I am running below query by Impala shell:
/usr/bin/impala-shell --ssl -k --ca_cert /opt/cloudera/security/x509/chain.pem -i bdpdevmstla***t:25003 -f ./query_partition.hql 2>&1
The file which I am using has some commands like below:
alter table sit2_dp_gc_cnsm_anlt.csa_voic_call_opts_cnsr_smb set tblproperties('EXTERNAL'='FALSE');
alter table sit2_dp_gc_cnsm_anlt.csa_voic_call_opts_cnsr_smb drop partition ( strt_date_part < '2021-01-15' );
But, I am getting below error:
Error, could not parse arguments "2>&1"
Can someone guide me what is wrong with mu query?
I want to figure out how to run multiple sql files on one go. Suppose I have this test.sql file which has file1.sql, file2.sql and file3.sql and so on. Along with some DML/DDL.
use database &{db};
use schema &{sc};
create table snow_test1
name varchar
,add1 varchar
,id number
comment = 'this is snowsql testing table' ;
desc table snow_test1;
insert into snow_test1
values('prachi', 'testing', 1);
select * from snow_test1;
here what I run in power shell,
snowsql -c pp_conn -f ...\test.sql -D db=tbc -D sc=testing;
Is there any way to do this ? I know It is possible in Oracle but I want to do this using snowsql. Please guide me. Thanks in advance!
you can run multiple files in a single call:
snowsql -c pp_conn -f file1.sql -f file2.sql -f file3.sql -D db=tbc -D sc=testing;
You might need to put the addition DMLs in a file.
I have tried defining .sql file with !source inside my test.sql file and its working:
!source file1.sql;
!source file2.sql;
!source file3.sql;
Also, run the same command in power shell using one .sql file and it is working.
I am trying to automate the creation of schemas and some tables into that newly created schema. I am trying to write a script in powershell to help me achieve the same. I have been able to create the schema, however, I cannot create the tables into that schema.
I am passing the new schema to be created as a variable to powershell.
script so far (based off the solution from the following answer. StackOverFlow Solution):
$CreateSchema = 'CREATE SCHEMA \"'+$MySchema+'\"; set schema '''+$MySchema+''';'
write-host $CreateSchema
C:\PostgreSQL\9.3\bin\psql.exe -h $DBSERVER -U $DBUSER -d $DBName -w -c $CreateSchema
# To create tables
C:\PostgreSQL\9.3\bin\psql.exe -h $DBSERVER -U $DBUSER -d $DBName -w -f 'E:\automation\scripts\create-tables.sql' -v schema=$MySchema
At the execution, I see the following error:
psql:E:/automation/scripts/create-tables.sql:11: ERROR: no schema has been selected to create in
The content of create-tables.sql is:
SET search_path TO :schema;
CREATE TABLE testing (
QueryDate varchar(255) NULL
You've got this in your first step:
$CreateSchema = 'CREATE SCHEMA \"'+$MySchema+'\"; set schema '''+$MySchema+''';'
Take out that set schema - it's erroneous and causing the schema not to be created. Then on the next step you wind up with an empty search path (because the schema never got created), which is why you get that error.
I have a pig script where in the beginning I would like to generate a string of the dates of the past 7 days from a certain date (later used to retrieve log files for those days).
I attempt to do this with this line:
%declare CMD7 input= ; for i in {1..6}; do d=$(date -d "$DATE -i days" "+%Y-%m-%d"); input="\$input\$d,"; done; echo \$input
I get an error :
" ERROR 2999: Unexpected internal error. Error executing shell command: input= ; for i in {1..6}; do d=$(date -d "2012-07-10 -i days" "+%Y-%m-%d"); input="$input$d,"; done;. Command exit with exit code of 127"
however the shell command runs perfectly fine outside of pig. I am really not sure what is going wrong here.
Thank you!
I have got a working solution but not as streamlined as you want, essentially I don't manage to get Pig to execute a complex shell statement in the declare.
I first wrote a shell script (let's call it 6-days-back-from.sh):
for i in {1..6}; do d=$( date -d "$DATE -$i days" +%F ) ; echo -n "$d "; done
Then a pig script as follow (let's call it days.pig):
%declare my_date `./6-days-back-from.sh $DATE`
A = LOAD 'dual' USING PigStorage();
B = FOREACH A GENERATE '$my_date';
note that dual is a directory containing a text file with a single line of text, for the purpose of displaying our variable
I called the script as follow:
pig -x local -param DATE="2012-08-03" days.pig
and got the following output:
I have the following query which I am running using a batch file. In the batch file I use the following syntax:
echo populating Application table with values...
SET "installFile=%sqlDir%\Install\DataFiles\Insert_ApplicationNames.sql"
OSQL /n /i "%installFile%" /d%db% /U%user% /P%pswd% /S%serv%
echo populated Application table with values in Insert_ApplicationNames.sql
The sql shown below runs without any errors when executed from the SQL Management Studio, but it keeps erroring out when run as a part of the batch script. Could some one help me find what I may be doing wrong here?
Also, the rows do get inserted, but our nightly QA install breaks because of the error thrown by the batch script.
IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM Application WHERE name = '')
INSERT INTO Application
IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM Application WHERE name = 'App1.exe')
INSERT INTO Application
IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM Application WHERE name = 'App2.exe')
INSERT INTO Application
GO is the (default) batch separator keyword in Management Studio, but it isn't a real SQL keyword (i.e., SQL Server doesn't recognize it).
Remove those from your script -- in the script you've provided, they are irrelevant anyway -- and you should be good to, um, go.
Curious whether your variables should be right up against the switches. Try this?
OSQL -n -i "%installFile%" -d %db% -U %user% -P %pswd% -S %serv%
What happens when you use the line above with your known good values right in the command?
OSQL -n -i "C:\foo.sql" -d MyDB -U MyUser -P MyPwd -S MyServ
I have H2DB database which stores data in files. I have 3 files: test.18.log.db, test.data.db, and test.index.db.
I want get SQL dump file like when I use mysqldump. Is it possible?
Yes, there are multiple solutions. One is to run the SCRIPT SQL statement:
SCRIPT TO 'fileName'
Another is to use the Script tool:
java org.h2.tools.Script -url <url> -user <user> -password <password>
Then, there are also the RUNSCRIPT statement and RunScript tool.
By the way, you should consider upgrading to a more recent version of H2. With newer versions, the two files .data.db and .index.db are combined in to a .h2.db file.
If you want to get schema and data, you can use
SCRIPT TO 'dump.sql';
If you want to get only schema, you can use
SCRIPT SIMPLE TO 'dump.txt';
Your shortcut:
$ ls
$ wget -O h2.jar https://search.maven.org/remotecontent?filepath=com/h2database/h2/1.4.200/h2-1.4.200.jar
$ ls
$ java -cp h2.jar org.h2.tools.Script -url "jdbc:h2:file:./foo" -user sa -password ""
$ ls
$ cat backup.sql | head -n 20
CREATE USER IF NOT EXISTS "SA" SALT 'bbe17...redacted...' HASH 'a24b84f1fe898...redacted...' ADMIN;
CREATE CACHED TABLE "PUBLIC"."...redacted..."(
"...redacted..." VARCHAR(255) SELECTIVITY 100
-- 102 +/- SELECT COUNT(*) FROM PUBLIC.[...redacted...];
INSERT INTO "PUBLIC"."...redacted..." VALUES