(Amazon Mechanical Turk) Is it possible to place multiple crowdforms in 1 HIT? - mechanicalturk

I am trying to create HITs as a requester for relevancy check: ie have the worker select how relevant given data1 is to given data2. I would like to ask in a set of 3 relevancy checks because there are 3 of data2 for each data1. I remember seeing a blog post (which I can't find anymore) that said as long as I concatenate multiple crowdforms in 1, it'll only allow the worker to submit once all answers are entered, but during the trial run, it accepted responses that only selected 1 answer. How would I go about making sure that the worker selected an answer for all 3 questions before submitting? (Unnecessary information has been removed)
<script src="https://assets.crowd.aws/crowd-html-elements.js"></script>
<crowd-form answer-format="flatten-objects">
categories="['Very Relevant', 'Relevant', 'Somewhat Relevant', 'Not relevant']"
<crowd-form answer-format="flatten-objects">
categories="['Very Relevant', 'Relevant', 'Somewhat Relevant', 'Not relevant']"


(Neo4j) Carry variable over subsequent queries

I am trying to carry over a variable through 2 subsequent queries. It seems like WITH only helps carry over the variable to the next query, but not any before that. Suggestions?
This is example of what I am trying to do:
Person nodes contain information on publishers, writers and editors (e.g. name, gender, etc.)
Story nodes contain data on Story (e.g. title, publish date, etc.)
IN relationships have categories: created, edited, published.
Return editor-publishers who have edited stories published by another editor-publisher:
assume no duplicate Person names
Find all Persons who have edited at least one story who have also published at least one story
Find list of stories published by these editor-publishers in 1
In all editors of stories in 2, return sublist of these editors also in 1
MATCH (EditorPublisher:Person)-[:IN{category: "published"}]->(:Story) // 1
WHERE (EditorPublisher:Person)-[:IN{category: "edited"}]->(:Story)
WITH COLLECT(EditorPublisher.name) as EditorPublisher_list
MATCH (EditorPublisher_stories:Story)<-[:IN{category: "published"}]-(publisher:Person) // 2
WHERE publisher.name in EditorPublisher_list
WITH EditorPublisher_list // throws error EditorPublisher_list variable not found
WITH COLLECT(EditorPublisher_stories.title) as EditorPublisher_stories_list
MATCH (epe:Person)-[contribution:PLAYED]-(eps:Movie) // 3
WHERE epe.name in EditorPublisher_list
AND eps IN EditorPublisher_stories_list
RETURN epe.name
NVM I got it to work. With does keep the variables if i don't rename them.
I just had to do WITH return.nodes, and call the return.nodes in subsequent queries instead of using in [return.nodes.list]

How to list all topics created by me

How can I get a list of all topics that I created?
I think it should be something like
%SEARCH{ "versions[-1].info.author = '%USERNAME%" type="query" web="Sandbox" }%
but that returns 0 results.
With "versions[-1]" I get all topics, and with "info.author = '%USERNAME%'" a list of the topics where the last edit was made by me. Having a list of all topics where any edit was made by me would be fine, too, but "versions.info.author = '%USERNAME%'" again gives 0 results.
I’m using Foswiki-1.0.9. (I know that’s quite old.)
The right syntax would be
%SEARCH{ "versions[-1,info.author='%USERNAME%']" type="query" web="Sandbox"}%
But that's not performing well, i.e. on your old Foswiki install.
Better is to install DBCacheContrib and DBCachePlugin and use
This plugin caches the initial author in a way it does not have to retrieve the information from the revision system for every topic under consideration during query time.

How to find results being between two values of different keys with Redis?

