Tensorflow Federated in C++ - tensorflow

I'm trying to find a way to utilise Tensorflow Federated in C++. I know it's possible to do it for the regular Tensorflow with the Core API, however I can't find a way for Federated. If it's not possible suggestions for workarounds would be highly appreciated!

It would be helpful to know which part(s) of TFF you want to use in C++, and what your use case is, as that will influence the answer:
The APIs for defining federated computations (tff.federated_computation); as with TensorFlow, these are pretty tightly coupled to Python.
Executing serialized computations (stored as instances of computation.proto). This can conceptually be done using a purely C++ API, though TFF doesn't currently provide such a runtime.

TFF has since implemented a C++ runtime along the lines of Brendan's answer. TFF's CC directory contains the code; most of the implementation is in the executors directory.
These APIs can certainly be called from C++ code; see, e.g., the implementation of TFF's RunWorker, which starts and runs a server that can execute TFF computations.


I want to use hidden markov model for data prediction

I am new to machine learning models and data science libraries. I wanted to use the Hidden Markov model for statistical data prediction on the fly which read the data from kafka and builds the model which is used to predict the data during the run-time and do the same for continous stream always.
Currently i can see only Tensorflow hidden markov model implementation in tensorflow python (tensorflow_probability distribution). Is their any other library available which can help me acheive the above scenario
Suggestions can involve the libraries of JAVA and python
Please feel free to add any resource links that can help me to understand the usage of tensorflow for hidden markov model
this might be a nice place to start: https://hmmlearn.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tutorial.html
Other alternatives, I found, are
Mallet library and it's extention GRMM in particular.
Pommegranate with it's HMM support.
Having said that, TensorFlow is much better known active and supported library, in my impression. I'd try that first.
I'm searching a library that would support Hierarchical HMMs (HHMM). That would probably require some tweaking into one of the listed ones.

Redundancies in tf.keras.backend and tensorflow libraries

I have been working in TensorFlow for about a year now, and I am transitioning from TF 1.x to TF 2.0, and I am looking for some guidance on how to use the tf.keras.backend library in TF 2.0. I understand that the transition to TF 2.0 is supposed to remove a lot of redundancies in modeling and building graphs, since there were many ways to create equivalent layers in earlier TensorFlow versions (and I'm insanely grateful for that change!), but I'm getting stuck on understanding when to use tf.keras.backend, because the operations appear redundant with other TensorFlow libraries.
I see that some of the functions in tf.keras.backend are redundant with other TensorFlow libraries. For instance, tf.keras.backend.abs and tf.math.abs are not aliases (or at least, they're not listed as aliases in the documentation), but both take the absolute value of a tensor. After examining the source code, it looks like tf.keras.backend.abs calls the tf.math.abs function, and so I really do not understand why they are not aliases. Other tf.keras.backend operations don't appear to be duplicated in TensorFlow libraries, but it looks like there are TensorFlow functions that can do equivalent things. For instance, tf.keras.backend.cast_to_floatx can be substituted with tf.dtypes.cast as long as you explicitly specify the dtype. I am wondering two things:
when is it best to use the tf.keras.backend library instead of the equivalent TensorFlow functions?
is there a difference in these functions (and other equivalent tf.keras.backend functions) that I am missing?
Short answer: Prefer tensorflow's native API such as tf.math.* to thetf.keras.backend.* API wherever possible.
Longer answer:
The tf.keras.backend.* API can be mostly viewed as a remnant of the keras.backend.* API. The latter is a design that serves the "exchangeable backend" design of the original (non-TF-specific) keras. This relates to the historical aspect of keras, which supports multiple backend libraries, among which tensorflow used to be just one of them. Back in 2015 and 2016, other backends, such as Theano and MXNet were quite popular too. But going into 2017 and 2018, tensorflow became the dominant backend of keras users. Eventually keras became a part of the tensorflow API (in 2.x and later minor versions of 1.x). In the old multi-backend world, the backend.* API provides a backend-independent abstraction over the myriad of supported backend. But in the tf.keras world, the value of the backend API is much more limited.
The various functions in tf.keras.backend.* can be divided into a few categories:
Thin wrappers around the equivalent or mostly-equivalent tensorflow native API. Examples: tf.keras.backend.less, tf.keras.backend.sin
Slightly thicker wrappers around tensorflow native APIs, with more features included. Examples: tf.keras.backend.batch_normalization, tf.keras.backend.conv2d(https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/blob/master/tensorflow/python/keras/backend.py#L4869). They often perform proprocessing and implement other logics, which make your life easier than using native tensorflow API.
Unique functions that don't have equivalent in the native tensorflow API. Examples: tf.keras.backend.rnn, tf.keras.backend.set_learning_phase
For category 1, use native tensorflow APIs. For categories 2 and 3, you may want to use the tf.keras.backend.* API, as long as you can find it in the documentation page: https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/, because the documented ones have backward compatibility guarantees, so that you don't need to worry about a future version of tensorflow removing it or changing its behavior.

Tensorflow: Difference between tf.contrib.slim and tf.layers

When should I use tf.contrib.slim and when tf.layers?
As defined in https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/contrib the contrib module contains "volatile or experimental code".
Generally speaking, the module tf.contrib contains contributed code. This code typically requires some additional tests and may encounter some significant changes before it is finally integrated into the TensorFlow core. In particular, this code is not supported by the Tensorflow team and may be modified or completely removed at any time without guarantees.
For this reason, in general I prefer to use tf.layers since it is more stable in terms of code support, but obviously some implementations intf.contrib can be useful sometimes (i.e. when there are new kind of layers, optimizers etc. and you cannot or don't want to write them yourself, sometimes these libraries are quickly updated).

The interaction between TensorFlow Python frontend and its C++ core

TensorFlow whitepaper says that it has a core written in C++. Does it mean that specified computation graph in Python is completely transformed into C++ equivalent code for the execution? If yes, is it possible to extract the generated intermediate code? My use-case is to observe the calls to the cuDNN library for an specified computation graph.
You can see the intermediate format if you do print(tf.get_default_graph().as_graph_def()). To observe CuDNN calls perhaps you could add some print statements to tensorflow/stream_executor/cuda/cuda_dnn.cc

How to deploy parsey's cousins with tensorflow serving

Are there instructions or some documentation somewhere or could somebody describe how to deploy the models available as "Parsey's Cousins" (see https://github.com/tensorflow/models/blob/master/syntaxnet/universal.md) with SyntaxNet under Tensorflow Serving? Even deploying just Parsey is a rather complex undertaking that is not really documented anywhere, but how to do this for the additional 40 languages?
This pull request partially addresses your request, but it still has some issues: https://github.com/tensorflow/models/pull/250.
We do have some tentative plans to provide easier integration between SyntaxNet and Tensorflow Serving, but no precise timeline.
Just for the benefit of anyone else who finds this question, after some digging around on GitHub, one can find the following issue started by Johann Petrak:
a model from parsey's cousin is not able to export by that patch due to version mismatch
So whilst some people have been able to modify syntaxnet so that it works with Tensorflow Serving, this seems to be at the cost of using a version which is not compatible with Parsey's Cousins.
Currently the only way to get Tensorflow Serving working with languages other than English is to use something like dsindex's code and train your own models.