After upgrading karate version to 1.0.0 cucumber reports are not generated - karate

After upgrading karate version to 1.0.0 cucumber reports are not generated. though no test is failed
Error message:
Mar 17, 2021 4:54:06 PM net.masterthought.cucumber.ReportBuilder generateErrorPage
INFO: Unexpected error
net.masterthought.cucumber.ValidationException: None report file was added!
at net.masterthought.cucumber.ReportParser.parseJsonFiles(
Working fine with 0.9.6 version

As per upgrade notes:
HTML reports (and other artifacts) will be in target/karate-reports (or build/karate-reports for Gradle)
so if your CI was pointing to /surefire-reports, this has to be changed
The Cucumber JSON and JUnit XML files are NOT output by default
use the builder methods on the Runner, there is also outputJunitXml(true)
Results results = Runner.path("classpath:demo")
If you change as per above in your runner - reports will be generated.


JMeter web driver logging

Is there a way to suppress output from the web driver - e.g.
Feb 09, 2023 1:22:13 PM org.openqa.selenium.chromium.ChromiumDriver lambda$new$3
WARNING: Unable to find version of CDP to use for . You may need to include a dependency on a specific version of the CDP using something similar to `org.seleniumhq.selenium:selenium-devtools-v86:4.7.2` where the version ("v86") matches the version of the chromium-based browser you're using and the version number of the artifact is the same as Selenium's.
Feb 09, 2023 1:22:14 PM org.openqa.selenium.devtools.CdpVersionFinder findNearestMatch
WARNING: Unable to find CDP implementation matching 110
Feb 09, 2023 1:22:14 PM org.openqa.selenium.chromium.ChromiumDriver lambda$new$3
WARNING: Unable to find version of CDP to use for . You may need to include a dependency on a specific version of the CDP using something similar to `org.seleniumhq.selenium:selenium-devtools-v86:4.7.2` where the version ("v86") matches the version of the chromium-based browser you're using and the version number of the artifact is the same as Selenium's.
ChromeDriver was started successfully.
ChromeDriver was started successfully.
ChromeDriver was started successfully.
ChromeDriver was started successfully.
ChromeDriver was started successfully.
ChromeDriver was started successfully.
ChromeDriver was started successfully.
If this is really what you want:
Add a setUp Thread Group to your Test Plan
Add JSR223 Sampler to the Thread Group
Put the following code into "Script" area:
def globalLogger = java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(java.util.logging.Logger.GLOBAL_LOGGER_NAME)
Next time you run your test all Selenium-related logging will go away.

JOOQ 3.17.1 appears to be generating source that won't work with Java 11

After upgrading to jooq 3.17.1 I get the following error:
text blocks are not supported in -source 11 Error: (use -source 15
or higher to enable text blocks)
It appears to me that it is generating source that is not compatible with JDK11. Is there a flag in the generator somewhere that can make it generate JDK 11 compatible code?
Edit: now I am getting the following compile error
------------------------------------------------------------- [ERROR] /usr/local/code/sferion/WasteCoordinator/data/src/main/java/com/wastecoordinator/data/[4,24]
cannot access org.jooq.codegen.GenerationTool bad class file:
class file has wrong version 61.0, should be 55.0
Please remove or make sure it appears in the correct subdirectory of the classpath.
Is jooq 3.17 not compatible with JDK 11?
You can download the right distribution to work with JDK 11 from here if you're licensed:
Note that starting from jOOQ 3.17, the jOOQ Open Source Edition increased the baseline JDK version to Java 17, see:
jOOQ is a bit early here, given that Spring will increase their own baseline only later in 2022:
But jOOQ will continue to provide paid support for older JDKs for quite a while, still. At the same time, jOOQ 3.14 - 3.16 will receive patches for another while, too.

Unable to Publish NUnit test result report getting error message stating, Could not read the XSL XML file

While publishing NUnit report in Jenkin getting an exception "ERROR: Step ‘Publish NUnit test result report’ failed: Could not read the XSL XML file. Please report this issue to the plugin author". I am using
.Net Core MVC App in C#
NUnit project
Using command "dotnet test ".\WebApp2nUnit\WebApp2nUnit.csproj" --logger:"trx;logFileName=Report.xml""
in freestyle jenkin project.
Although build success along with I could see test result report is forming but at the time of publishing this report getting below exception. I am using the NUnit plugin to publish this. Provided is the compete error message:
Test Run Successful.
Total tests: 3
Passed: 3
Total time: 5.3879 Seconds
C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\workspace\WebApp2>exit 0
Recording NUnit tests results
Error in NUnit processing: Could not transform the NUnit report. Please report this issue to the plugin author
ERROR: Step ‘Publish NUnit test result report’ failed: Could not read the XSL XML file. Please report this issue to the plugin author
Finished: FAILURE
Please suggest.
I added this package to my solution:
Then the command used is:
dotnet test folder/project.csproj --filter "TestCategory=category" --results-directory ./folder/ --test-adapter-path:. --logger:"nunit;LogFilePath=TestResult.xml"
and to publish:
nunit testResultsPattern: 'folder/TestResult.xml'

CucumberJvmSMFormatter: start has failed

Here is total information about my project:
- Cucumber for Java v191.6014.8;
- Gherkin v191.5849.16;
- II 2019 Community.
After start I get message: "Error running... /CucumberJvmSMFormatter".
But that decision didn't help me.
CucumberJvmSMFormatter Error on IntelliJ IDE
I expect the normal start of my test, but I see the message "Error running... /CucumberJvmSMFormatter"
This is caused by a mismatch between Cucumber version and IntelliJ / plugin version.
Try installing the Cucumber plugin again. If that doesn't work, try removing the CucumberJvmSMFormatter from your run arguments.

Allure. Unsatisfied dependency of type [interface com.atlassian.struts.TextProvider]

We have CI Bamboo and allure plugin for it.
So, if I set allure version as 1.3.9 - all is Ok, but if version is 1.4.0+, I get error on report's publishing stage (maven step ends successfully):
org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No unique bean of type [com.atlassian.struts.TextProvider] is defined: Unsatisfied dependency of type [interface com.atlassian.struts.TextProvider]: expected at least 1 matching bean
This problem starts after webDriverFactory version increasing or after moving remote agents to a new VM
Allure Bamboo Plugin is not supported well. You can generate report using Allure CLI just as usual build step. And then publish it as regular HTML report.