I'm creating a game matchmaking system using Redis based on MMR, which is a number that pretty much sums up the skill of a player. Therefore the system can match him/her with others who are pretty much with the same skill.
For example if a player with MMR of 1000 joins the queue, system will try to find other ppl with MMR of range 950 to 1050 to match with this player. But if after one minute it cannot find any player with given stats it will scale up the range to 900 to 1100 (a constant threshold).
What I want to do is really easy with relational database design but I can't figure out how to do it with Redis.
The queue table implementation would be like this:
| 1 | 50 | 1000 | 1 |
| 2 | 70 | 1500 | 1 |
| 3 | 350 | 1200 | 1 |
So when a new player queues up, it will check it's MMR against other players in the queue if it finds one between 5% Threshold it will match the two players if not it will add the new player to the table and wait for new players to queue up to compare or to pass 1 minute and the cronjob increment the tries and retry to match players.
The only way I can imagine is to use two separate keys for the low and high of each player in the queue like this
MatchMakingQueue:User:1:Low => 900
MatchMakingQueue:User:1:High => 1100
but the keys will be different and I can't get for example all users in between range of low of 900 to high of 1100!
I hope I've been clear enough any help would be much appreciated.
As #Guy Korland had suggested, a Sorted Set can be used to track and match players based on their MMR, and I do not agree with the OP's "won't scale" comment.
Basically, when a new player joins, the ID is added to a zset with the MMR as its score.
ZADD players:mmr 1000 id:50
The matchmaking is made for each user, e.g. id:50 with the following query:
ZREVRANGEBYSCORE players:mmrs 1050 950 LIMIT 0 2
A match is found if two IDs are returned and at least one of them is different than that of the new player. To make the match, both IDs (the new player's and the matched with one) need to be removed from the set - I'd use a Lua script to implement this piece of logic (matching and removing) for atomicity and communication reduction, but it can be done in the client as well.
There are different ways to keep track of the retries, but perhaps the simplest one is to use another Sorted Set, where the score is that metric.
The following pseudo Redis Lua code is a minimal example of the approach:
local kmmrs, kretries = KEYS[1], KEYS[2]
local id = ARGV[1]
local mmr = redis.call('ZSCORE', kmmrs, id)
local retries = redis.call('ZSCORE', kretries, id)
local min, max = mmr*(1-0.05*retries), mmr*(1+0.05*retries)
local candidates = redis.call('ZREVRANGEBYSCORE', kmmrs, max, min, 'LIMIT', 0, 2)
if #candidates < 2 then
redis.call('ZINCRBY', kretries, 1, id)
return nil
local reply
if candidates[1] ~= id then
reply = candidates[1]
reply = candidates[2]
redis.call('ZREM', kmmrs, id, reply)
redis.call('ZREM', kretries, id, reply)
return reply
Let me get the problem right! Your problem is that you want to find all the users in a given range of MMR value. What if You make other users say that "I'm falling in this range".
Read about Redis Pub/Sub.
When a user joins in, publish its MMR to rest of the players.
Write the code on the user side to check if his/her MMR is falling in the range.
If it is, user will publish back to a channel that it is falling in that range. Else, user will silently discard the message.
repeat these steps if you get no response back in 1 minute.
You can make one channel (let's say MatchMMR) for all users to publish MMR for match request which should be suscribed by all the users. And make user specific channel in case somebody has a MMR in the calculated range.
Form you published messages such that you can send all the information like "retry count", "match range percentage", "MMR value" etc. so that your code at user side can calculate if it is the right fit for the MMR.
Read mode about redis Pub/Sub at: https://redis.io/topics/pubsub

How can i improve performances when using django queryset?

I'm trying to make a news feed. Each time the page is called, server must send multiple items. One item contain a post, number of likes, number of comments, number of comment children, comments data, comment children data etc.
My problem is, each time my page is called, it takes more than 5 secondes to be loaded. I've already implemented a caching system. But it's still slow.
posts = Posts.objects.filter(page="feed").order_by('-likes')[:'10'].cache()
posts = PostsSerializer(post,many=True)
hasPosted = Posts.objects.filter(page="feed",author="me").cache()
hasPosted = PostsSerializer(hasPosted,many=True)
for post in post.data:
commentsNum = Comments.objects.filter(parent=posts["id"]).cache(ops=['count'])
post["comments"] = len(commentsNum)
comments = Comments.objects.filter(parent=posts["id"]).order_by('-likes')[:'10'].cache()
liked = Likes.objects.filter(post_id=posts["id"],author="me").cache()
comments = CommentsSerializer(comments,many=True)
commentsObj[posts["id"]] = {}
for comment in comments.data:
children = CommentChildren.objects.filter(parent=comment["id"]).order_by('date')[:'10'].cache()
numChildren = CommentChildren.objects.filter(parent=comment["id"]).cache(ops=['count'])
posts["comments"] = posts["comments"] + len(numChildren)
children = CommentChildrenSerializer(children,many=True)
liked = Likes.objects.filter(post_id=comment["id"],author="me").cache()
for child in children.data:
if child["parent"] == comment["id"]:
liked = Liked.objects.filter(post_id=child["id"],author="me").cache()
I'm trying to find a simple method to fetch all these data quicker and without unnecessary database hit. I need to reduce the loading time from 5 secs to less than 1 if possible.
Any suggestion ?
Add the number of children as a integer on the comment field that gets updated every time a comment is added or removed. That way, you won't have to query for that value. You can do this using signals.
Add an ArrayField(if you're using postgres) or something similar on your Profile model that stores all the primary keys of Liked posts. Instead of querying the Likes model, you would be able to do this:
profile = Profile.objects.get(name='me')
liked = True if comment_pk in profile.liked_posts else False
Use select_related to CommentChildren instead of making an extra query for it.
Implementing these 3 items will get rid of all the db queries being executed in the "comment in comments.data" forloop which is probably taking up the majority of the processing time.
If you're interested, check out django-debug-toolbar which enables you to see what queries are being executed on every page.

