Using #fluentui/react (not the "northstar") to build UI for teams tab? - fluent-ui

How do I use classic "#fluentui/react" (not "#fluentui/react-norhtstar") to build an app for Microsoft Teams? I mean, basically I would like to have the "classic" FluentUI lib to use the theme settings from the teams.


Can we add custom shortcut keys for microsoft teams app?

I'm new to MS teams development. We're developing an app for MS teams. Is there any way to add custom shortcuts for an app? If yes, can we make those shortcuts searchable as user types? similar to the team's own shortcuts
Essentially, we're looking for something like below option which slack provides. Is there any similar option in teams? If no, is it possible to develop something like this?

Desktop admin panel for web app

I'm building a eCommerce web application for shops using Laravel/Foundation/PostgreSQL, and it will provide them (shop owners) with web based admin panel. My question is, can I make the super admin panel (the tool that I use to control everything) using desktop technology such as (or anything similar) so the desktop app control the database and maybe some configuration files. Is this considered good way to do things, and do anyone have a similar experience here?
Yes,it's possible to create such application.This kindda application can be called somewhat 'Database Applications'...Let me explain :
1 • You can develop such app in either C#/Vb.NET
2 • Basically, what you need is an app which will let you modify the database(e.g. Product name/Price/Quantity)
3 • For this, you need to first set up a connection between your app and your PostGre database.Take a look at [this)
4 • Then you can use textboxes,checkboxes,Listboxes and other controls you want to edit/delete/update the database . For this, take a look at this for inserting data and this for updating data .They are in c# but can easily be converted to using or simillar conversion tools
I guess that's all you need for now.Leave a comment for further assistance .

In Rally, how to get initiative, feature and user story in a .CSV export?

How do I use the Rally UI or Excel "CA Agile Central" add-in to get the initiative, feature and user story? I need to know the features under each initiative. I also need the user stories under each feature. (Initiative -> Feature -> User Story). Once this data is in a .CSV I can use Excel to pivot and filter.
Also, I'd prefer not to write code and call the API since this should be an easy set of data to extract.
There are a handful of apps that already do most of this. Custom List, which is already in the app catalog should make it easy to set up lists of features under a specific initiative and stories under a specific feature (or even all stories under features under a specific initiative). You can also export directly from the app.
There is also a community app called Custom Chart that allows for some basic charting and uses the same filtering component as Custom List. You can also export from this app. It is available here: and is installed using the Custom HTML app.
Does that get you closer?

LOB application with Aurelia Vs WPF

I'm working on a WPF project that uses Microsoft Ribbon control, docking panel. The app is very similar to the Visual Studio IDE. The user can open multiple documents and work on it. They will all open as multiple documents in different windows as MDIs. Any state change made on one document can be seen on the other immediately. The technology being used are Prism 5.0, DevExpress MVVM and controls.
There are few reasons to move away from the WPF application due to the lack of availability of the developers and to reach more devices and not just windows.
My questions are:
Does Aurelia provide event aggregation as in Prism, so a subscriber in one module which has Screen B can be notified from a publisher in another module which has Screen A? As an example, I have two screen open. One screen is the customer and his orders and the other is the shipping. When I ship the order on the shipping screen, the order status of the customer on the other screen will be immediately updated?
Can Aurelia be used to data bind HTML 5 DevExpress controls?
Does Aurelia provide type safety?
Is Aurelia suitable for building financial LOB applications where rich UX and complex UI are the requirements? The main requirement of a LOB application is multi document interface.
Yes, Aurelia has an EventAggregator. You can see an example of its use in this demo app:
It looks like the DevExpress controls utilize knockout for data binding. Aurelia's binding engine can be taught to work with Knockout. Here is an example adapter:
Aurelia is written in ES6/7 and does not provide type safety. We have .d.ts files to use with TypeScript. Or are you wanting runtime type safety?
Aurelia should be well suited to this type of application.

How do I share a rally dashboard with a single team

I've created a couple of dashboards in my rally environment and since I cannot make them project viewable I would like to share the dashboard without sharing it with the entire workspace.
Is this possible? If so how?
Unfortunately, shared pages in Rally get shared with everyone and cannot be set to be visible at the project level. You will need to share with the desired users which apps and settings (or code if it is a custom HTML app) you are using in order for them to be able to re-create these themselves.
You could always post this as an idea at to get visibility for the functionality you are looking for.