Get last article - Shopify / Liquid - shopify

I'm trying to retrieve the most recent article on a blog. My current code below does not output anything.
{% for article in blogs['myblog'].articles.last %}
{{ article.title }}
{% endfor %}

You don't need a loop in order to access the last item.
{% assign article = blogs['myblog'].articles.last %}
This will set article to the last item. You can then use it as expected.
{{ article.title }}

It can be done like this using forloop.last:
{% for article in blogs['myblog'].articles %}
{% if forloop.last == true %}
{{ article.title }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
This assumes that blogs is a variable. Otherwise, try replacing blogs['myblog'].articles with blog.articles.


Shopify linking product using SEO handle

I followed the directions for the second way to tag a product to a blog
This is the website I used
This is the code that was entered
{% assign my_description = article.content | split: '=== split content ===' %}
{% assign my_description_size = my_description.size | minus: 2 %}
{{ my_description | first}}
<div class="show-product-list">
{% if article.tags.size > 0 %}
{% for tag in article.tags %}
{% paginate collections.all.products by 100 %}
{%- for product in collections.all.products -%}
{% if product.handle == tag %}
<div class="product_item">
{% include 'product-card-list' %}
{% endif %}
{%- endfor -%}
{% endpaginate %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{{ my_description | last}}
after following all the directions I received an error message saying
Liquid error (sections/article-template.liquid line 42): Could not find asset snippets/product-card-list.liquid
I am not sure why the product wont link to the blog using the seo handle
Your code has a line:
{% include 'product-card-list' %}
That means Shopify expects to find some asset named product-card-list.liquid. Since it cannot, you get that error. Add that snippet of code, and your error will disappear.

Shopify - Exit for loop through if statement

I am working a shopify shop but not trying to sell products but rather appointments.
I am using a shopify extension called Sesami to do so.
In the customer/account.liquid page I want to show the next coming appointment (or appointments) and a different information to people who don't have any future appointment coming.
I have been trying to do this with the following code :
{% if customer.orders != blank %}
{% for order in customer.orders %}
{%- for line_item in order.line_items -%}
{% for property in limit:1 %}
{% assign today_date = 'now' | date: '%s' %}
{% assign pre_date = property.last | date: '%s' %}
{% if pre_date >= today_date %}
{{ line_item.product.title | link_to: line_item.product.url }}
{% for property in limit:1 %}
{% if property != blank %}
{{ property.last | date: format: 'abbreviated_date' }}
{{ '' | t }}
{% endif %}
{%- endfor -%}
{% for property in offset:1 %}
{{ property.last }}
{%- endfor -%}
{{ line_item.image | img_url: 'small' | img_tag }}
{{ order.fulfillment_status_label }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{%- endfor -%}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
Content for people with no booking at all
{% endif %}
But the problem is that the forloop stays open and therefore shows the content I am hoping to display to people with no upcoming appointment multiple times based on the total number of past appointments.
I imagine there is a much simpler way to do this and am hoping you can help me find it !
Thanks a lot,
Consider using {% break %} when you'd like the loop to stop it's current iteration.