QTP Unable to differentiate Web Table in Application

I am a beginner in QTP and I am working on an application where there are two different web tables displayed.
The second web table is detail description of the first web table so it displays when we select a row in the first web table.
In other words, Each row in the first table is selectable and when selected corresponds to the second web table
Web table 1 contains something like below for a user
RelationShip | Name
Father | AAA
Mother | BBB
Brother | CCC
Sister | DDD
Sister2 | EEE
Web Table 2 Contains detailed information for each row in Web Table 1 as I earlier mentioned. SO for Father, the below table is reflected
Name | AAA
Age | 50
Relationship | Father
and so on
Second User might/might not have brother/sister.
The problem now I am facing is retrieving data from second web table for different entity of first one since all the property of the web table are similar expect the below property
"html ID" which corresponds to - "DetailParty_randomno"
This random number is the one which defines the uniqueness of the second web table, which can be retrieved from the first web table though it isn't found in the properties section when we use the Object spy.
I can see this random number when I view the source code of the page. It's displayed as value entity in the tr tag
Value entity looks like "Party_randomno"
<tr style="background-color:yellow" value="Party_1" onclick="Call peoplehighlight("Party_1")" language="vbscript">
My question is if there a way to retrieve this value for each row and then use it in identifying the second web table?
However I did try to read from second table by hard coding "html id" in webtable property to see if it's being read but it didn't work
So my second question is with respect to the correctness of the below descriptive programming code. Is there something else I need to include/exclude in the WebTable property to find uniqueness.
I also did my research and found that it's useful to use index but I am not aware on how to find the index of a web table? Also the index changes for each user I am searching and hence I need to find the index of the table during run time before using it
BrowserName = Browser("micClass:=Browser").GetROProperty("name")
PageName= Browser("micClass:=Browser").Page("micClass:=Page")GetROProperty("name")
Set desc = Description.Create()
desc("html tag").Value = "tr"
Set Rows = Browser("B").Page("P").Webtable("WT").ChildObjects(desc)
RoCounter = Rows.Count-1
For valuecount = 0 To RoCounter
id= rows(i).Object.GetAttribute("value")
'When the right ID is got, parsing it in the below for WT2 Identification
Set ObjTable = Browser("name:="&Browsername).Page("name:="& Pagename).WebTable("class:=Web_Table", "html id:=Detail"&id)
I was able to get the value from the source code using Motti's code. needed to tweak a little and my descriptive programming had spaces between name and : so the objetct wasn't being recognized. It's solved now.
When looking at the description you gave to your WebTable I find it hard to see what you're trying to achieve. class in QTP is mapped to the html className property are you sure that Web_Table is correct className? Also there is (AFAIK) no class name property in QTP, if you mean the test object type then there's no need to add it since you already said that the object is a WebTable.
To answer your question, in order to add indexing you just add "index:=1" to the smart identification (or in the description if you're using the object repository), note that index is zero based so 1 is the second object that matches the description (if there are more than one, if there is only one the index is ignored).
In order to get the random number you can try something like this (untested)
Set desc = Description.Create()
desc("html tag").Value = "tr"
Set rows = Browser("B").Page("P").WebTable("T").ChildObjects(desc)
For i = 0 To rows.Count - 1
id = rows(i).GetROProperty("value") ' Or whatever you need here