Streaming RTMP with an overlay, react-native - react-native

I'm using to livestream to a server without issue, it's working as intended. But I'm wondering how I would go about if I wanted to send the camera feed with any type of overlay?
For example, livestreaming an football game and wanted to show a scoreboard or a clock to the user who is watching. Is this even possible?


how to detect that camera or mic is turned off on `onUserJoined` agora in react-native

In the agora, there are methods that detect when users turn off the audio (onRemoteAudioStateChanged) of video (onRemoteVideoStateChanged) streams while you are both on a call.
But when one user starts previewing and turns off the cam or mic and then joins a call is there any possibility to detect that on onUserJoined?

Facebook Cover Video in vue.js

Facebook's functionality which needs to be recreated is described really well in this video:
Our stack is Laravel + Vue.js 2 on a LAMP server.
the ability to upload the video, and after the video is uploaded, the ability to move the video behind the player so that it is "cropped" (see youtube video above, #2:20) - i am not sure if facebook actually crops their videos or simply leaves it whole and changes the placement of the video behind the viewable player so that a certain area of the video is shown, but the entire video is playing behind the "mask".
Any pointers on the best way to get this done in vue.js? And is the video actually cropped, or just "masked".
thanks, Sebastian

Play stream audio in background with notification control using exoplayer

iam learning app development so it is very important for me if you people guide me. I have main activity and and two fragments, 1 for listitem and another for now playing. When clicked list item it pass the url to 2nd(now playing) fragment and start playing the music, everything going normal but i want to do this in background/foreground service with notifications control and i want to use exoPlayer or which one is better to stream deferent types of audio. Please guys i need to achieve this in any how help me. Waiting for yours answer. Thank you

React Native: Multiple previews of camera stream

I've got an application in React Native to be developed in Android and iOS, in which I'd like to take the camera stream, make some processing, and render it multiple times.
Imagine an app like Instagram, in which you can add filters to the camera live and it shows the applied filters with on live previews. It would be more or less the same.
I need to get the camera stream and be able to show it on screen multiple times.
I've tried react-native-camera, but it only lets me to get one instance of the camera to be shown.
With this same library, I've tried to take pictures in intervals of the camera and to render them via <Image> container but, of course, it's a performance kill and the app ends up crashing.
How can I achieve what I'm trying to do? Do you know of any module or any approach that allows me to do so?
Thank you.

Turning Google Earth plugin animation into a video

I've created an animation which runs inside of the Google Earth plugin (browser) and I'd like to somehow encode this animation into a video format that I can upload to YouTube or a related video site. Are there any tools out there to help me do this?
**EDIT: more detail
This animation changes depending on user input. So it needs to be scalable. The user would click a button: download video after which a server would convert the animation.
You can use FRAPS to record a video of the animation running on your machine.