How to list all topics created by me - twiki

How can I get a list of all topics that I created?
I think it should be something like
%SEARCH{ "versions[-1] = '%USERNAME%" type="query" web="Sandbox" }%
but that returns 0 results.
With "versions[-1]" I get all topics, and with " = '%USERNAME%'" a list of the topics where the last edit was made by me. Having a list of all topics where any edit was made by me would be fine, too, but " = '%USERNAME%'" again gives 0 results.
I’m using Foswiki-1.0.9. (I know that’s quite old.)

The right syntax would be
%SEARCH{ "versions[-1,'%USERNAME%']" type="query" web="Sandbox"}%
But that's not performing well, i.e. on your old Foswiki install.
Better is to install DBCacheContrib and DBCachePlugin and use
This plugin caches the initial author in a way it does not have to retrieve the information from the revision system for every topic under consideration during query time.


Need to get issuelinks types with Jira python

I am writing a script with Jira python and I have encountered a big obstacle here.
I need to access to one of the issuelinks under "is duplicated by" but I don't have any idea about the attributes I can use.
I can get to the issuelinks field but I can't go further from here.
This is I've got so far:
issue = jira.issue(ISSUE_NUM) #this is the issue I am handling
link = issue.fields.issuelinks # I 've accessed to the issuelinks field
if hasattr(link, "inwardIssue"):
inwardIssue = link.inwardIssue
and I want to do this from here :
if(str(inwardIssue.type(?)) == "is duplicated by"):
inward Issues can be
is cloned by
is duplicated by
and so on.
how can I get the type of inward Issues??
There seem to be a few types of issue links. So far I've seen: Blocker, Cause, Duplicate and Reference.
In order to identify the type that the IssueLink is you can do the following:
issue = jira.issue(ISSUE_NUM)
all_issue_links = issue.fields.issuelinks
for link in all_issue_links:
if == 'Duplicate':
inward_issue = link.inwardIssue
# Do something with link

Sentence segmentation and dependency parser

I’m pretty new to python (using python 3) and spacy (and programming too). Please bear with me.
I have three questions where two are more or less the same I just can’t get it to work.
I took the “syntax specific search with spacy” (example) and tried to make different things work.
My program currently reads txt and the normal extraction
if w.lower_ != 'music':
return False
My first question is: How can I get spacy to extract two words?
For example: “classical music”
With the previous mentioned snippet I can make it extract either classical or music. But if I only search for one of the words I also get results I don’t want like.
Classical – period / era
Or when I look for only music
Music – baroque, modern
The second question is: How can I get the dependencies to work?
The example dependency with:
elif w.dep_ != 'nsubj': # Is it the subject of a verb?
return False
works fine. But everything else I tried does not really work.
For example, I want to extract sentences with the word “birthday” and the dependency ‘DATE’. (so the dependency is an entity)
I got
if d.ent_type_ != ‘DATE’:
return False
To work.
So now it would look like:
def extract_information(w,d):
if w.lower_ != ‘birthday’:
return False
elif d.ent_type_ != ‘DATE’:
return False
return True
Does something like this even work?
If it works the third question would be how I can filter sentences for example with a DATE. So If the sentence contains a certain word and a DATE exclude it.
Last thing maybe, I read somewhere that the dependencies are based on the “Stanford typed dependencies manual”. Is there a list which of those dependencies work with spacy?
Thank you for your patience and help :)
Before I get into offering some simple suggestions to your questions, have you tried using displaCy's visualiser on some of your sentences?
Using an example sentence 'John's birthday was yesterday', you'll find that within the parsed sentence, birthday and yesterday are not necessarily direct dependencies of one another. So searching based on the birthday word having a dependency of a DATE type entity, might not be yield the best of results.
Onto the first question:
A brute force method would be to look for matching subsequent words after you have parsed the sentence.
doc = nlp(u'Mary enjoys classical music.')
for (i,token) in enumerate(doc):
if (token.lower_ == 'classical') and (i != len(doc)-1):
if doc[i+1].lower_ == 'music':
print 'Target Acquired!'
If you're unsure of what enumerate does, look it up. It's the pythonic way of using python.
To questions 2 and 3, one simple (but not elegant) way of solving this is to just identify in a parsed sentence if the word 'birthday' exists and if it contains an entity of type 'DATE'.
doc = nlp(u'John\'s birthday was yesterday.')
for token in doc:
if token.lower_ == 'birthday':
for entities in doc.ents:
if entities.label_ == 'DATE':
print 'Found ya!'
As for the list of dependencies, I presume you're referring to the Part-Of-Speech tags. Check out the documentation on this page.
Good luck! Hope that helped.

orientdb sql update edge?

