I'm looking to resolve my " Microsoft jscript complilation error" when creating a vue project - vue.js

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Hi Guys, I'm getting Microsoft jscript complilation error when i'm creating a vue project. I have already installed vue and cli using npm commands. I have attached a screenshot of error for the reference, need your suggestions guys?


I am try to use agora sdk with all credentials but after build run getting error

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I am try to use agora sdk with all credentials but after build run getting error.

Getting error while running someone else project's react native code in VS code

I am new to react native, I am getting error while trying to run someone else project in my VS code.
Steps that i followed:
Unzipped project
Kept in one folder
Opened that project in VS Code
Run command npm install
Can someone please help me what should i do.
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Failed to initialize react-native (Drawer not working)

I am facing a problem when using drawer, I have configured according to react navigation and react-animated docs but still not able to run drawer on Android.
The same project but on IOS runs very well, but when I use the Android virtual machine, I get the above error.
If anyone has encountered this, please tell me how to solve the problem.
Thanks all!
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cucumber undefined scenarios with Playwright

I attempted to install this project https://github.com/Tallyb/cucumber-playwright on my computer, but I fixed all of the configuration issues but did not resolve the undefined issue because this project does not use glue, so how can I resolve this issue?
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Issue showing images on build and start with Vue and Electron

I am building an app with vue and electron but the only way I it shows the image if I input the full path
if I try src="../assets/logo.png then it builds the image as file://D://img/logo.png and does not load the image.
Tried reading all I could but could not find the answer.
Thanks in advance.