Upgrade/update a node package in package.json without installing it? - npm

This question applies to either npm or yarn and I would like to know if what I need to do can be done with one or the other or both. For the sake of clarity I will only refer to yarn commands as I would prefer the yarn solution.
I have a bash script where I conditionally yarn upgrade a node package that is guaranteed to be in the package.json file but has not yet been installed. I would like to potentially reduce the number of times I call yarn install. As it stands I need to call yarn install and then yarn upgrade but I don't need to because I will be calling yarn install later in the script.
I think I can save a call to yarn install (via a yarn upgrade) in my script by simply updating the version number for the node package I want upgraded in package.json but then do not actually install any of those files since I will be calling yarn install at a later time in the script.
I would simply like to change the version number of a specific node package without installing any files using either a yarn or npm command. If this is not possible is this a good use case to parse package.json by hand and insert the version number with brute force?

Dependencies can be added to your package.json without installing them by using npm-add-dependencies
You can use it on-they-fly via npx, for example:
npx add-dependencies browser-sync-webpack-plugin#^2 browser-sync#^2 --dev
This will add browser-sync-webpack-plugin version ^2 and browser-sync version 2^ to devDependencies in your package.json


how do i add yarn package to react native project installed with npm?

Note: Do guide me if something is missing.
So, I wanted to install a package from https://rnfirebase.io/auth/usage, but I have an npm project. The command on the website has only for yarn. I don't want to add yarn to project because (Is there any harm in using NPM and Yarn in the same project?) it states that it is not recommended.
So, then how do I install it with npm?
You have to use yarn, or you can look for a package that has the functions that you are looking for using npm
You can install it with npm just fine, don't worry. They are all package managers installing npm packages from the same repository. There is no difference in what you are installing or how they are installed. You can get different node_module structures, but for yarn you need config for that.
Yes its not recommended because it generates different lockfiles that will dictate different structures and versions in your node_modules folder. You want multiples devs to have the same "experience". However, lots of JS frameworks will come pre-configured with yarn, like React Native and you just end up having two lockfiles. One for npm and one for yarn. There is no harm in deleting the yarn file and keeping the package-lock. If you delete both, a new lockfile for the package manager you are using will be generated on npm i | yarn i | pnpm anyway.
To install it with npm just use npm i <PACKAGE_NAME> so npm i #react-native-firebase/app.
Here is the npm repo page for that package, https://www.npmjs.com/package/#react-native-firebase/app, notice the install command is npm! Only reason firebase devs only mention yarn is because they are hipsters ;)

npm start install my package, but i'm running my project with yarn start

If I installed some package with NPM it will work and recognize it if I run my project with yarn start instead npm start?
Yes, it will still work after all the required packages are installed.
But you should not switch package Managers like that since you will generate two lock files if you use both to install packages. npm generates the package-lock.json and yarn will generate the yarn.lock file. I recommend you to stay with one or switch completely.
In runtime, it does not make any difference if you use yarn or npm.
npm run start and yarn start will do exactly the same.

Docker image with node-sass on arm processor

I'm building my CI on gitlab and one of the jobs I need to execute is to compile sass stylesheets.
In order to compile sass I'm using node-sass which when installed needs to be compiled from source.
In order NOT to compile every time node-sass from source, I created a docker image with:
node and npm
node-sass installed globally (npm install --unsafe-perm -g node-sass)
In my project's package.json I kept node-sass devDependencies with the very same version of the one installed in the docker image described above.
My problem is that when I execute npm install (right before compiling my scss), npm tries to install node-sass again and goes through the whole compilation from source process.
How can avoid this?
One solution I thought, is to remove node-sass from the devDependencies and just add them as optionalDependencies or something, but I don't like this dirty solution.
Does anyone even know why npm tries to install node-sass anyway even though the version requested by package.json it is globally installed?
I solved by adding node-sass to package.json as optional dependency like so:
"optionalDependencies": {
"node-sass": "4.10.0"
and now, whenever I need to skip the installation because I know there is a global version installed, I just do:
npm install --no-optional
This is kind of a work around nut it works great.

react-native: switch from yarn to npm

Is there a step-by-step process to change a react-native project from using yarn as the package manager to using npm? All I can find after several days of searching are instructions to go from npm to yarn and a package called deyarn which doesn't seem to fully work for me. Does anyone have a good resource on this?
Try this :
Remove yarn.lock (don't need this file).
Remove folder node_modules
In package.json, change script use yarn to the same command with npm
Remove all global package of yarn (don't need to remove if you want to use npm for one project)
Remove yarn if you don't want to use it again.
Install npm (if you installed, ignore this step)
Install global and local package you need
Can you upload some error, you said that not fully work.
If you want to change npm to yarn, it same:
Remove package-lock.json (don't need this file).
Remove folder node_modules
In package.json, change script uses npm to the same command with yarn
Remove all global package of npm (don't need to remove if you want to use yarn for one project)
Remove npm if you don't want to use it again.
Install yarn (if you installed, ignore this step)
Install global and local package you need
You can see CLI commands comparison for 3rd step
You can try taking the following steps:
Remove node_modules
Run npm install
This should work because npm and yarn use the same package.json.
The deyarn package worked brilliantly for me.
Note that it will only flag (not auto-update) any package-lock.json scripts that you may need to update.
Depending on your environment needs, you may also want to strip out the engines: yarn: '..' entry it adds to your package-lock.json.
You don't need to do anything just run npm start cmd then follow the same step as suggest.
I've covert my yarn project To npm see the image.
enter image description here
enter image description here
hope is work for you.
thanks happy coding.

How do I force npm to reinstall a single package, even if the version number is the same?

In my Node.js project, I have a dependency on another local project. Oftentimes, I need to make a small change to the dependency and see how it affects my main project. In order to do this, I have to reinstall my dependency using npm.
I can use npm update to try to update my dependency, but this seems like it will only work if the version number has changed on the dependency. I don't want to have to change the version number on my dependency every time I change a line of code or two to make an experimental change in development.
I can rm -rf node_modules/; npm install to ensure that I get the latest versions of all of my dependencies. Downloading all of my non-local dependencies takes several minutes, breaking up my train of thought.
Is there a way to force npm to reinstall a single dependency, even if that dependency's version number hasn't changed?
When you run npm install, it will install any missing dependencies, so you can combine it with an uninstall like this:
npm uninstall some_module; npm install
With npm 5, uninstalled modules are removed from the package.json, so you should use:
npm uninstall some_module; npm install some_module
On npm v 6.14:
npm install module_name --force --no-save
You get a message stating:
npm WARN using --force I sure hope you know what you are doing.
And then it proceeds to uninstall and reinstall the package.
Note: if you don't specify the --no-save option, npm updates the package version on package.json to the highest version that is compatible with the existing SemVer rule.
If you do not want npm to update the package's version on package.json, keep the --no-save option.
Not the best answer, but just for information, you can run
npm ci
It is the same as npm install, but it will remove the existing node_modules folder, if any, and do a fresh install for all packages. This is useful if the files in node_modules have been changed for some reason and you want to revert them to their original state.