I have been messing around with orientdb sql, and I was wondering if there is a way to update an edge of a vertex, together with some data on it.
assuming I have the following data:
Vertex: Person, Room
Edge: Inside (from Person to Room)
something like:
UPDATE Persons SET phone=000000, out_Inside=(
select #rid from Rooms where room_id=5) where person_id=8
obviously, the above does not work. It throws exception:
Error: java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot be cast to com.orientechnologies.orient.core.db.record.ridbag.ORidBag
I tried to look at the sources at github searching for a syntax for bag with 1 item,
but couldn't find any (found %, but that seems to be for serialization no for SQL).
(1) Is there any way to do that then? how do I update a connection? Is there even a way, or am I forced to create a new edge, and delete the old one?
(2) When writing this, it came to my mind that perhaps edges are not the way to go in this case. Perhaps I should use a LINK instead. I have to say i'm not sure when to use which, or what are the implications involved in using any of them. I did found this though:!topic/orient-database/xXlNNXHI1UE
comment 3 from the top, of Lvc#, where he says:
"The suggested way is to always create an edge for relationships"
Also, even if I should use a link, please respond to (1). I would be happy to know the answer anyway.
In my scenario, a person can only be at one room. This will most likely not change in the future. Obviously, the edge has the advantage that in case I might want to change it (however improbable that may be), it will be very easy.
Solution (partial)
(1) The solution was simply to remove the field selection. Thanks for Lvca for pointing it out!
(2) --Still not sure--
CREATE EDGE and DELETE EDGE commands have this goal: avoid the user to fight with underlying structure.
However if you want to do it (a little "dirty"), try this one:
UPDATE Persons SET phone=000000, out_Inside=(
select from Rooms where room_id=5) where person_id=8
update EDGE Custom_Family_Of_Custom
set survey_status = '%s',
apply_source = '%s'
where #rid in (
select level1_e.#rid from (
MATCH {class: Custom, as: custom, where: (custom_uuid = '%s')}.bothE('Custom_Family_Of_Custom') {as: level1_e} .bothV('Custom') {as: level1_v, where: (custom_uuid = '%s')} return level1_e
it works well

phalcon querybuilder total_items always returns 1

I make a query via createBuilder() and when executing it (getQuery()->execute()->toArray())
I got 10946 elements. I want to paginate it, so I pass it to:
$paginator = new \Phalcon\Paginator\Adapter\QueryBuilder(array(
"builder" => $builder,
"limit" => $limit,
"page" => $current_page
$limit is 25 and $current_page is 1, but when doing:
returns 1.
Is that a bug or am I missing something?
UPD: it seems like when counting items it uses created sql with limit. There is no difference what limit is, limit divided by items per page always equals 1. I might be mistaken.
UPD2: Colleague helped me to figure this out, the bug was in the query phalcon produces: count() of the group by counts grouped elements. So a workaround looks like:
$dataCount = $builder->getQuery()->execute()->count();
$page->next = $page->current + 1;
$page->before = $page->current - 1 > 0 ? $page->current - 1 : 1;
$page->total_items = $dataCount;
$page->total_pages = ceil($dataCount / 100);
$page->last = $page->total_pages;
I know this isn't much of an answer but this is most likely to be a bug. Great guys at Phalcon took on a massive job that is too big to do it properly in their little free time and things like PHQL, Volt and other big but non-core components do not receive as much attention as we'd like. Also given that most time in the past 6 months was spent on v2 there are nearly 500 bugs about stuff like that and it's counting. I came across considerable issues in ORM, Volt, Validation and Session, which in the end made me stick to other not as cool but more proven solutions. When v2 comes out I'm sure all attention will on the bug list and testing, until then we are mostly on our own. Given that it's all C right now, only a few enthusiast get involved, with v2 this will also change.
If this is the only problem you are hitting, the best approach is to update your query to get the information you need yourself without getPaginate().

How to remove from one list all the items in another?

I'm reading a set of rows from a remote database, and a similar set from a local database, and then using RemoveAll to get rid of remote rows that are already present locally...
remote_events = (From a In remote.Events
Where ...etc...).ToList
local_events = (From a In local.Events
Where ...etc...).ToList
remote_events.RemoveAll(Function (ByVal event_row As Remote_Event)
(From a In local_events Where a.Identifier = event_row.Identifier).Count > 0)
but this doesn't seem right to me. I don't think I should be counting things when all I really need to do is check whether a match exists. I've tried various usages of IsDBNull and IsNothing but get nonsense. I can't use .Except (as suggested here) because the list elements are not the same type.
Is there a better way of doing this?
One way is this:
remote_events.RemoveAll(Function(e) local_events.Exists(Function(f) f.Identifier = e.Identifier))
I'm trying to do this without visual studio, so I'm not sure if this will work, but I'd suppose you could do something along these lines if what you're trying to do is compare the Identifier:
Remote_Events = (From r_evt In Remote_Events
Where Not ((From l_evt In Local_Events Select l_evt.Identifier).Contains(r_evt.Identifier))
Select r_evt).ToList
I hope this helps and at least moves you in the right direction.