Can I run RediSearch on a separate server then redis? - redis

Originally was trying to install RediSearch ontop of Aws ElastiCache but it seems they dont support modules in their managed service (makes sense).
Then I was looking into running RediSearch on a separate EC2 instance with my VPC instance that would allow me to utilize it while not having to install it in ElastiCache directly.
Is this possible?

RediSearch is available as a service on Redis Enterprise Cloud from Redis Labs on AWS, Azure and GCP.


How to set up the AWS Redis ElastiCache on Moodle

I went through the documentation ( and figured out the steps to configure the AWS Redis ElastiCache server and the Stores are in the Ready state.
But when I went to the Test performance section for the Redis server and found that the Store was not ready. How can I discover why this is happening and is this a problem stating that the AWS ElastiCache Redis server has not been configured properly?
And how can I find out if there is any way/steps to check if the Moodle application of mine is served through the Redis cache or not?

How to install RedisJSON on existing RedisLabs instance

I have a (paid) redis-labs instance. how can I use redis-json features on top of it?
Also, can I use normal redis-commands in a redis which has redis-json module installed?
It depends if you are using Redis Enterprise or Redis Enterprise Cloud
Redis Enterprise Cloud:
Redis Enterprise:
or follow this quickstart:
Also, can I use normal redis-commands in a redis which has redis-json
module installed?
Yes, all Redis commands will be available (RedisJSON extends Redis)

Is there a way to change AWS ElastiCache Redis Version to 6.2?

My ElastiCache Redis version is on 6.0.5. But I want to use 6.2. According to AWS you can't specify the exact v6.x version.
I want to know if it's possible to upgrade it manually or something.
I’ve looked into this and was unable to find a way to use ElastiCache with Redis 6.2. Instead, I have deployed Redis in docker with ECS and Fargate in a Redis 6.2 dockerfile. Not as turnkey as ElastiCache though, I’m afraid.

Redis GUI for PCF

I have created an Redis instance from PCF's marketplace. I would like to know if there's any GUI tool availabe with Pivotal which i can upload in to my PCF Space and see the data in my Redis ?
RedisInsight is web based Redis Client can also be easily deployed as docker container.

Can redis-py reliably use AWS ElastiCache Redis cluster?

I am trying to move away from a single AWS ElastiCache (Redis) server as Celery broker to a Redis cluster. Trouble is - nowhere in the Celery or redis-py documentation can I find the way to connect to the AWS RedisCluster.
redis-py that is used by Celery to communicate with the Redis server can be configured to use Redis Sentinel, but AWS does not support it (at least I did not find sentinel support in the AWS ElastiCache documentation).
So is there a way to communicate somehow with the ElastiCache Redis cluster using redis-py, or, is there a way to instruct Celery to use redis-py-cluster (a separate project)?
Elasticache should give you a configuration endpoint address that you can use for connecting to celery. Just use that endpoint in either the setting for the broker_url or results_backend.