected objects but also empty objects as well, inside answers array which i dont need.
My Output
"_id": "61840979fcbea215bc61ed03",
"answers": [
"Urban_City": {
"text": "Hyderabad"
Expected Output
"_id": "61840979fcbea215bc61ed03",
"answers": [
"Urban_City": {
"text": "Hyderabad"

push array instead o string in react native

I want to push my data in array but it shows me string in react native.
My code is like that:
const dataSource = responseJson.old_cases.reduce(function (sections, item) {
let section = sections.find(section => section.gender === item.gender);
if (!section) {
section = { gender: item.gender,data:[] };
return sections;
}, []);
this.setState({dataSource: dataSource // Pass the dataSource that we've processed above});
Output of my code is
{"gender": "Male", "data": ["name_1", "name_2"]},
{"gender": "Female", "data": ["name_3", "name_4",'name_5']},
as you see names are string I need that kind of output
{"gender": "Male", "data": [{"name_1"}, {"name_2"}]},
{"gender": "Female", "data": [{"name_3"}, {"name_4"},{'name_5'}]},
We cannot apply string values inside the objects.
{"gender": "Male", "data": [{"name_1"}, {"name_2"}]},
{"gender": "Female", "data": [{"name_3"}, {"name_4"},{'name_5'}]},
We have to apply key-value pairs like below:
section.data.push({ [item.name]: item.name })
Copy this and replace for your code, I think it's what you need. But I'm not sure.
const dataSource = responseJson.old_cases.reduce(function (sections, item) {
let section = sections.find(section => section.gender === item.gender);
if (!section) {
section = { gender: item.gender,data:[] };
section.data.push({[item.name]: item.name})
return sections;
}, []);
this.setState({dataSource: dataSource // Pass the dataSource that we've processed above});

Vue.js: How can I update an array of objects?

I am trying to update an array of objects in Vue.js. When trying to update the values of my location I am struggling to update the objects within an array.
When I log the objects out, I get this:
console.log(this.location) // {…}
console.log(this.location.additionalProperties); // [{…}, __ob__: Observer]
console.log(this.location.additionalProperties.integrations); // undefined
My additionalProperties object looks like this:
"additionalProperties": [
"integrations": [
"foo": {
"locationId": 123,
"example": "bar",
I am passing in my location as a props like this:
location: {
type: Object,
required: true,
default: () => ({}),
I know I am getting the location passed in correctly. I believe it is a syntax issue I am struggling with. I am trying to set my foo object to be something like this:
this.location.additionalProperties.integrations.foo = {
locationId: 456,
example: "testing",
somethingElse: "anotherValue"
Using the above, I'll get a version of cannot set foo of undefined. How can I update the object within the additionalProperties array?
Thank you for any suggestions!
additionalProperties is an array
"additionalProperties": [
"integrations": [
"foo": {
"locationId": 123,
"example": "bar",
this.location.additionalProperties[0].integrations.foo = ...

How to pass array object parameter from vue website to google appscript to set google spreadsheet column value

First I create a website by vue and I pass parameter to my google appscript
vue function
var appurl = "my google appscript url"
this.$http.get(appurl, {
params: {
settingLink: this.settingLink,
albumLink: this.albumLink,
stepControl: this.stepControl,
nav: this.navSetting,
}).then(response => {
and I send parameter to google appscript
my google appscript
function doGet(e) {
var params = e.parameter;
var settingLink = params.settingLink;
var albumLink = params.albumLink;
var stepControl = params.stepControl;
var nav = params.nav;
var SpreadSheet = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl(settingLink);
var SheetName = SpreadSheet.getSheetByName("gameSetting");
The parameter albumLink and stepControl are string so I success push it to my spreadsheet (figure 1)
but nav is an array object like (in vue data)
How could I let spreadsheet F2 as "red", G2 as "blue", and H2 as "green"
figure 1
enter image description here
By checking the output of JSON.stringify(e), it seems that each property of objects become different parameters and are received as something like the following:
"queryString": "settingLink=settingLinkTest&albumLink=albumLinkTest&stepControl=stepControlTest&nav%5B0%5D%5Bstyle%5D=red&nav%5B0%5D%5Bcontent%5D=test&nav%5B1%5D%5Bstyle%5D=blue&nav%5B1%5D%5Bcontent%5D=test&nav%5B2%5D%5Bstyle%5D=green&nav%5B2%5D%5Bcontent%5D=test",
"contextPath": "",
"parameters": {
"nav[1][style]": [
"nav[1][content]": [
"albumLink": [
"nav[2][style]": [
"settingLink": [
"nav[2][content]": [
"nav[0][style]": [
"stepControl": [
"nav[0][content]": [
"contentLength": -1,
"parameter": {
"nav[2][content]": "test",
"nav[1][content]": "test",
"albumLink": "albumLinkTest",
"settingLink": "settingLinkTest",
"nav[0][style]": "red",
"stepControl": "stepControlTest",
"nav[0][content]": "test",
"nav[1][style]": "blue",
"nav[2][style]": "green"
Since the index of a particular nav and its properties become names of parameters, you can get their values by changing your doGet() to:
Alternatively, as suggested in the comments of the question, you can stringify the nav object when sending it:
this.$http.get(appurl, {
params: {
settingLink: settingLink,
albumLink: albumLink,
stepControl: stepControl,
nav: JSON.stringify(nav)
}).then(response => {
And then parsing when you receive it to use as you intended:
var nav = JSON.parse(params.nav);

How to create array from computed property array field in vue?

I have a computed property that pulls some data out of my vuex store like so:
computed: {...mapGetters(["allCategories"])},
Each category in this.allCategories looks like so:
{ "id": "123", "name": "Foo" }
I want to pull out every name field from this.allCategories before the component is mounted in put each name into an reactive data property called categoryNames.
How can I achieve this?
What I have tried so far is below:
beforeMount() {
for (let i = 0; i < this.allCategories.content.length; i++) {
var name = this.allCategories.content[i].name
Which gives the following error:
Error in beforeMount hook: "TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined"
this.allCategories looks like so:
"content": [
"id": "efb038df-4bc9-4e31-a37a-e805c9d7294e",
"parentCategoryId": "8ffc214f-fff1-4433-aac9-34d13b4e06c5",
"name": "Foo"
"id": "5905d437-db2e-4f91-8172-c515577b86e9",
"parentCategoryId": "5905d437-db2e-4f91-8172-c515577b86e9",
"name": "Bar"
"id": "8ffc214f-fff1-4433-aac9-34d13b4e06c5",
"parentCategoryId": "8ffc214f-fff1-4433-aac9-34d13b4e06c5",
"name": "Baz"
"number": 0,
"size": 100,
"total": 3
You could use the created hook to call a vuex action that calls a vuex mutation that grabs a state, do your parsing and store the parsed data in a new array in state, then use a getter to grab the parsed array from state.
created() {
computed: {
parsedArray: 'getParsedArray',
export const actions = {
someAction({ commit }) {
export const mutations = {
let data = state.originalData;
let parsedArray = [];
// Do parsing work here
state.parsedArray = parsedArray
export const getters = {
getParsedArray: state => {
return state.parsedArray;