Issue showing images on build and start with Vue and Electron - vue.js

I am building an app with vue and electron but the only way I it shows the image if I input the full path
if I try src="../assets/logo.png then it builds the image as file://D://img/logo.png and does not load the image.
Tried reading all I could but could not find the answer.
Thanks in advance.


I am trying to build one video calling app and I am using expo-camera module but the image rendering is distored. How can I fix it?

I am trying to build this video-calling application using React Native framework and express, mongoDB and firebase Authentication as the backend services.
To render the image I am using expo-camera package and I am testing it on my android phone but image coming is distorted.
After a lot of googling I got to know about this aspect ratio issue and I also tried this this prepareAspectRatio functions given by some of the techies and getAvailableAspectRatio but none of them are working. Please help.

The web resource could not be loaded in GoogleSearchConsole live tests - vue project

I am new to front end and SEO. I use vue cli to create my project. After going online, I found that the page library file was blank, so I went to the google search console for real-time testing and found that the screenshots were also blank. Even in more information, I found that many css and js could not be loaded. I am not sure if this is the problem. I don't have any clues to improve at the moment, is there a way to fix
enter image description here
enter image description here

local src file doesn't exist when trying to use expo go

So I'm new to React Native Expo and am trying to build a social app. Trying to test my app on my iPhone, I used my camera to scan the QR code provided by the Metro Bundler and tried to open my app on Expo Go. So I have different screens and a js file for each of the screens, and the bundler returns an error says the source code for the screens doesn't exist. It worked fine on a web browser on my computer. Any idea how to solve this? This might be a stupid question. Thanks a lot.
Here is a screenshot of the error:
error image

Publish website in GitHub Pages results in black screen. Is NPM the issue?

I have a webpage that comprises a three.js scene with a dat.gui menu and using OrbitControls. The libraries are imported via NPM.
It loads fine locally, but when I publish the project to GitHub Pages, I get a black screen in the browser.
Is the problem coming from the fact that I'm using NPM?
What is the solution?
Nevermind. It was something else completely unrelated. Didn't realize that I had to bundle my JS files before publishing online.

React native app is taking time to load assets?

My react native android app is not loading some png files ,and taking time to load them ,sometime it loads sometime it wont,all the png are static files
Try using react-native-cached-image to cache the images.
npm install react-native-cached-image --save
Its been a ongoing bug in the react native community
The problem is resolved.Actually the pixels of images are very large like which make the app jerking. So its better to use the icon having proper resolution like 64X64 128X128.In my case the icons resolutions are 1400X1200 which doesn't load the image in android .