Using Liquid to display different .js embeds depending on page URL

I'm trying to get a Shopify collection page to display different .js embeds on a specific part of the page, depending on the URL of the current page.
Can this be done using {% if page.url == %} if so, how would I have variants of page URLs and specific embed codes?
The page URL looks like this:
The embed code looks like this:
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>```
Each Shopify store has different types of pages: index (aka home), product, collection, page, blog, article, and cart. Here is the full list of page types.
So, this page.url will only work on a page object of type page for all other types you need to use the proper page object to get the url:
In your case I'd suggest using case/when, add your logic in a snippet and render it in theme.liquid.
Here is an example:
{% if request.page_type == 'page' %}
{% case page.url %}
{% when '/pages/about-us' %}
{{ 'pages__about-us.js' | script_tag }}
{% when '/pages/contact-us' %}
{{ 'pages__contact-us.js' | script_tag }}
{% else %}
{{ 'pages__generic.js' | script_tag }}
{% endcase %}
{% endif %}
You gonna have to check for request.page_type before creating your case/when or another approach would be to check the type at the top of the snippet, like:
{% comment %} Set page object type {% endcomment %}
{% case request.page_type %}
{% when 'page' %}
{% assign page_object = page %}
{% when 'collection' %}
{% assign page_object = collection %}
{% when 'product' %}
{% assign page_object = product %}
{% endcase %}
{% comment %} Load JS based on page URL{% endcomment %}
{% case page_object.url %}
{% when '/pages/about-us' %}
{{ 'pages__about-us.js' | script_tag }}
{% when '/pages/contact-us' %}
{{ 'pages__contact-us.js' | script_tag }}
{% else %}
{{ 'pages__generic.js' | script_tag }}
{% endcase %}
This isn't a bulletproof solution, however it should be enough for you to build on top of it.
Good luck!
I recommend using page.handle and identifying the handle. I do not believe page.url will do what you need
You can also try this as handle can never be changed.
{% case page.handle %}
{% when 'about-us' %}
{{ 'pages_about-us.js' | script_tag }}
{% when 'contact-us' %}
{{ 'pages_contact-us.js' | script_tag }}
{% else %}
{{ 'pages_generic.js' | script_tag }}
{% endcase %}

shopify pass a variable to settings

i want to do something like this in Shopify:
{% for i in (0..10) %}
{% capture slide %}slide{{i}}{% endcapture %}
{{ settings.slide }}//i need the value of this one
// i want to get the values for settings.slide1, settings.slide2 etc
{% endfor %}
Another example:
{% for i in (0..10) %}
{{ settings.slide[i] }}//i need the value of this one
{% endfor %}
This is a simplified version of what im trying to achieve.
Try this:
{% for i in (0..10) %}
{% assign current_slide = 'slide' | append: i %}
{{ settings[current_slide] }}
{% endfor %}

Shopify If in collection then display this

I am trying to write a simple if statement, but always struggle with shopify's system.
Essentially I want it to do this:
{% if collection.product == 'discontinued' %}
This Product is Discontinued.
{% endif %}
If it's in this collection, then display this text/html. Otherwise it wouldn't display anything. This would be in the product.liquid template.
Any ideas?
This is what ended up working:
{% for c in product.collections %}
{% if c.handle == "discontinued" %}
This product is Discontinued
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
You can create an array of the collections for a product using map on product.collections. This which will create a new array with your specified property, i.e. the handles of each collection.
You can then check if this new array contains the handle you want to work with.
{% assign productCollections = product.collections | map: "handle" %}
{% if productCollections contains 'your-collection-handle' %}
{% comment %} DoSomething {% endcomment %}
{% endif %}
So for your example:
{% assign productCollections = product.collections | map: "handle" %}
{% if productCollections contains 'discontinued' %}
This product is Discontinued
{% endif %}
You can map other fields if your case is different, such as the title.
I guess this will help any one, I have used in the sidebar of shopify website.
The current collection page will get checked by this below code.
<div class="row-fluid not-animated" data-animate="fadeInUp">
<div class="title">By Collections</div>
<form class="coll">
{% assign col_tags = collection.title %}
{% for collection in collections %}
<input type="radio" value="{{ collection.url }}" name="collections" {% if col_tags contains collection.title %} checked {% endif %} >{{ collection.title | escape }} <br/>
{% endfor %}
If I understand how liquid collections work in Shopify, you will need to iterate over all of your products.
You'd need to do something similar to this if you are working with collections directly:
{% for product in collection.product %}
{% if product.tags contains 'discontinued' %}
This product has been discontinued :(
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
If you are just working with a single product you can probably just use the inner if liquid tag part.
You can indeed add discontinued products to a collection called discontinued.
When rendering a product, you could do as csaunders suggests, simply loop through all the products in the discontinued collection, and check if the id of the current product matches any of the products in that collection. If so, do what you must do. No need to use tags.